
Florin Adrian Păun
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroşani, City Petroşani, Country Romania
Mihaela Părăian
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroşani, City Petroşani, Country Romania
Adrian Jurca
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroşani, City Petroşani, Country Romania
Leonard Lupu
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroşani, City Petroşani, Country Romania
Muntean Florina Berzan
National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion – INSEMEX Petroşani, City Petroşani, Country Romania