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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Online Submissions:

Publication fee

SJCAPP is a non-profit journal, but we will have to start charging a publication fee to cover our direct publication costs. The article processing charges (APCs) will be 600 Euro per article. All the editorial functions are based on voluntary work. No other charges apply.

Helpful Hints Regarding the Submission Process:
Once you enter the manuscript submission system, you will need to select a manuscript type (Research Article, Editorial, Review, Case Report, Letter to the Editor, Commentaries, or Qualitative Research Article). You will then have the option to upload the following file types: Manuscript (main text), Figure, Table, Supplementary File, and Conflict of Interest Documents. Do not include author names in the manuscript, figure, table, or supplementary files since these will be visible to reviewers. You do not need to include a title page within the main manuscript or in a separate file because the submission system will request that you enter the full title, running head, and all author names separately, and will then automatically create a cover page (you will see author names on the cover page of the submission PDF that you approve, but blinded reviewers will not see author names in the review version).
The system will also prompt you to enter up to six key words, classification (topic or area of research), suggested reviewers, word count, and abstract. The submission system may be able to detect your abstract if it is labeled within your main manuscript document, but you will need to check to make sure it appears correctly in the system and edit if necessary. You will need to enter all author names, affiliations, and email addresses and make sure that these are ordered appropriately within the system. You will also need to answer additional questions to make sure you have followed journal policies.

Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Confirm that the submission has not been previously published, and that it is not currently under consideration by another journal.
- The Editorial Manager System is configured in double blind mode, so no author’s details are available to reviewers and opposite. However, authors still need to make sure that the uploaded main manuscript, table, figure, and supplementary file documents do not contain information that would easily identify the author(s).
- Authors must comply with the SJCAPP ethical standards. In our document about “Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement” authors can read about duties of authors regarding reporting standards, data access, originality, plagiarism, ethics, multiple, redundant or concurrent publication, acknowledgement of sources, authorship of papers (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors-ICMJE), disclosure and conflict of interests.
- Each individual author will need to submit information regarding funding sources and potential conflicts of interest using the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Please have each author download the form, complete the required information in all sections, and then click the “Generate Disclosure Statement” box in Section 6 of the form. Clicking this box will automatically generate a disclosure statement based on the information entered into the form. Each form should then be saved (with author’s last name added to the file name). Editorial Manager will request uploading of these forms during the submission process.
- For information about copyright see the document on SJCAPP Open access agreement.

Author Guidelines
- Word limits (excluding abstract, tables, figures, references) are 5000 words for original articles and 6000 for reviews. Other formats have a maximum of 2000 words. In case of exceeding limits, please consult the editors.
- The manuscript must be prepared using a .rtf, .doc, or .docx file format.
- Manuscripts must be written in English in a readily understandable style, avoiding sexist and racist language.
- The text must be single-spaced, using Arial 12.

The text is structured as follows:
- Title – You do NOT need to include a title page in your uploaded documents. The Editorial Manager System will ask you to enter title, running head, author names, and contact information (this information will be used to automatically generate a cover page for your submission PDF, and author names will not be visible in the version sent for peer review). If you choose to include a title page in your main manuscript document, make sure it does NOT identify the authors. Also, do NOT upload a title page as a supplementary file. Supplementary files are viewable by the reviewers, so they should NOT include author names or contact information.
- Abstract - Maximum 300 words incorporating the following headings: Background; Objective; Method; Results; Conclusions; Key words. The abstract should not contain unexplained abbreviations.
- Main Text - Original research articles consist of: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Clinical Significance, References. Reviews and other formats can be organized differently.
- Acknowledgements – Describe any funding or other resources which supported the research. Non-authors who contributed to the work but do not qualify for authorship may also be mentioned, but authors must have permission from these individuals in order to include them in the acknowledgements.
- Disclosures – Authors must disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest, especially those related to commercial industry. If there are no conflicts, this must be specifically stated. Each author must complete the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest, which will be uploaded to the manuscript submission system separately from the main text document (this document will not be visible to the reviewers). If your manuscript is accepted for publication, Information provided through this form will be used to generate the Disclosures statement for the final article. When checking article proofs, authors must confirm that the Disclosure section is complete and accurate.
- References - Use the Vancouver style with numbers in round brackets for citations within the main text and a numbered list in the Reference section.
- Statistics - Use APA guidelines for reporting statistics in articles.
- Abbreviations - All abbreviations must be spelt out on first usage and only widely recognized abbreviations will be permitted.
- Randomised Controlled Trials - The Journal recommends authors use the newest version of the CONSORT guidelines. In particular, a flow chart illustrating the progress of participants through the trial (CONSORT diagram) must be included.
- Systematic Reviews - The Journal recommends authors use the newest version of the PRISMA statement for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
- Supplementary Material - This is encouraged, especially when authors wish to share additional information that will not fit within the manuscript word limit. Supplementary files can be uploaded during the submission process, and reviewers will be able to access this material through a link.
- Proofs - Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as a PDF file.
- Registration of Clinical Trials - The Journal recommends that all clinical trials are registered in a public trials registry.

Peer review policy:
Manuscripts submitted to SJCAPP are only accepted for publication after going through external peer review, following initial evaluation by one of the Editors.

All matters relating to the editorial policies of SJCAPP should be addressed in writing to Editors-in Chief:
Ole Jakob Storebø ( or Sven Bölte (,
Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Editorial Office
Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand,
Fælledvej 6,4200 Slagelse, Denmark

Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other