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Improving civil–military coordination in humanitarian logistics: the challenge



Figure 1

Natural disaster summary 1900-2011 (source: EM-DAT, 2011)
Natural disaster summary 1900-2011 (source: EM-DAT, 2011)

Figure 2

A suggested model of emergency recovery (Source: Haas et al., 1977)
A suggested model of emergency recovery (Source: Haas et al., 1977)

Figure 3

Safran’s circular model (Source: Safran, 2003)
Safran’s circular model (Source: Safran, 2003)

Figure 4

Sequential logistical model emphasising transitions of humanitarian logistics
Sequential logistical model emphasising transitions of humanitarian logistics

Comparison of issues affecting commercial, military and humanitarian supply chains

IssueCommercial SCMMilitary LogisticsHumanitarian LogisticsAuthors
Funding of Supply ChainSophisticatedSophisticatedProblematicApte (2009);Jahre et al. (2009); Kovács and Spens (2007); Littieri et al. (2009); Natarajarathinam et al. (2009); Overstreet et al. (2011); Shaluf (2007); Tatham (2012); Tatham and Pettit (2010); Van Wassenhove., (2006)
Preparedness in Supply ChainNot an issueNot an issueMajor issueEriksson (2009); McLachlin et al. (2009); Perry (2007); Rutner et al. (2012)
Cooperation amongst Supply Chain actorsWell definedAmongst military and allies – Well defined Civil–military cooperation–major issueAmongst NGO’s / lO’s – improving Civil–military cooperation – major issueAkhtar et al. (2012); Carroll and Neu (2009); Heaslip et al. (2012); Jahre and Jensen (2010); Maon et al. (2009); McLachin and Larson (2011); Rietjens et al. (2007); Shultz and Blecken (2010); Stewart et al. (2009)
Phases in Supply ChainWell definedWell definedEvolvingChang et al. (2010); Kovács and Tatham (2009); Richey et al. (2007, 2010)
Information Sharing throughout Supply ChainAdvancedAdvancedLimitedPourezzat et al. (2010); Walker and Harland (2008)

Personnel interviewed

OrganisationNumber of People InterviewedFunctions Interviewed
Irish Defence Forces6Senior Management Logistics and Operations staff
Canadian Military2Logistics Officers
US Military2Logistics and Operations Officers
World Vision3Senior management Logistics and Operations staff
UNHCR3UNHCR Logistics and Management staff
Oxfam4Oxfam Logistics and Management staff