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HR Excellence in Research as an Attribute of Scientific Institutions′ Competitiveness



In building competitiveness of the organization important role in plays not only the adaptation ability to changing environment, but also the acquisition of distinguishing qualities, which let it to maintain or improve its market position. For scientific institution its handicap could be HR Excellence in Research (HRE), a sign awarded by European Commission within the framework “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” (HRS4R) strategy. It is given to scientific institutions which has adopted a European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers so it friendly work environment and possibility of development is created.

Central Mining Institute in 2015 has taken actions to attain HR Excellence in Research, in order to make Institute more attractive to scientists and contribute to further development of science as well as achieving better market position. This paper discussed results of internal analysis, which included scientific employees and researchers opinion survey related to existing practices and regulations of conducting researches in Institute. As a result a special Report with an Action Plan was created, for improving friendly environment of scientific work and transparent recruitment principles of researchers. Paper also indicate main challenges the Institute faces for fully implementation HRE quidelines to stimulate economic and employment growth.