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Reviews on Finite Element Modeling Practices of Stone Columns for Soft Soil Stabilization Beneath an Embankment Dam

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Figure 1

Displacement method (Alexiew et al. 2005).
Displacement method (Alexiew et al. 2005).

Figure 2

Replacement method (Gniel et al. 2010).
Replacement method (Gniel et al. 2010).

Reviews on Slope Stability Analysis of an Embankment Dam on Stone Columns.

No Name of Author Year of Publication Software Used Constitutive Model*** Validation Method Focused Area

Soft Soil Stone Column Embank Ment Dam
1 [37]Shaymaa et al. 2015 FLAC/Slope MC MC MC Literature Slope stability
2 [38] NG et al. 2019 PLAXIS 3D MC MC MC Literature and 2D limit equilibrium method Slope stability
3 [39] Akhila Shaji et al. 2016 PLAXIS 3D MC MC MC Not mentioned Slope Stabilization
4 [40] Amit et al. 2019 FLAC 3D MC MC MC Laboratory model test Settlement
5 [41] Mohapatra et al. 2016 FLAC 3D MC MC MC Field Study (Literature) Slope stability
6 [42] Shaymaa 2018 et al. 2018 FLAC/Slope MC MC MC Not mentioned Slope stability

Reviews on the Parametric Study of Stone Columns Beneath an Embankment Dam.

No Name of Author Year of Publication Software Used Constitutive Model**** Validation Focused Area

Soft Soil Stone Column Embankment Dam Method
1 [43] Sajjid et al 2012 PLAXIS 2D MC MC MC Literature Settlement and consolidation end time
2 [44] Maryam et al. 2018 PLAXIS 2D MC MC MC Literature (Laboratory result) Consolidation analysis settlement
3 [45] Chungsik 2010 Abaqus MCC MC MC Literature (Load test) Settlement
4 [46] Yogendra et al. 2013 PLAXIS 3D MC MC MC Not mentioned Settlement
5 [47] Carreira et al. 2016 PLAXIS 2D SS HS MC Literature (Full-scale test) Critical height of the embankment

Numerical Procedure for Installation of Stone Column.

No. Name of Authors Model Type Numerical Procedure
1 [17] Guétif et al. 2007[18] Castro et al. 2010[19] Kirsch 2006 Axisymmetric model: 2D By imposing a uniform lateral displacement, which is equal to the final stone column average diameter.
2 [20] Foray et al. 2009 Volumetric model: 3D By using a uniform volumetric strain expansion of stone column.
3 [21] Elshazly et al. 2008[22] Elshazly et al. 2006 Back analysis from field test By varying the lateral to vertical stress ratio to obtain the field test behavior.

Stone Column Installation Method.

Method of Construction Construction Process Recommendation References
Displacement Method A closed-tip steel tube is pushed down into the soft soil and then the cylindrical frame of geotextile and fills is inserted into the empty hole. After that, the tip opens, and the tube is pulled upward under vibration. A very soft soil (for instance, cu < 15 kPa). [15] Alexiew et al. (2005)
Replacement Method An open steel pipe is installed into the soil until it reaches the hard layer, followed by the removal of the soil within the shaft via an auger boring. The potential for vibration to influence adjacent buildings. [16] Gniel et al. (2010)

Reviews on OSC and GESC.

No Name of Author Year of Publication Software Used Constitutive Model** Validation Method Focused Area

Soft Soil Stone Column Embankment Dam
1 [28] Alkhorshid 2017 PLAXIS 3D SS MC MC Scaled Laboratory Test Settlement Lateral deflection
2 [29] Elsawy 2013 PLAXIS 2D SSC MC MC Literature Consolidation
3 [30] Belayneh 2020 PLAXIS 3D MC MC MC Literature (Field Test) Consolidation Settlement
4 [33] Shafiqu et al. 2015 PLAXIS 3D HS MC HS Literature (Experimental) Settlement Lateral displacement Consolidation
5 [32] Imad et al. 2020 PLAXIS 2D HS MC MC Analytical Method Settlement Lateral deformation
6 [11] Iman 2015 PLAXIS 2D v.10 HS MC MC Analytical Method Settlement and lateral displacement
7 [35] Sim 2017 PLAXIS 3D HS MC MC Field Load Test Settlement and consolidation
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Sujets de la revue:
Geosciences, other, Materials Sciences, Composites, Porous Materials, Physics, Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics