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Influence of the Covid‐19 Pandemic on the Development of Tourism and Measures of Creating Sustainable Tourism in Uzbekistan

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The Covid‐19 pandemic plunged the whole world into a protracted economic crisis, dealing a significant blow to all branches of human activity. Some areas have suffered serious losses, in particular, the tourism industry. This article discusses measures to restore and strengthen the tourism and hospitality sector after the pandemic in the Republic of Uzbekistan. A Safe Tourism program has been developed in the Republic of Uzbekistan; tourists will use tourist services, follow the sanitary and hygienic rules during trips. This project will provide travelling individually, choosing a destination and booking what they need during travelling online.

The purpose of the article is to analyse the situation in the world and Uzbekistan as well, during the pandemic, as well as to develop practical measures to rehabilitate the tourism sector from the consequences of the economic crisis associated with the pandemic. New offers are being considered in the tourism market to attract tourists to our country. The primary attention in the paper is focused on the development of electronic platforms for the formation of "online tourism", architectural sights and monuments combining the history of different peoples and religious denominations. The article also provides information about alternative medicine, and lists of several of treatment methods used by our ancestors and actual nowadays. The report summarizes some of the study results, concluding that the tourism business of Uzbekistan needs to radically rethink existing business models through innovation and digitalization of tourism. Examples of the development of such market segments as agro and eco‐tourism are given. This segments are currently beginning to develop and are of interest to tourists. It is mentioned that Uzbekistan is among the top 10 countries in terms of security.