
“Berliner Boersen Zeitung”Search in Google Scholar

Aufstand in Warschau niedergeschlagen - Frivoles Spiel der Londoner Polen-Emigranten und Moskaus, 18th August 1944 [Warsaw uprising crushed - frivolous game of London and Moscow Poles emigrants].Search in Google Scholar

Das Indirekte Katyn, 18th August 1944 [Th e indirect Katyn].Search in Google Scholar

Der Kniefall der Exilpolen vor Stalin, 8th August 1944 [Poland’s government in exile bends knee before Stalin].Search in Google Scholar

Die Exilpolen unter dem Befehl Moskaus 16th August 1944 [Poland’s government in exile under Moskow’s command].Search in Google Scholar

Ein Britenkranz fuer die Banden von Warschau 19th August 1944 [A British crown for the gangs of Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Gefangen und gehangen 3rd August 1944 [Caught and hanged].Search in Google Scholar

London bestaetigt Moskaus Schuld an Warschau 22nd August 1944 [London confirmed Moscow’s guilt towards Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Mikolajczyks frostiger Empfang in Moskau 3rd August 1944 [Mikolajczyk’s frosty reception in Moscow].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau entwaffnet die Polen, 10th August 1944 [Moscow disarm the Poles].Search in Google Scholar

Polnische Truppen werden geopfert, 8th August 1944 [Polish troops are sacrifi ced].Search in Google Scholar

Um Warschau - Panzerschlacht zwischen Sumpf und Busch 17th August 1944 [To Warsaw - tank battle between swamp and bush].Search in Google Scholar

Und die Curzon Linie? Von Hans Schadewaldt, 8th August 1944 [And the Curzon line? By Hans Schadewaldt].Search in Google Scholar

Zwischenbilanz der Moskauerreise Mikolajczyks, 12th August 1944 [Mid-term review of Mikolajczyk‘s Moscow trip].Search in Google Scholar

“Berliner Nord Ost Zeitung”Search in Google Scholar

Der Aufstand in Warschau - Aktion der polnischen Untergrundbewegung missunglueckt / Der Fangstoss des Kreml, from 18th August 1944 [The Uprising in Warsaw - action of the Polish underground movement unlucky / Th e finishing blow of the Kremlin].Search in Google Scholar

Die Schlacht an der Weichsel - Kriegsberichter: Gerhard Starke, 15th August 1944 [].Search in Google Scholar

Kommunistische Kommissare in Lemberg, 10th August 1944 [Th e Battle of the Vistula River - war report: Gerhard Starke].Search in Google Scholar

Mikolajczyk in Moskau, Merkwuerdiger Empfang der polnischen Abordnung durch die TASS - Agentur 10th August 1944 [Mikolajczyk in Moscow, Strange reception of the Polish delegation by the TASS - agency].Search in Google Scholar

Moskaus Schuld am Warschauer Aufstand - Schwedisches Blatt bestaetigt deustche Darstellung 22nd August 1944 [Moscow blamed for the Warsaw Uprising - Swedish newspaper confi rmed German statement].Search in Google Scholar

“Bolszewik”Search in Google Scholar

Nauka z awanturniczej przygody, 15th October 1944 [Th e lesson from adventurous experience].Search in Google Scholar

“Der Angriff ”Search in Google Scholar

Alkohol soll den Polen helfen - Die Ausliefereung an Moskau eine beschlossene Sache, 16th August 1944 [Alcohol is intended to help Poland - Th e surrender to Moscow is a done deal].Search in Google Scholar

Churchill, der Knecht Moskaus, 24th August 1944 [Churchill the servant of Moscow].Search in Google Scholar

Das Drama von Warschau, 22nd August 1944 [Th e drama of Warsaw]Search in Google Scholar

Das Ende des Warschauer Dramas, 7th September 1944 [Th e end of the Warsaw drama].Search in Google Scholar

Das ist das Ende Polens - Stalin liefert seine polnischen Hilfstruppe dem Henker aus. 11th August 1944 [Th is is the end of Poland - Stalin surrenders his Polish auxiliary troops].Search in Google Scholar

Der Fall Warschau - katastrophe fuer die Allierten, 6th October 1944 [Th e case Warsaw - disaster for the Allies].Search in Google Scholar

Die Polentragoedie: Neuer Hilferuf, 4th September 1944 [Th e tragedy of Poland: New call for help].Search in Google Scholar

Die Verbrecher vom 20 Juli gerichtet - Der gemeinste Verrat des deutschen Geschichte findet seine Suehne from 10th August 1944 [Th e criminals of 20 July addressed - the meanest treachery of German history fi nds its atonement].Search in Google Scholar

In deutscher Gefangenschaft - General Bor-Komorowski mit seinem Stab, 7th October 1944 [In German captivity - General Bor- -Komorowski and his staff ].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau - Erst die Besetzung - Waff enstillstandverhandlungen mit Rumaenien verzoegert, 7th September 1944 [Moscow - until the occupation - Armistice negotiations negotiations with Romania delayed].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau treib ein frivoles Spiel - Das Drama in Warschau / Enthuellung der Hintergruende, 19th August 1944 [Moscow blowing a frivolous game - Th e drama in Warsaw / unveiling of backgrounds].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau und die Polen - Hauptlinge der Untergrundbewegung verhaftet - Drahtmeldung, 1st September 1944 [Moscow and Poland - chiefs of the underground movement arrested - wire report].Search in Google Scholar

Polnische Anklage Gegen die Hetzer - Sie fuehlen sich von den falschen Freunden im Stich gelassen, 24th August 1944 [Polish indictment of the rabble-rouser - Th ey feel let down by the false friends in the lurch].Search in Google Scholar

Schwere Kaempfe nordoestlich Warschau, Sowjets verloren im Juli 4158 Panzer und 1329 Flugzeuge, 4th August 1944 [Heavy fi ghting north-east of Warsaw - Soviets lost in July 4158 tanks and 1329 aircraft].Search in Google Scholar

Sie gelten als Kriegsgefangene - Auch die weiblich Mitkaempfer von Warschau, 8th October 1944 [Th ey are regarded as prisoners of war - Th e female comrades from Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

So Fiel der Warschauer Nordkessel - Eine Hoelle,wie się noch keine Millionenstadt erlebte, 12th September 1944 [Th us fell the Warsaw northern pocket - A hell, as no metropolis experienced].Search in Google Scholar

USA: Verstaendnis fuer Moskau - Polens und Rumaeniens Schicksal ist ihnen gleichgueltig, Eigener Bericht, 31st August1944 [USA: understanding for Moscow - Poland and Romania fate is indiff erent to them, our own correspondent].Search in Google Scholar

Verrat an Polen - Erzbischof gersselt Englands Verhalten, 1st September 1944 [Betrayal of Poland - Archbishop clashed England behavior].Search in Google Scholar

Weitere Aufstaendische in Warschau kapitulieren 29th September 1944 [Other insurgents surrender in Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Wo soll das enden ? Heute Helsinki, Bukarest und Sofi a / Das Elend in Warschau, 9th September 1944 [Where will it end? Today Helsinki, Bucharest and Sofi a / Misery in Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Zum Kniefall nach Moskau - Taeglich neue ueberraschunegn fuer Mikolajczyk, 4th August1944 [For genuflection to Moscow - Daily new surprise for Mikolajczyk].Search in Google Scholar

“Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland”Search in Google Scholar

Chaos im Polen - Lager - Der Streit Mikolajczyk - Sosnkowski, 9th September1944 [Chaos in Poland - storage - Th e dispute Mikolajczyk - Sosnkowski].Search in Google Scholar

Deutsche Angriffe oestlich Warschau - Starke feindliche Panzerangriff e im Normandie, 6th August 1944 [German attacks east Warsaw - Strong enemy tank attacks in Normandy].Search in Google Scholar

Polen in der Zange, Schoettische Bischoefe an Churchill, 11th August 1944 [Poland in the pliers, Scottish bishops to Churchill].Search in Google Scholar

Polens Zerfleischung durch Moskau, 30th August 1944 [Poland laceration by Moscow].Search in Google Scholar

Sowjetkorps bei Warschau vernichtet, 7th September 1944, [Destroyed Soviet Corps in Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Sowjetpolen diktieren, 20th September 1944 [To dictate Soviet Poland].Search in Google Scholar

Der Kampf an der Weichsel, 15th August 1944, 16th August 1944 [Th e battle on the Vistula].Search in Google Scholar

Englands Verrat an den Polen, 14th August 1944 [England’s betrayal of Poles].Search in Google Scholar

Englischer Druck auf Polen, 13th August 1944 [English pressure on Poland].Search in Google Scholar

Erbitterte Strassenkaempfe In Paris, 28th August 1944 [Bitter street fi ghts in Paris].Search in Google Scholar

Polnische Uneingkeit, 20th August 1944 [Polish lack of unity].Search in Google Scholar

Intrigen um Warschau, 19th September 1944 [Intrigue about Warsaw].Search in Google Scholar

Neuer polnischer Notruf, 4th September 1944 [New Polish emergency].Search in Google Scholar

Warschau eine tote Stadt, 11th September1944 [Warsaw - a dead city].Search in Google Scholar

“Voelkischer Beobachter”Search in Google Scholar

Auch Bor passt den Sowjets nicht - Moskau - Polen wollen eigene Kandidaten, 6th October 1944 [Bor does not fit the Soviets - Moscow - Poland want their own candidates].Search in Google Scholar

Das Chaos in Paris - Blutiger Kampf in allen Stadtteilen, 3rd September1944 [ Th e chaos in Paris - Bloody battle in all districts].Search in Google Scholar

Das Drama von Warschau - Fruchtbarer Leidensweg der Zivilbevoelkerung der ehemaligen polnischen Hauptsadt, 8th September 1944 [Th e drama of Warsaw - heavy suff ering of the civilian population of former Polish capital].Search in Google Scholar

Der Aufstand in Warschau. Herr, Waff en-SS und Ostsoldaten bekaempfen die Erhebung der „unterirdischen Polen”, 19th August 1944 [Th e uprising in Warsaw. Army, Waff en-SS and estern army combat collection of „underground Poland”].Search in Google Scholar

Der erzwungene Krieg - Zur Vorgeschichte des 3. September 1939, 6th-9th September 1944 [Th e enforced war - about the pre-history of 3rd September 1939].Search in Google Scholar

Der Kreml weiss viele Wege zur Sowjetrepublik Polen - Moskau ernennt noch einen ‚Staatsrat‘ - Londoner Emigranten ohne Zukunft, 17th September1944 [Th e Kremlin knows many ways to Soviet Republic of Poland - Moscow appoints another State Council - London emigrants without a future].Search in Google Scholar

Die Kapitulation der Aufstaendischen von Mokotow, 29th September 1944 [Th e surrender of the insurgents of Mokotow].Search in Google Scholar

Die Kapitulation der Warschau - Polen - Kriegsbericht, 6th October 1944 [Th e surrender of Warsaw - Poland - war report].Search in Google Scholar

Eiertanz im Britenparlament - Edens zarte Umschreibungen des Verrats an Polen, 1st October 1944 [Intricate manoeuvring of the British Parliament - Edens delicate circumlocutions of betraying Poland].Search in Google Scholar

General Bor - Komorowski in deutscher Gefangenschaft, 6th October 1944 [General Bor-Komorowski in German captivity].Search in Google Scholar

Katyn auf andere Art, 20th September 1944 [Katyn otherwise].Search in Google Scholar

Londoner ‚Spectator‘ stellt fest:Warschaus Schicksal eroeff net dunkle Aussichten fuer die Zukunft, 6th September 1944 [London Spectator observes: Warsaw fate opened dark outlook for the future].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau verhaftet Aufstandspolen, 1st September 1944 [Moscow arrested uprising Poles].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau wusste von Warschau? Neue schwere beschuldigungen gegen die Sowjets, 15th September 1944 [Moscow knew of Warsaw? New heavy accusations against the Soviets].Search in Google Scholar

Moskau zieht sich aus der Aff aere - Neue Schwierigkeiten in den polnisch - sowjetischen Verhandlungen, 6th September 1944 [Moscow pulls out of the aff air - New diffi culties in the Polish - Soviet negotiations].Search in Google Scholar

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Inglese, Polacco