
Selected information on the use of arsenic compounds in human history (Bartrip 1992; Antman 2001; Hughes et al. 2011; Frith 2013; Radke et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2016; Akhtar et al. 2017; Bełdowski et al. 2018)

Age/year Application/Use
B.C. The first application of arsenic compounds in ancient ti mes for the therapeuti c treatment as well as in combat (by Chinese, Egypti an, Indian, Rome)
406–357 B.C. Hippocrates presented the first medical reports on arsenic
384–322 B.C. Aristotle published a report on negati ve effects of arsenic
82 B.C. Consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla issued the Lex Cornelia outlawing arsenic poisoning
A.D. The first in the history documented cases of arsenic poisoning involving Britannicus, Caesar Claudius
55 A.D. A documented report stating Britannicus’ death by arsenic poisoning (by the psychopathic murderer, emperor Nero, to secure his Roman throne)
23-79 A.D. First medical reports (by Pliny the Elder) in AD
1250 A.D. The official date of discovery (by Albertus Magnus) of arsenic
8th Jabir ibn Hayyan invented white arsenic
15th William Withering performed pharmacological experiments using arsenic
1492–1503 The Borgia pope (Alexander VI) murdered numerous cardinals by arsenic compounds
17th–19th An increase in the popularity of arsenical poisons (the apogee was reached in the 19th century)
1640–1680 Catherine Deshayes was sentenced to death for murdering (using arsenic) more than 2 000 infant victi ms
17th Teofania di Admo developed Aqua Tofana (one of the most famous arsenic poisons in world history)
18–19th Development of pigments based on As (Scheele’s Green, King’s yellow, Paris, or emerald green) for wallpapers
1786 Dr. Thomas Fowler invented arsenic solution for medical treatment
1820 The documented case of the murder of King George III of Great Britain
1836 The first test to detect arsenic in human body, developed by British chemist James Marsh
1845 Invention and application of Fowler’s solution for the treatment of leukemia
1881 Preparation (by LaCoste) of the first modern arsenical chemical weapon (called Dick)
1871 American explorer Charles Francis Hall became a victim of arsenic poisoning
1880 Pharmacological texts promoted arsenic compounds for treating skin and breast cancers
1910 The use of organoarsenic compounds in the treatment of pellagra, malaria and sleeping sickness
1913–1939 Synthesis and development of chemical weapons, including arsenic compounds: Adamsite, Lewisite, Clark I and Clark II
1940 Worldwide production of arsenic trioxide chromated copper arsenate (CCA)
1942 The U.S. Government established a limit standard for arsenic in drinking water at 50 μg l−1
1970 Applicati\ on of arsenic trioxide (AsO) for the treatment of acute promyelocyti c leukemia; major production of arsenic chemical 23agents for wood protection
1975 EPA1 adopted a standard for arsenic in drinking water at 50 μg l−1
1993 WHO2 recommends drinking water standard of 10 μg l−1
1995 Dimethylarsinic acid, a tumor promoter in four rat organs
2000 U.S. FDA3 approves arsenic trioxide for leukemia chemotherapy
2001 EPA lowers the U.S. arsenic drinking water standard to 10 μg l−1
2002 Arsenic (+3 Oxidation state) methyltransferase isolated in rat liver cytosol
Application of As in veterinary and occasionally in human medicine; the use of organoarsenicals in the production of pesticides,
Present herbicides and insecti cides; production of an arsenic by-product from smelti ng of copper, lead, cobalt, and gold ores; replacement of CCA by alternati ve reagents; a chemical weapons destruction program

Selected examples of treatment technologies for arsenic compounds (Johnston & Heijnen 2001; U.S. EPA 2002; Nicomel et al. 2015; Reinsel 2015)

Technology used Description of the technology used
Technology for arsenic removal from water, wastewater and groundwater
Oxidation This method [e.g. air Oxidation by ozone; chemical oxidati on by gaseous chlorine, hypochlorite, permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, or potassium permanganate, and Fe(II), Mn(II)] is very effective in removing the pentavalent form of arsenic (arsenate) via arsenite to arsenate conversion. Oxidation must be coupled with a removal process such as coagulation, adsorptition or ion exchange. Oxidation is a very slow process, which can take hours or weeks to complete. An atmospheric oxygen, hypochlorite, and permanganate is the most commonly used technology indeveloping country.
Precipitation/Coprecipitation This system is frequently used for the treatment of arsenic-contaminated drinking water and groundwater as well as wastewater originati ng from the metallurgical industry. This technology uses chemicals to transform dissolved contaminants into an insoluble solid or form another insoluble solid onto which dissolved contaminants are adsorbed. The solid is removed from the liquid phase by clarification or filtration. The method is associated with a simple operation system and the availability of sorbents, which in this case are ammonium sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sulfide, ferric salts (e.g. ferric chloride, sulfate and hydroxide), alum (aluminum hydroxide) and calcium hydroxide. The sulfide precipitation is the most widely used technology.
coagulation-Flocculation and filtration It is based on the addition of a proper coagulant (alum, ferric chloride or ferric sulfate) to contaminated water. After that, the water is sti rred, allowed to settle, and filtered for best results. coagulation with ferric salts works best at pH below 8, while with alum – at a pH range of 6–7. The production of high amounts of arsenic-concentrated sludge is disadvantage of coagulation-flocculation, which requires a costly treatment of waste. Therefore, this process is not so common as the other methods.
Ion-Exchange Resins The syntheti c materials (ion exchange resins) are applied to remove some compounds from water as well as for water softening. These resins mostly remove arsenate, therefore the raw water with arsenite should be oxidized first. The amount of water that can be treated is largely independent of arsenic concentration and pH.
Activated Alumina This commercially available method is based on the use of acti vated alumina, which works better in slightly acidic environment (pH 5.5 to 6). For best results, raw water with arsenite should be oxidized before treatment.
Membrane methods This method is based on the reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. For this purpose, synthetic membranes are used, which are water permeable but reject larger molecules, including arsenic, chloride, sulfate, nitrate and heavy metals. Reverse osmosis also effectively removes other constituents from water (e.g. organic carbon, salts, dissolved minerals, and color).

This treatment process is relatively insensitive to pH.

Other technologies They are less documented. Some of the technologies are sti ll under development, e.g. low-tech iron-coated sand and greensand, novel iron-based sorbents, aeration and sedimentation, and specially engineered syntheti c resins.
Technology for arsenic removal from soil/sediments and other waste
Solidification/Stabilizatition It physically binds or encloses contaminants within a stabilized mass and chemically reduces the hazard potenti al of waste by converti ng the contaminants into less soluble, mobile or toxic forms.
Vitrification High temperature treatment that reduces the mobility of metals by incorporati ng them into a chemically durable, leach-resistant, vitreous mass. The process reduces the concentration of compounds in soil and waste.
Soil Washing/Acid Extraction The ex situ technology that uses the behavior of some contaminants to preferenti ally adsorb onto fine soil/sediment fractions. The soil/sediment is suspended in a wash solution and the fines are separated from the suspension, thereby reducing the contaminant concentration in the remaining soil.
Biological treatment It involves the use of microorganisms that act directly on contaminant species or create ambient conditions that cause the contaminant to leach from soil/sediment or precipitate/co-precipitate from water.
Electrokinetic treatment The usage of current and electrodes for soil/sediment. The current is applied to soil to mobilize contaminants in the form of charged species. Contaminants arriving at the electrodes can be removed by electroplati ng or electrodeposition, precipitation or co-precipitation, adsorption, complexing with ion-exchange resins, or by pumping water (or other fluid) near the electrode.
Phytoremediation It involves the use of plants to degrade, extract, contain, or immobilize contaminants in soil, sediment and groundwater.
In situ soil flushing It extracts organic and inorganic contaminants from soil/sediment by using water, a solution of chemicals in water, or an organic extractant, without excavati ng the contaminated material itself. The solution is injected into or sprayed onto the area of contamination, causing the contaminants to become mobilized by dissolution or emulsification. After passing through the contamination zone, the contaminant-bearing flushing solution is collected and pumped to the surface for treatment, discharge or reinjection.

Total arsenic concentration values in environmental samples from selected worldwide localities

Country Area Concentration Units References
Spain Tinto River estuary < 2.00–4.90 μg l-1 Hierro et al. 2014
Finland Vörå River estuary 12.10–17.00 mgl-1 Nystrand et al. 2016
India Mahanadi estuary 8.0 ±3.7 μg l-1 Mandal et al. 2016
South Korea Taehwa estuary 2.3 (AsIII), 94(AsV) μg l1 Hong et al. 2016
France Gironde estuary 5.3 μg l1 Deycard et al. 2014
Italy (Alps - Adriatic Sea) Po River n.d.–20.0 μg l-1 Marchina et al. 2015
Bangladesh Karnaphuli River 13.31–41.53 μg l-1 Ali et al. 2016
Vietnam Red River Basin <1.00 μg l-1 McArthur et al. 2012
Brazil Carmo River 36.70–68.30 μg l-1 Varejão et al. 2011
Poland Wieprza River <2.00 μg l-1 Bojanowska et al. 2010
India Ganga–Brahmaputra river system up to 128 μg l-1 Chetia et al. 2011
Spain Anllóns River 0.98 μg l-1 Pietro et al. 2016
9.45 ± 1.93 surface
China Caohai Lake 9.84 ±2.37 bottom μg l-1 Wei & Zhang 2012
6.68 ± 1.72 surface
China Waihai Lake 6.72 ± 1.64 bottom μg l-1 Wei & Zhang 2012
Argentina Chasicó Lake 0.195–0.315 (wet period)

0.058–0.413 (dry period)

mg l-1 Puntoriero et al. 2014
Pakistan Mancharl Lake 35–157 μg l-1 Arain et al. 2009
Coastal waters around Tallin < 0.1-1.75
Baltic Sea Kakumäe region 2.12 ±0.03 μg l-1 Truus et al. 2007
0.05–0.19 (As(III))
Baltic Sea Arkona Basin 0.49–1.10 (As(III) + As(V)) μg l-1 Li et al. 2018
< 0.001–0.28 (As(III))
Baltic Sea Bornholm Basin 0.58–1.04 As(III) + As(V)) μg l-1 Li et al. 2018
< 0.001–0.54 (As(III))
Baltic Sea Eastern Gotland Basin 0.52–1.10 As(III) + As(V))0.02–0.61 (As(III)) μg l-1 Li et al. 2018
Baltic Sea Western Gotland Basin 0.49–0.99 As(III) + As(V)) μg l -11 Li et al. 2018
Baltic Sea* Bornholm 0.63C μg l-1 Khalikov & Savin 2011
Bangladesh Karnaphuli River 11.56–35.48 μg g-1 d.w. Ali et al. 2016
China Yangtze estuary 7.86 ±2.63 μg g-1 Han et al. 2017
Spain Anllóns River 106 μg g-1 Pietro et al. 2016
India Mahanadi estuary 2.1 μg g-1 Mandal et al. 2016
Slovenia Valenjsko Lake 9.69 ±3.68 μg g-1 d.w. Petkovšsek et al. 2011
Slovenia Družmirsko Lake 8.12 ±2.55 μg g-1 d.w. Petkovšsek et al. 2011
Slovenia Škalsko Lake 7.51 ±2.30 μg g-1 d.w. Petkovšsek et al. 2011
Baltic Sea Bothnian Sea 167–216 μg g-1 Uścinowicz 2011
Baltic Sea Gdańsk Deep 15.5 μg g-1 Bełdowski et al. 2016a
Baltic Sea Gulf of Gdańsk 9.8 μg g-1 Bełdowski et al. 2016a
Baltic Sea Lithuanian EEZ 6.2 μg g-1 Bełdowski et al. 2016a
Baltic Sea Gulf of Finland (Estonia) 15.80–27.70 μg g-1 d.w. Vallius 2014
Baltic Sea* Bornholm Deep 17.0 μg g-1 Bełdowski et al. 2016a
Baltic Sea* Gotland Deep 13.3 μg g-1 Bełdowski et al. 2016a
Baltic Sea Southern Baltic Sea < 5–29 μg g-1 Uścinowicz 2011
Tunisia Mediterranean Sea 13.11–36.00 μg g-1 d.w. Zohra & Habib 2016
Croatia West Istria Sea 8.12–23.44 μg g-1 d.w. Duran et al. 2015
Iran Southern Caspian Sea 8–17 μg g-1 d.w. Bastami et al. 2015

Selected symptoms of arsenic poisoning (Das et al. 1980; Sanders 1986; Eisler 1988; Gomez-Caminero et al. 2001; UKMPA 2001; Kumari et al. 2016)

Living organisms Standard measure of toxicity Poisoning symptoms
Fish LC50 varies from 5.5 to 91 mg As I-1 and depends on individual species. Acute exposure: It may cause behavioral and hematological changes, lethal effects, internal damage of organs (liver and kidney, gills, gonads, brain), skin problem, shock, breathing problem, decrease in orientation.
Chronic poisoning may occur at 1 μg I-1 Chronic reproduction poisoning and development triggers problems of young with fish, changes in enzymes and DNA structure, death, permanent degradation of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system.
Marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles Acute exposure creates gastroenteritis, shock, breathing problems, decrease in orientation, degenerative changes in liver, and kidney, gills, gonads and brain, muscular incoordination, debility, slowness, jerkiness, hyperactivity, drooping eyelid, huddled position, unkempt appearance, loss of righting reflex, immobility, seizures, loss of hearing, dermatitis, blindness
Symptoms occur within a few hours and deaths within 1 to 6 days. Death or malformations have been documented after single oral doses of 2.5 to -1 33 mg As kgbody weight, chronic doses of 1 to 10 mg As kg-1 body weight, and at dietary levels > 5 and < 50 mg As kgdiet. -1 Chronic poisoning is responsible for effects on reproduction, changes in the immune system, destruction of enzymes (e.g. glutathione-S-transferase), changes in cellular detoxification, receptor damage, cancer, chromosomal damage, birth defects, death
Bottom organisms (e.g. mussels, snails, cephalopods) 48 h LC/EC50 values range from 0.68 to 73.5 mg I-1 -1 for trivalent arsenic and from 3.6 to 49.6 mg As Ifor pentavalent arsenic. Acute exposure: It can cause dermal effects, decrease in orientation, lethal effects and destruction of organs

Chronic poisoning causes mutations, population decline, increase in mortality

Zooplankton (e.g. rotifers, copepods and cladocerans, diatoms) Concentration of 4 mg As (III) I-1 reduction in po- pulation. Acute exposure: lethal effects, shock, degradation
48 h EC50 is 326 μg I-1 (E. affins), No significant survivals among copepods when exposed to < 4 and 10 mg As(V)l-1 Chronic poisoning: Population decline (4 mg As I-1), reduction in the number of young individuals, intraspecific mutations, increased mortality, reduced immunity
Phytoplankton (e.g. algae, blue-green algae) EC50 from 0.007 to > 2.0 mg I-1. EQS was established at 25 μg l -1. Low value (< 7 μg I -1) is suggested for particular sensitive species Acute exposure is associated with dermal effects, population decline, lethal effects
Chronic poisoning is responsible for inhibition of the growth as well as blocking of phosphate uptake, inhibition of cell multiplication (at 3.5 mg As(V) I-1), change in species composition, population decline and increase in mortality
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4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences