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Development of the Airline Business Macroeconomics Dynamics Models

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Aviation industry and airlines are undergoing hard times due to the SARS COVID-19 pandemic period as well as the tragedy of the heroic rebuff of Ukraine to the fascist–russist full-scale warfare invasion.

The current circumstances require indispensable measures to be taken in the major macroeconomic airline industry components. The presented paper is dedicated to the simplest macroeconomic problem setting in the framework of the Solow [13] and Cobb–Douglas [4,5] models, likewise for economic growth [6], taking into account the individuals’ subjective preferences functions of the available alternatives obtained based upon the Subjective Entropy Maximum Principle [710].

The Principle of the Subjective Entropy Maximum has been previously presented in the literature [710]. This principle was applied to the simplest problems of the macroeconomics dynamics. Those were the continuous models. They were in the type of the Leontief [11] ones.

Nevertheless, some important problems are neither included within nor converge into those classes of the simplest macroeconomics models: Solow [13], Mankiw et al. [6] and others.

A combination of macroeconomics models with the Principle of the Subjective Entropy Maximum is tried in the present work. The principle was developed during 1990–2010. Despite the fact that the principle formally hardly differs from that of Jaynes [1214], the combination widens the area of the practical applications of the obtained results. This holds good especially in psychology [710], economics [710,15], theory of conflicts etc. [1623]. And the approach could be recommended for implementation in various other spheres that share similar characteristics [2432].


Let us consider development of the macroeconomics problem by Solow when there are some more elaborated members.

The production function is now given by the following expression: Yt+1=AKtαHtβLt1α+β, \[{{Y}_{t+1}}=A{{\left( {{K}_{t}} \right)}^{\alpha }}{{\left( {{H}_{t}} \right)}^{\beta }}{{\left( {{L}_{t}} \right)}^{1-\left( \alpha +\beta \right)}},\] where Yt+1 is the production function Y at the time (step of iteration, recursion stage), t+1, the time following the previous time t; A is the coefficient; Kt is the Capital gained at the preceding point of time t; α is the power index for the Capital Kt; Ht is the Human potential required in order to gain Yt+1; β is the power index for the Human component, H, analogously to α coefficient; and Lt is the Labour component L of the production process Y at the earlier point of time t.

Also, a Consumption member arising as an outcome of the splitting of the production process results should be distinguished as follows: Ct=Ytkt+Ht, \[{{C}_{t}}={{Y}_{t}}-\left( {{k}_{t}}+{{H}_{t}} \right),\] where Ct is the Consumption.

Subjective preferences functions distribution optimisation

In the presented problem setting, described with Eqs (1) and (2), determination of the objective functional for the individuals’ subjective preferences π is given by Φπ=i=1N=3πtilnπti+βππtKKt+πtHHt+πtCCt+γi=1N=3π1i1, \[{{\text{ }\!\!\Phi\!\!\text{ }}_{i}}=-\underset{i=1}{\overset{N=3}{\mathop \sum }}\,\pi _{t}^{i}\ln \pi _{t}^{i}+{{\beta }_{\pi }}\left[ \pi _{t}^{K}{{K}_{t}}+\pi _{t}^{H}{{H}_{t}}+\pi _{t}^{C}{{C}_{t}} \right]+\gamma \left[ \underset{i=1}{\overset{N=3}{\mathop \sum }}\,\pi _{1}^{i}-1 \right],\] where the uncertainty of the available alternatives is evaluated with the subjective entropy member i=1N=3πtilnπti; \[-\underset{i=1}{\overset{N=3}{\mathop \sum }}\,\pi _{1}^{i}\,\ln \,\pi _{t}^{i};\] βπ and γ are the corresponding cognitive coefficients.

The normalising condition is expressed with the member of i=1N=3πti1. \[\left[ \underset{i=1}{\overset{N=3}{\mathop \sum }}\,\pi _{1}^{i}-1 \right].\]

The necessary conditions for the objective functional in Eq. (3)’s extremum existence Φππti=0, \[\frac{\partial {{\text{ }\!\!\Phi\!\!\text{ }}_{\pi }}}{\partial \pi _{t}^{i}}=0,\] allow obtaining an optimal distribution of the individuals’ subjective preferences π, as follows: πtK,πtHandπtC. \[\pi _{t}^{K},\pi _{t}^{H}\,\text{and}\,\,\pi _{t}^{C}.\]

That is, lnπtK1+βπKt+γ=0. \[-\ln \,\pi _{t}^{K}-1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}+\gamma =0.\]

This yields lnπtK=γ1+βπKt. \[\ln \,\pi _{t}^{K}=\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}.\]

Thus, πtK=eγ1+βπKt. \[\pi _{t}^{K}={{e}^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}.\]

On the other hand lnπtH1+βπHt+γ=0. \[-\ln \pi _{t}^{H}-1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}+\gamma = 0.\]

This yields lnπtH=γ1+βπHt. \[\ln \pi _{t}^{H}=\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}.\]

Thus, πtH=eγ1+βπHt. \[\pi _{t}^{H}={{e}^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}.\]

And, lnπtC1+βπCt+γ=0. \[-\ln \pi _{t}^{C}-1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}+\gamma =0.\]

This yields lnπtC=γ1+βπCt. \[\ln \pi _{t}^{C}=\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}.\]

Thus, πtC=eγ1+βπCt. \[\pi _{t}^{C}={{e}^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}.\]

The procedure of Eqs (3)–(16) leads to the following position: πtK+πtH+πtC=eγ1+βπKt+eγ1+βπHt+eγ1+βπCt=1. \[\pi _{t}^{K}+\pi _{t}^{H}+\pi _{t}^{C}={{e}^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}}+{{e}^{\gamma -1+{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}=1.\]

The normalising condition, i.e. Eq. (17), means that eγ1=1eβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCt. \[{{e}^{\gamma -1}}=\frac{1}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}}.\]

Because of Eq. (18), πtK=eβπKteβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCt. \[\pi _{t}^{K}=\frac{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}}.\]

In turn, πtH=eβπKteβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCt. \[\pi _{t}^{H}=\frac{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}}.\]

And, πtC=eβπKteβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCt. \[\pi _{t}^{C}=\frac{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{H}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}}.\]

Supposedly, the Labour depends upon the Consumption in the following way: Lt+1=Lmax+LminLmax1+Ctμ, \[{{L}_{t+1}}={{L}_{\max }}+\frac{{{L}_{\min }}+{{L}_{\max }}}{1+{{\left( {{C}_{t}} \right)}^{\mu }}},\] where Lmax is the maximal Labour contribution into the production, possible when Ct; \[{{C}_{t}}\to \infty ;\] Lmin is the minimal Labour contribution into the production function, possible when Ct=0; \[{{C}_{t}} = 0;\] μ is the coefficient.


Using Eqs (1)–(24), the recursive system is ascertained as the following: Yt+1Kt+1Ht+1Lt+1Ct+1πt+1Kπt+1H=AKtαHtβLt1αβπtKYt+1πtHYt+1Lmax+LminLmax1+CtμYt+1Kt+1+Ht+1eβπKteβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCteβπHteβπKt+eβπHt+eβπCt. \[\left( \begin{array}{*{35}{l}} {{Y}_{t+1}} \\ {{K}_{t+1}} \\ {{H}_{t+1}} \\ {{L}_{t+1}} \\ {{C}_{t+1}} \\ \pi _{t+1}^{K} \\ \pi _{t+1}^{H} \\ \end{array} \right)=\left( \begin{array}{*{35}{l}} A{{\left( {{K}_{t}} \right)}^{\alpha }}{{\left( {{H}_{t}} \right)}^{\beta }}{{\left( {{L}_{t}} \right)}^{1-\left( \alpha -\beta \right)}} \\ \pi _{t}^{K}{{Y}_{t+1}} \\ \pi _{t}^{H}{{Y}_{t+1}} \\ {{L}_{\max }}+\frac{{{L}_{\min }}-{{L}_{\max }}}{1+{{\left( {{C}_{t}} \right)}^{\mu }}} \\ {{Y}_{t+1}}-\left( {{K}_{t+1}}+{{H}_{t+1}} \right) \\ \frac{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}} \\ \frac{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}}{{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{K}_{t}}}}+{{e}^{{{\beta }_{\pi }}{{C}_{t}}}}} \\ \end{array} \right).\]

The accepted data are A=1.872,α=0.3,β=0.3,Lmin=0.5,Lmax=2.5. \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} A=1.872, & \alpha =0.3, & \beta =0.3, & {{L}_{\min }}=0.5, & {{L}_{\max }}=2.5. \\ \end{array}\]

The initial conditions are Y0K0H0L0C0π0Kπ0H=1062.51.7951.50.30.3; \[\left( \begin{array}{*{35}{l}} {{Y}_{0}} \\ {{K}_{0}} \\ {{H}_{0}} \\ {{L}_{0}} \\ {{C}_{0}} \\ ^{\pi _{0}^{K}} \\ \pi _{0}^{H} \\ \end{array} \right)=\left( \begin{array}{*{35}{l}} 10 \\ 6 \\ 2.5 \\ 1.795 \\ 1.5 \\ ^{0.3} \\ 0.3 \\ \end{array} \right);\] and μ=1.5,βπ=0.3; \[\begin{matrix} \mu =1.5, & {{\beta }_{\pi }}=0.3; \\ \end{matrix}\]

The results of the computer simulation are shown below (Figs. 110):

Figure 1.

Production function.

Figure 2.

Capital function.

Figure 3.

Human function.

Figure 4.

Consumption function.

Figure 5.

Labour function.

Figure 6.

Labour–Consumption dependence.

Figure 7.

Capital preferences function.

Figure 8.

Human preferences function.

Figure 9.

Consumption preferences function.

Figure 10.

Subjective entropy.


Aviation industry problems could be considered through the prism of macroeconomics modelling. One of these models, expressed in Eqs (1)–(28), enables considerations to be arrived at based upon the multi-alternative approach.

The intellectual potential of Human brain work power is distinguished from the general Labour component. It is taken into account with the formula of the production function in Eq. (1).

In turn, the particular Labour component of the total production depends upon the Consumption fraction formed from the production function. This is described with the expression in Eq. (2). In fact, the model in Eq. (22) envisages logistic dependence between the Labour and Consumption components.

The objective functional (Eq. [3]) in the presented three-alternative problem setting helps to find the so-called canonical distribution for the individuals’ subjective preferences functions (Eq. [7]) in the explicit view (Eqs [19]–[21]). The key point is the conditional optimisation of the subjective entropy function (Eq. [4]) in the framework of the objective functional (Eq. [3]) subject to the normalising conditions constraints (Eq. [5]) and the corresponding cognitive function construction. The simplest optimisation follows the procedure outlined via Eqs (6)–(21).

The elaborated model takes into consideration the Consumption limitations expressed in Eqs (23) and (24).

The recursive procedure provided with the use of the system of equations contained in Eq (25) is simulated with the accepted data indicated in Eqs (26)–(28). In the presented problem setting, the system of the individuals’ subjective preferences functions (Eq. [7]), of the canonical view expressed in Eqs (19)–(21), converges to the maximally subjective entropy value, which ensures degrading conditions for the macroeconomic system (see Figs. 110).


Human intellect potential could be successfully taken into account through the described recursive procedures. The uncertainty of the macroeconomic system alternatives’ subjective preferences functions (in the presented consideration, airline business alternatives’ subjective preferences for Capital, Human and Labour) is evaluated with the subjective entropy measure.

A solution for the particular three-alternative problem formulated in the present study concerning the airline business is arrived at after evaluating the available alternatives among individuals’ subjective preferences functions entropy maximum.

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Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other, Geosciences, Materials Sciences, Physics