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Socio-Environmental Vulnerability of Water in the Estuary of the Metropolitan Region of Santos (Brazil)

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According to the United Nations, the world population growth rate will be more pronounced in the coming decades, with an increase of 2.5–3 billion people by 2050, and with that, there will be an increase in the need for water, sanitation and hygiene (Leridon 2020). This phenomenon will boost vulnerability in socio-environmental, urban, economic and political spheres (Cutter et al. 2003). The United Nations Department of Public Information Report showed that in 2012, approximately 828 million people lived in slums with a growth rate of 6% per year (p.a.), and by 2020 it should reach 889 million in the urban migration process (UN 2012 and 2013). Coastal zones are more densely populated than inland areas and exhibit higher rates of population growth and urbanisation. The development of coastal areas has increased considerably in recent decades, producing socioeconomic changes and generating high pressure on ecosystems due to the exploitation of natural resources and pollution. Land use and urbanisation are also related to increasing population exposure and vulnerability along the coasts, especially in developing countries (Small, Nicholls 2003; Balk et al. 2009; Kron 2013; Neumann et al. 2015). In these zones, we can find vulnerable nuclei (VN), subnormal agglomerations, precarious settlements and slums, characterised by populations with low incomes and lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and public housing and health policies, who live in non-conforming housing (NH) (IBGE 2010; SAO PAULO 2010; AGEM 2015; UN-BR 2018).

Port, industrial and tourist activities drive the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (BSMR) located in the Santos and São Vicente Estuarine Complex (SSEC) and induce invasions in flooded areas, where we find the largest slum on stilts in Brazil (Fabiano, Muniz 2010; Sampaio et al. 2011). The main actors behind this problem are the municipal governments who do not draw up adequate master plans for popular low-income occupations and parallel power organisations that rent out these irregular areas for the occupation of precarious housing. Housing changes and urban regularisation imply better sanitary conditions since the houses are now supplied by a regular water and sewage distribution system, in addition to allowing other essential services such as regular garbage collection. The improvement is a natural result of the replacement of irregular housing. The water quality of local watercourses automatically improves its indicators from the moment the raw sewage stops being deposited. Sewage discharge, inadequate waste disposal and port accidents compromise the quality of water and sediments. We analysed the population growth of VN in the SSEC and verified the water quality changes between 2005 and 2018.

Study area

The BSMR, with 1,848,654 inhabitants, is located on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, 2,428,737 km2, characterised by 65 km of continuous coastline. Bordered by the Serra do Mar cliffs, with remnants of the Atlantic Forest, there is a great diversity of ecosystems such as mangroves, estuaries, islands, sandbanks, coves, dunes, beaches and rocky shores. Most of these are protected through conservation units or other types of protected areas by law (IBGE 2018). The SSEC have several meandered channels that receive fluvial discharges that flow into Santos Bay through two channels (Fig. 1). On the eastern side, the Santos channel, with a width of 360 m and an average depth of 14 m, is maintained by dredging to navigate great ships. The São Vicente channel is on the west side, with an average depth of 8 m and a width of 585 m, narrowing to 185 m under the ‘Pensil’ bridge (Sampaio et al. 2011). Sewage, waste and emerging pollutants (salts and nutrients) harm public health in the estuary (CETESB 2017).

Fig. 1

Location of the SSEC area. Red polygons limit areas of high vulnerability; cyan markers show localities of six water sample collection points (3 in Santos (ST1-3) and 3 in São Vicente (SV1-3)); orange lines represent artificial drainage canals; yellow markers define natural channels entry to the estuary in the municipalities of Santos (ST) and São Vicente (SV).

Source: Google Earth, adapted by the author, 2018.

SSEC – Santos and São Vicente Estuarine Complex.

Housing and territorial data

We collect housing and population data from formal and informal areas. Each VN's coordinates and territorial space (Fig. 1) were also obtained and complemented by using Google Earth software (AGEM 2015; IBGE 2018; Annex A; Annex B). The study area group (SAG) brings together the number of households, populations and territories in formal and informal areas of Santos, São Vicente, Cubatão and Guarujá municipalities.

We calculate geometric annual growth rate (GAGR) by applying equation (Eq.) (1) (RIPSA 2018): GAGR=[(Pn+1)Pnn1]×100 {\rm{GAGR}} = \left[ {\root n \of {{{\left( {Pn + 1} \right)} \over {Pn}}} - 1} \right] \times 100 where

Pn+1: future population (inhabitants, households)

Pn: current population (inhabitants, households)

GAGR: geometric annual growth rate (% p.a.)

n: number of years (years)

Growth clusters

We calculated the GAGR for the number of non-compliant houses and the areas of occupancy of the VN (GAGRNH and GAGR m2) so that it was possible to identify four types of growth, as shown in Table 1. The type 1 cluster, with the increase in the number of houses and occupied areas, represents irregular and recurring occupations. Type 2, shows an increase in accommodation and a decrease in the area. The type 3 group indicates the preparation of a new irregular occupation. Type 4 represents the government's relocation actions but is not necessarily associated with the inspection and recovery of degraded areas.

Housing growth clusters (GAGRNH) and territorial (GAGRm2).

Type Growth clusters
Dwellings (GAGRNH) Territorial (GAGRm2) Features
1 + + Invasions and reinvasions
2 + Verticalisation and densification
3 + Demobilisation and pre-invasion
4 Demobilisation

GAGR – geometric annual growth rate; GAGRNH – geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing.

Water quality

Based on the data available in the National Sanitation Information System (NSIS), we calculate the sewage flow rate (Q) generated by human dwellings (HD) as 80% of water (Von Sperling 2014) according to Eq. (2), and the released pollutant load (PL) in the body of water according to equation (3): (IN053×IN051×NH×0.8)=Q \left( {{\rm{IN}}053 \times {\rm{IN}}051 \times {\rm{NH}} \times 0.8} \right) = {\rm{Q}} (IN053×IN051×NH×0.8×k)=Q \left( {{\rm{IN}}053 \times {\rm{IN}}051 \times {\rm{NH}} \times 0.8 \times {\rm{k}}} \right) = {\rm{Q}} where

Q: sewage flow per HD − m3 · year−1,

PL: polluting load − m3 · year−1,

IN051: loss ratio per house − m3 · house−1 · year−1,

IN053: average water consumption per dwelling − m3 · dwelling−1 · year−1,

NH: non-conforming housing − units · year−1,

0.8: contribution factor of sewage generation by housing,

k: 54 g per inhabitant daily (value used in this study).

Sewage flow and polluting load (mainly phosphate) information was related to the estuarine water quality in six points (Fig. 1 and Table 2), obtained in 2011 and 2017 (CETESB). We compare results to the limits established in the Brazilian Law 357 CONAMA Resolution (BRAZIL 2005).

Identification of the channels of Santos and São Vicente and collection points in SSEC.

County Coordinates (UTM) Distance from mouth of Santos (km) Distance from mouth of São Vicente (km)
st1 369,107 E 7,347,706 S 3.1 31.9
st2 367,145 E 7,350,411 S 6.2 31.8
st3 366,363 E 7,353,172 S 9.0 26.0
sv3 355,832 E 7,347,793 S 21.4 13.6
sv2 355,575 E 7,349,873 S 27.3 7.7
sv1 358,418 E 7,352,163 S 29.7 5.3

Source: Google Earth, adapted by the author, 2018.

Growth of formal and informal areas

From 2005 to 2018, in urbanised areas, SAG municipalities presented a GAGR of 0.77% p.a., lower than the BSMR growth rate, which was 1.28% p.a. In the same period, 74 VN informal areas presented a geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing (GAGRNH) of 5.60% p.a., below the BSMR growth rate of 6.07% p.a. in 525 VN (Table 3).

Formal and non-conforming population (NH) between 2005 and 2018 in SAG municipalities.

Population (residents) GAGR (% p.a.) NH (AGEM) NH (SABESP) GAGRNH (% p.a.)
2005 2014 2018 2005/2018 2005/2014 2005 2018 2005/2018
Santos 418,610 423,779 432,957 0.26 0.14 8,018 15,732 5.32
Cubatão 113,271 123,785 129,760 1.05 0.99 8,620 2,935 −7.95
São Vicente 317,459 346,492 363,173 1.04 0.98 8,992 29,079 9.45
Guarujá 276,945 303,397 318,107 1.07 1.02 19,300 39,345 5.63
SAG 1,126,285 1,197,501 1,243,997 0.77 0.68 30,581 62,090 5.60
BSMR 1,567,581 1,750,990 1,848,654 1.28 1.24 54,343 116,941 6.07

GAGR – geometric annual growth rate; GAGRNH – geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing; NH – non-conforming housing; p.a. – per year; SAG – study area group; BSMR- Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region.

Source: IBGE 2018.

Growth clusters

VN growth clusters shown in Table 4 demonstrate a lower growth outlook for GAGRNH than that for RMBS. The positive double growth for dwellings and occupied areas (type 1) shows intense invasion dynamics, together with the densification and verticalisation process expressed in type 2 growth, which presented a GAGRNH of 7.25% p.a.; moreover, this presented a reduction of the occupied area of −1.94% p.a., representing 85% of the VN present in SSEC. The VN's demobilisation process, represented by cluster type 3 with a GAGRNH of −3.01% p.a. and GAGRm2 of 1.47% p.a., shows demobilisation and new areas in preparation for invasion. Cluster type 4, with a GAGRNH −4.54% p.a. and GAGRm2 −8.48% p.a., which, in addition to cluster type 3, represents 15% of the sampling plan, emphasises the disproportion between invasion and demobilisation/enforcement actions.

Housing and territorial growth clusters.

Type NH m2 Qty VN GAGRNH (% p.a.) GAGRm2 (% p.a.)
1 + + 51 8.94 5.73
2 + 12 7.25 −1.94
3 + 3 −3.01 1.47
4 8 −4.54 −8.48
SAG 74 5.60 0.09
BSMR 599 6.07 (*)

BSMR – Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region; GAGR – geometric annual growth rate; GAGRNH – geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing; NH – non-conforming housing; p.a. – per year; SAG – study area group; VN – vulnerable nuclei.

Source: AGEM (2015); Annex A, adapted by the author, 2018.

not available.

SSEC water quality and Santos Bay beaches

Table 5 shows VN units that release sewage and influences water quality on monitoring points.

Number of VNs in growth clusters, housing and territorial growth rates correlated with collection points.

Cluster st1 st2 st3 sv3 sv2 sv1
1 (+/+) 14 2 8 16 3 8
2 (+/−) 3 1 2 3 1 2
3 (−/+) 2 1
4 (−/−) 3 3 1 1
NH (2005) 9,170 1,986 3,471 6,888 3,308 5,758
NH (2018) 15,172 4,846 5,012 20,633 3,659 12,768
GAGRNH 3.95% p.a. 7.10% p.a. 2.87% p.a. 8.81% p.a. 0.78% p.a. 6.32% p.a.
New invasions 4 0 4 11 2 5

GAGR – geometric annual growth rate; GAGRNH – geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing; NH – non-conforming housing; p.a. – per year.

Source: Annex A, adapted by the author, 2018.

Using the concept of SSEC average water renewal time, according to Leitão and Mateus (2008), the Santos Channel (with a width of 360 m and a depth of 14 m) and the São Vicente channel (with a width of 585 m and a depth of 8 m) are subject to a hydrodynamic regime of the seas in periods of 6 hours. According to Sampaio et al. (2011), the channels’ velocities vary between 0 m · s−1 and 0.5 m · s−1, and within SSEC currents, around 0.1 m · s−1 (Harari et al. 2007). In terms of water renewal flow under the influence of the tidal regime, the estimated range is 6 km and gives worse results at points sv3 and st3. The st3 point 9 km distant from the Santos channel is influenced by ship traffic in the Santos estuary channel, while the sv3 point does not receive large draft vessels. The average flow through the Santos channel is approximately 1,260 m3 · s−1, and the average flow through the São Vicente channel is 1,170 m3 · s−1. Table 6 presents the flow and polluting load of sewage discharged into water bodies in 2005 and 2018. The SAG received 451 tonnes · month−1 of pollutants in 2018, much higher than 137 tonnes · month−1 in 2011.

Sewage flow and PL released in SSEC in 2005 and 2018.

County IN051 (m3 · month−1) IN053 (m3 · month−1) Total (m3 · month−1) HD Number of irregular dwellings Flow rate (m3 · month−1) Polluting load (tonnes · month−1)
2005 2018 2005 2018 2005 2018
Cubatão 17 20 37 5,674 2,935 90,784 86,876 20 19
Guarujá 22 21 43 12,818 22,887 215,342 787,313 47 170
Santos 8 45 53 3,826 7,275 137,736 308,460 30 67
São Vicente 19 19 38 8,263 29,042 125,598 882,877 27 191
SAG 16 26 42 30,581 62,090 636,085 2,086,224 137 451
BSMR 11 18 30 54,343 116,941 782,539 2,806,584 169 606

BSMR – Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region; PL – pollutant load; SAG – study area group.

Source: AGEM 2015; Sperling 2014; SNIS 2017; Annex B, adapted by the author, 2018.

Table 7 shows the non-conforming occurrences in water quality parameters recommended by Brazilian environmental legislation CONAMA 357 (BRAZIL 2005; CETESB 2011; Campuzano et al. 2013; CETESB 2017). During 2011, we verified 42 occurrences of non-compliance with quality standards, while in 2017 the number of occurrences rose to 56, with several new occurrences in the São Vicente channel, which receives increasing loads of sewage from the northwest of Santos-São Vicente Island.

Water quality measurements in non-conformity (“1” in yellow cells) with CONAMA 357.

Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Station-Season st1-S st1-W st2-S st2-W st3-S st3-W sv1-S sv1-W sv2-S sv2-W sv3-S sv3-W Total
DO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
PTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
NH4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
TOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Ecotox. 0
Chlorophyll 1 1
Enterococcus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
Total 2011 3 3 4 3 5 3 1 3 3 4 6 4 42
Year 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
Station-Season st1-S st1-W st2-S st2-W st3-S st3-W sv1-S sv1-W sv2-S sv2-W sv3-S sv3-W Total
DO 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
PTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
NH4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
TOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Ecotox. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
Chlorophyll 1 1 1 3
Enterococcus 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Total 2017 5 3 5 3 6 3 6 4 6 3 7 5 56

DO – dissolved oxygen; NH4 – ammonia nitrogen; PTOTAL – total phosphorus; S – summer; TOC – total organic carbon; W – winter; Ecotox. (Vibrio ficheri), Chlorophyll A, and Enterococcus.

Source: BRAZIL 2005; CETESB 2011; CETESB 2017.

Water quality: Contributing rivers and Santos Bay (beaches)

The deterioration of the bathing water also increased between 2005 and 2017 (Table 8), with the discharge of domestic sewage being the main factor for the low water quality of the beaches of Santos, São Vicente and Guarujá (CETESB 2017).

Concentration of total coliforms in waterways urban effluent to beaches.

County 2005 2017
Cubatão (*) 101 101
Guarujá (*) to 103 to 105
Santos (*) 104 to 105 103 to 106
São Vicente (*) 104 to 105 103 to 106
Bertioga 103 103 to 104
Mongaguá 103 to 104 103
Itanhaém 103 to 104 103
Praia Grande 104 to 105 103 to 106
Peruíbe 102 to 103 103 to 104

Source: CETESB 2017, adapted by the author, 2018.

Municipality contemplated in SAG.


The evolution of GAGR from 2005 to 2014 in urbanised areas was 0.68% p.a. in SAG and less than 1.24% p.a. BSMR and other regions of the world, such as 1.52% p.a. in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), are at a rate of 4.57% p.a. in sub-Saharan Africa and at a rate of 4.53% p.a. in Western Asia (IBGE 2010; UN 2016; IBGE 2018). Paradoxically, in informal areas from 2005 to 2018, GAGRNH in SAG 74 VN was 5.60% p.a., while BSMR 525 VN reached 6.07% p.a., higher than all other areas in LAC (−0.75% p.a.), sub-Saharan Africa (3.12% p.a.) and Western Asia (3.89% p.a.) (Young, Fusco 2006; AGEM 2015; UN 2016; Annex A; Annex B). Except for Cubatão municipality, with a negative GAGRNH (−7.95% p.a.), the municipalities of SSEC presented VN with growth types 1 and 2, in non-conforming dwellings and the occupied area or areas of verticalisation and population concentration. Intense urbanisation has significantly altered the physical environment, and the conservation of natural areas near urbanised areas remains to be considered of little importance to the government. Young 2009; Moreira et al. 2017 emphasise that the lack of conservation of natural areas in BSMR contributes strongly to environmental degradation and the impacts related to urban activities. On the other hand, in Cubatão, housing policy is based on housing production through partnerships with the state and federal governments. Some projects only include new units, while others have joint urbanisation and housing production actions. In addition to the construction of about 10,000 houses, the projects foresee urban areas occupied by families. The Organic Law of the Municipality of Cubatão establishes in Article 7(2) the municipality's concurrent competence, together with the State of São Paulo and Brazil, to execute housing production programmes. Combining this provision with the relevant chapter on municipal housing policy (Arts. 207 to 211) is the foundation in the local legal system for such sectoral policy and competence that enables the municipality to conclude agreements with other federative entities (Gillan, Charles 2019).

There are significant social impacts of daily releases of in natura effluent of approximately 2,086,000 m3 · month−1, PL of 450 tonnes · month−1, in addition to the inadequate disposal of garbage in water bodies (estuaries, beaches, canals and rivers), as well as the presence of emerging pollutants requiring advanced treatment that is not available from RMBS. Sewage discharges and inadequate waste disposal in the rivers’ innermost areas modify estuarine waters’ hydrodynamics and cause urban flooding, especially in the summer, when there is a more generous river contribution caused by heavy rains (Berbel et al. 2015). Other locations globally, also densely populated and with a population problem in unstable housing exposed to urban and industrial contaminants, are also affected. For instance, in India, the effects of anthropogenic stress on the Ganges River show increased biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), reduced salinity and pH, as well as the presence of high concentrations of Hg and Pb, attributed to discharges from manufacturing and industrial processes (Sarkar et al. 2007). Additionally, in India, on the Ganges delta in Bengal, there was evidence of Vibrio cholera concentrations associated with discharges, temperature and salinity of waters in the estuary (Batabyal et al. 2016). In Cameroon, cholera risk factors are associated with slums, poor sanitation and hygiene. There are high cholera risks in Douala, which demonstrates that the issue goes beyond public health to the point of a humanitarian disaster (Ndah, Ngorah 2015).

The relationship between economic growth and the release of contaminants has been known for some time. Garcia Occhipinti (1986) presented the most relevant aspects for analysing an ocean waste disposal system (OWDS), where he emphasised the tidal regime's interference in the gradient of contaminant concentrations. High concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are also associated with anthropogenic effects on SSEC (Fontanelle et al. 2019).

The sustainable development goal aims related to the environment, biodiversity and sustainable cities have encountered resource constraints and ineffective government actions (Shibata et al. 2015; WHO 2017; UN-HABITAT 2018). Insufficient urban land tenure regularisation in RMBS cities corroborates VN's ‘invisible’ growth and exerts negative impacts on transforming the urban environment and public health in SSEC waters and sediments. It is of great complexity to study a natural phenomenon that intensifies due to anthropic activities’ interference in coastal environments, especially those that cause eutrophication. The potentially harmful impact portrays this complexity, avoiding an alarmist attitude. We cannot avoid this phenomenon, but we must minimise its causes for maintaining tourism, fishing and improving public health.

Sixty-five percent of the area (Baixada Santista) is occupied by areas of permanent environmental preservation (APPs) with mangroves, restingas and forests in rugged mountains ( Permanent environmental preservation is defined by the Brazilian Forest Code (Law No. 12,651 of May 25, 2012) as untouchable areas, where it is not allowed to build, cultivate or economically exploit. For it to exist, it is enough that the geographical condition is met, regardless of the domain of the existing area or vegetation. The limits of the areas of permanent environmental preservation (APPs), which should be strictly monitored, are, in practice, abandoned as a result of the scrapping policy of the inspection bodies (Oliveira et al. 2020). The result is constant invasions, rapidly increasing the vulnerable population and causing conflicts between public institutions, where investments by the concessionaires in infrastructure works are prevented by legal uncertainty, resulting from the condition of a permanent preservation area. Therefore, it is necessary to change the current environmental management system so as to allow human activities integrated with the responsibility of maintaining processes, phenomena and riverside resources. In other words, we must encourage the concession of riverside resources within management plans with guidelines and responsibilities to conserve water and the environment.


The geometric rate of annual growth of the population in non-conforming housing (GAGRNH) is approximately five times higher than that of the compliant population in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (BSMR). It exceeds all world growth rates, even in the poorest regions of Latin America and sub-Saharan and West Africa.

The vulnerable nuclei (VN) growth clusters show that 85% of the VN result from invasions, reinvasions, densification and verticalisation, while 15% represent the government's areas’ demobilisation actions, without actions to recover degraded areas.

The release of sewage in the Santos and São Vicente Estuarine Complex (SSEC) by the study area group (SAG) exceeds 450 tonnes · month−1 and a flow of 2,650,000 m3 · month−1, and the negative impacts from the release and disposal of waste on the banks of water bodies pose risks to public health.

Estuary hydrodynamics do not promote the renewal of SSEC waters and turn its water into a large receptacle for sewage and emerging pollutants. As this is a port region, the contamination of these water bodies has potential risks of contamination and the spreading of diseases worldwide.

A comparison of these historical data clearly shows the escalation of nutrient entry into SSEC and increased concentrations associated with the growth of informal populations in the Santos metropolitan region beyond the limit of the estuarine system's carrying capacity, revealing the enormous pressure on the ecosystem.

The results show accelerated degradation of ecosystems, damage to public and environmental health, and potential risks of spreading disease in SSEC.

The re-urbanisation of the area using economic resources caused by the loss of water must be taken to reduce the risks of ecosystem degradation, damage to health and the spread of diseases.

This study has great potential to solve problems of urbanisation and sanitation in slum areas using resources from the economy generated by non-waste of treated water in irregular distribution. In a global scenario, this proposal could also be used in other regions of irregular housing in Brazil, and even studies of this nature in other parts of the world in less developed countries can lead to similar results and, consequently, solve water contamination problems.

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Sujets de la revue:
Geosciences, Geography