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Łukasiewicz Logic and the Divisible Extension of Probability Theory

   | 01 janv. 2022
À propos de cet article


We show that measurable fuzzy sets carrying the multivalued Łukasiewicz logic lead to a natural generalization of the classical Kolmogorovian probability theory. The transition from Boolean logic to Łukasiewicz logic has a categorical background and the resulting divisible probability theory possesses both fuzzy and quantum qualities. Observables of the divisible probability theory play an analogous role as classical random variables: to convey stochastic information from one system to another one. Observables preserving the Łukasiewicz logic are called conservative and characterize the “classical core” of divisible probability theory. They send crisp random events to crisp random events and Dirac probability measures to Dirac probability measures. The nonconservative observables send some crisp random events to genuine fuzzy events and some Dirac probability measures to nondegenerated probability measures. They constitute the added value of transition from classical to divisible probability theory.

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Sujets de la revue:
Mathematics, General Mathematics