
Fig. 1.

Map of Nigeria showing the location of the Anambra River Basin (A). Map of the Anambra River Basin showing the relief pattern and state boundaries (B).
Map of Nigeria showing the location of the Anambra River Basin (A). Map of the Anambra River Basin showing the relief pattern and state boundaries (B).

Fig. 2.

Workflow diagram of the methodology.
Workflow diagram of the methodology.

Fig. 3.

Anambra River Basin land cover maps for 1987, 2000 and 2018.
Anambra River Basin land cover maps for 1987, 2000 and 2018.

Fig. 4.

A comparison of positive and negative changes in land cover; 1987–2000 in blue, 2000–2018 in orange and 1987–2018 in grey colours.
A comparison of positive and negative changes in land cover; 1987–2000 in blue, 2000–2018 in orange and 1987–2018 in grey colours.

Fig. 5.

Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 1987 to 2000 (A). Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 2000 to 2018 (B). Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 1987 to 2018 (C).
Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 1987 to 2000 (A). Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 2000 to 2018 (B). Transition probability matrix for land cover maps from 1987 to 2018 (C).

Fig. 6.

Comparison between the classified land cover of 2018 and the predicted land cover of 2018.
Comparison between the classified land cover of 2018 and the predicted land cover of 2018.

Fig. 7.

Projected land cover for 2030.
Projected land cover for 2030.

Correlation relationship between population and land cover.

Population Built-up area Bare land Waterbody Wetland Vegetation
Population 1 1.000** −0.998** −0.999** −0.998** −0.999**
Built-up area 1.000** 1 −0.998** −0.999** −0.998** −0.999**
Bare land −0.998** −0.998** 1 1.000** 1.000** 1.000**
Waterbody −0.999** −0.999** 1.000** 1 1.000** 1.000**
Wetland −0.998** −0.998** 1.000** 1.000** 1 1.000**
Vegetation −0.999** −0.999** 1.000** 1.000** 1.000** 1

Transition matrix of land cover change (km2), 2000–2018.

Land cover class 2018
Waterbody Built-up area Wetland Vegetation Bare land Total
2000 Waterbody 28.20 0.26 6.79 9.16 1.645 46.05
Built-up area 0.06 87.57 1.99 107.46 4.26 201.34
Wetland 3.55 33.66 603.10 452.36 9.34 1102.00
Vegetation 12.27 252.50 427.42 8825.93 124.78 9642.90
Bare land 1.30 8.70 8.61 153.48 12.92 185.01
Total 45.37 382.69 1047.92 9548.39 152.95 11,177.31

Transition matrix of land cover change (km2), 1987–2000.

Land cover class 2000
Waterbody Built-up area Wetland Vegetation Bare land Total
1987 Waterbody 23.69 0.44 3.63 12.10 1.25 41.11
Built-up area 0.08 57.63 0.78 105.20 4.38 168.07
Wetland 5.94 3.66 697.13 1761.91 9.48 2478.13
Vegetation 13.88 132.32 394.69 7676.33 150.77 8367.99
Bare land 2.45 7.18 5.37 84.07 19.09 118.17
Total 46.04 201.24 1101.60 9639.61 184.97 11,173.46

Characteristics of the Landsat imageries.

Landsat mission Path/row Acquisition date Spatial resolution [m] Band composition
Landsat 4–5 TM (Thematic Mapper) 188/55 04.01.1986 30 4–3–2
188/56 21.12.1987
Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper) 188/55 17.12.2000 30 5–4–3
188/56 09.01.2001
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor) 188/55 09.01.2018 30 6–5–4
188/56 25.01.2018

Areal chanes in land cover in 1987–2000 2000–2018 and 1987–2018.

Land cover class 1987–2000 2000–2018 1987–2018
[km2] [%] [km2] [%] [km2] [%]
Waterbody 4.88 11.85 −0.68 −1.49 4.19 10.20
Built-up areas 33.14 19.69 181.45 90.09 214.59 127.52
Wetland −1377.57 −55.55 −54.16 −4.91 −1431.73 −57.74
Vegetation 1270.49 15.17 −94.49 −0.98 1176.01 14.04
Bare land 66.73 56.41 −32.01 −17.3 34.72 29.36

Comparison between land cover for 2018 and the projected land cover for 2030.

Land cover class 2018 Projected 2030
Waterbody 45.38 44.59
Built-up area 382.87 377.93
Wetland 1047.99 1035.37
Vegetation 9549.34 9572.94
Bare land 153.02 148.06
Total 11,178.58 11,178.90

Transition matrix of land cover change (km2), 1987–2018.

Land cover class 2018
Waterbody Built-up area Wetland Vegetation Bare land Total
1987 Waterbody 21.07 0.48 4.37 13.86 1.34 41.11
Built-up area 0.05 54.21 1.68 108.71 3.44 168.09
Wetland 6.03 43.47 658.79 1755.70 14.26 2478.25
Vegetation 16.07 277.59 380.86 7570.97 122.78 8368.28
Bare land 2.13 6.86 1.88 96.24 11.06 118.17
Total 45.35 382.62 1047.57 9545.48 152.89 11,173.89

Land cover classification scheme.

S/N Land cover class Description
1 Vegetation Cropland and pasture fields, grassland and fallow land
2 Wetland Marsh or swamp
3 Waterbody Inland rivers, ponds and small lakes
4 Built-up area Residential, commercial and industrial areas; settlements; and transportation infrastructure
5 Bare land Tilled farmland, sand-filled land and rocky area

Land cover distribution for 1987, 2000 and 2018.

Land cover class 1987 2000 2018
[km2] [%] [km2] [%] [km2] [%]
Waterbody 41.18 0.37 46.06 0.41 45.38 0.41
Built-up area 168.28 1.51 201.42 1.80 382.87 3.42
Wetland 2479.71 22.18 1102.15 9.86 1047.99 9.37
Vegetation 8373.33 74.89 9643.82 86.27 9549.34 85.43
Bare land 118.29 1.06 185.03 1.66 153.02 1.37
Total 11,180.80 100.00 11,178.48 100.00 11,178.58 100.00
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4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Geosciences, Geography