À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Location map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).
Location map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).

Figure 2

Elevation map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).
Elevation map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).

Figure 3

Hydrographic map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).
Hydrographic map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).

Figure 4

Geological map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).
Geological map of urban municipality of Boké (Boké centre).

Figure 5

Location map of study sites.
Location map of study sites.

Figure 6

Schlumberger device.
Schlumberger device.

Figure 7

Lithological section of SEP1. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SEP1. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 8

Lithological section of SET1. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET1. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 9

Lithological section of SEP2. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SEP2. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 10

Lithological section of SET2. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET2. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 11

Lithological section of SEP3. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SEP3. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 12

Lithological section of SET3. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET3. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 13

Lithological section of SEP4. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SEP4. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 14

Lithological section of SET4. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET4. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 15

Lithological section of SET5. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET5. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 16

Lithological section of SEP6. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SEP6. Ep = Thickness.

Figure 17

Lithological section of SET6. Ep = Thickness.
Lithological section of SET6. Ep = Thickness.