
The paper proposes a design solution for a low cost device with feedback for upper extremity rehabilitation after a stroke event. Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) or stroke is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. CVA is the most important cause of long-term disability in Europe, and demographic changes have led to an increase in both incidence and prevalence of this. Most secondary stroke disability is recovered in a few months, but others may persist for life. The rehabilitation should be started as soon as there is a greater chance of recovery in this early stage. Disabilities get worse and remain permanent over time, which is why is recommended the establishment of a rehabilitation program as soon as possible. Today, the use of virtual reality environments allow patients to perform tasks that mimic real life in rehabilitation clinics, but it tends increasingly more in the future these tasks can be done at home, sending data and receiving feedback from doctors. The devices presented in this paper are not only mechanical devices that allow the movement on a certain direction with predetermined effort degree for the patient, possibly controlled by the force of the muscle activity (EMG), but are innovative devices with the possibility to record a full set of biomedical signals. The patient device can record one or more biomedical parameters such as electrocardiography (ECG), heart rate (HR), electromyography (EMG), non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), oxygen concentration in the blood (SpO2), movement speed and acceleration, angle of motion of a body extremity, torsion, s.a. according to the physician’s prescription and the patient needs. This means that the patient device will be very flexible and can communicate with other medical devices for home use
