
The purpose of this article is to study the role of green tourism as a component of sustainable development of the region and to determine the level of rural green tourism development of the region. This scientific work is based on such general scientific, specific and economic methods as: analysis and synthesis, dialectical, systematization, induction and deduction, generalization, analytical, abstract logical, statistical analysis, graphic, economic and mathematical modeling. It has been proven that it is appropriate to identify green tourism with sustainable development, which is based on its basic task - achieving the integrity of as many natural and recreational resources and cultural heritage as possible. Taking into account the above, sustainable development is aimed at ensuring the needs of consumers, protecting and increasing returns from its operation in the future. Green tourism in the system of sustainable development is considered according to its goals. In order to achieve the goal, the article proposes to determine the level of development of rural green tourism by region and differentiate them according to this indicator. That is why the author proposed a methodology for assessing the level of development of rural green tourism with a detailed disclosure of each of its stages. Approbation of the proposed methodical approach was carried out, as a result of which regions were grouped into groups with different levels of development of rural green tourism. Reducing the asymmetry of regional development in terms of green tourism will help increase the level of ensuring their sustainable development.