
Figure 1

Map of Lake Burullus showing the sampling sites
Map of Lake Burullus showing the sampling sites

Figure 2

Seasonal variation in the concentrations of heavy metals in water at different sites of Lake Burullus
Seasonal variation in the concentrations of heavy metals in water at different sites of Lake Burullus

Figure 3

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals in water and muscles of O. niloticus collected from Lake Burullus
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals in water and muscles of O. niloticus collected from Lake Burullus

Figure 4

Vertical section in muscles of O. niloticus collected from Lake Burullus (at 400× magnification and using haematoxylin and eosin dyes) showing: a – edema (E), parasite (P), hemolysis (Hs) in winter; b – separation (S) in epidermis, necrosis (N), hemosiderin (Hn) in autumn; c – degeneration (D) in dermis, necrosis (N), hemosiderin (Hn) in spring; d – egeneration (D) and edema (E) in muscle layers in summer.
Vertical section in muscles of O. niloticus collected from Lake Burullus (at 400× magnification and using haematoxylin and eosin dyes) showing: a – edema (E), parasite (P), hemolysis (Hs) in winter; b – separation (S) in epidermis, necrosis (N), hemosiderin (Hn) in autumn; c – degeneration (D) in dermis, necrosis (N), hemosiderin (Hn) in spring; d – egeneration (D) and edema (E) in muscle layers in summer.

Figure 5

Seasonal distribution of total phytoplankton and its dominant groups (cells l−1) at different sites of Lake Burullus
Seasonal distribution of total phytoplankton and its dominant groups (cells l−1) at different sites of Lake Burullus

Figure 6

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals and phytoplankton of Lake Burullus
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals and phytoplankton of Lake Burullus

Figure 7

Seasonal distribution of total zooplankton and its dominant groups at different sites of Lake Burullus
Seasonal distribution of total zooplankton and its dominant groups at different sites of Lake Burullus

Figure 8

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals and zooplankton of Lake Burullus
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) bi-plot of heavy metals and zooplankton of Lake Burullus

Seasonal variations in the concentrations of heavy metals (μg g−1 d.w.) in fish (O. niloticus) muscles collected from Lake Burullus

Metal Site Autumn Winter Spring Summer Means permissible limits References
Fe East 129.37 79.72 26.13 67.64 35.35 …… ……
Middle 140.13 56.35 31.37 71.06 56.40
West 178.10 29.38 28.16 73.75 59.35
Mn East 5.75 15.65 4.00 3.85 7.31 …… ……
Middle 4.68 13.13 4.12 3.85 6.44
West 8.28 16.55 11.98 4.80 10.40
Zn East 37.50 56.95 41.35 38.75 43.64 40 Marks et al. 1980; Mohamed 2008
Middle 39.95 51.83 33.38 30.03 38.79
West 38.55 70.25 51.60 33.08 48.37
Cu East 1.05 1.15 1.10 0.88 1.04 30 Marks et al. 1980; Mohamed 2008
Middle 1.33 1.60 1.23 0.83 1.24
West 1.93 1.95 1.13 0.58 1.39
Pb East 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.12 2 Adeyeye 1993; Mohamed 2008
Middle 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.05 0.11
West 0.20 0.28 0.23 0.11 0.20
Cd East 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.05 2 FAO 1992
Middle 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.04
West 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04

Longitude and latitude of the selected sites of Lake Burullus

Sector Site Longitude Latitude
Eastern I 31°3.853ʹE 31°33.199ʹN
II 31°0.484ʹE 31°32.057’N
Middle III 30°56.914ʹE 31°30.286ʹN
IV 30°56.772ʹE 31°27.574ʹN
Western V 30°45.836ʹE 31°25.832ʹN
VI 30°44.351ʹE 31°24.604ʹN

Ranges and mean values of physicochemical parameters in Lake Burullus

Parameter Autumn Winter Spring Summer
Temp. (°C) 21–21.6 (21.1) 17.4–18.9 (18.2) 25–26.6 (25.8) 31.4–33.1 (32.4)
Trans. (cm) 45–70 (59.2) 30–65 (39.7) 27–40 (33.1) 28–36 (29.8)
EC (mS cm−1) 4.5–10 (7.3) 5.3–10.8 (7.9) 4.5–9.9 (6.5) 4.8–8.5 (6.1)
pH 8.1–8.4 (8.2) 8–8.7 (8.5) 8.2–8.9 (8.4) 8.2–8.7 (8.4)
DO (mg l−1) 5.8–8.8 (7.01) 4.8–9.3 (7.7) 5.6–9.2 (7.4) 3.5–6.8 (5.6)
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4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences