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Content Management Systems Viewed From A Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism & Connectivism Perspective



The knowledge based organization is the organization in which production and consumption of knowledge is the most important type of activity, knowledge is recognized as a key resource, information and communication technologies are core technologies and information environment, together with the social and the ecological ones, constitute the human existence. The information society allows broad access to information for its members, becoming a new way of working and knowledge. The new digital technologies essential reduce the cost of access, storage and transmission of information. IT systems play an important role in processes that speed up the exchange of information within the organization and between organizations and in effective dissemination of information to the consumer or, if we are talking in the context of education, student. In this context, where there is an ongoing need for education and training, the Web has become a new medium for publishing the information. So, websites are used to promote businesses and products, provide services and information, and facilitate communication. For medium and large sites, the question of their content management occurs. Therefore content management systems have been implemented (CMS). The system inputs are information to be published, and the outputs are the pages that will be seen by visitors. Content management is the systematic and structured supply, creation, processing, management, presentation, publishing and content reuse. There is a wide range of CMS, but no solution is able to manage all types of content. Referring this in the field of education and learning, the article aims to analyze the types of CMS systems consistent with known theories and models of learning: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism & connectivism.