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Waterfalls: Forms, Distribution, Processes and Rates of Recession

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Fig. 1

Lobeck’s classification of types of waterfall.
Lobeck’s classification of types of waterfall.

Fig. 2

The Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Photo courtesy of Alice Goudie, April 2013.
The Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Photo courtesy of Alice Goudie, April 2013.

Fig. 3

The Augrabies Falls on the Orange River, South Africa. Photo: July 1968.
The Augrabies Falls on the Orange River, South Africa. Photo: July 1968.

Fig. 4

The Victoria Falls from the Zimbabwe side. Photo: August 1993.
The Victoria Falls from the Zimbabwe side. Photo: August 1993.

Fig. 5

The King George Falls, Kimberley, Western Australia. Photo: August 2017.
The King George Falls, Kimberley, Western Australia. Photo: August 2017.

Fig. 6

Waterfalls in the glacially overdeepened fjord of Milford Sound, New Zealand. Photo: August 1989.
Waterfalls in the glacially overdeepened fjord of Milford Sound, New Zealand. Photo: August 1989.

Fig. 7

A dry waterfall developed in Neoproterozoic metaquartzites at Etusis, central Namibia, with a water-filled plunge pool at its base. The mean annual rainfall at this site is only c. 240 mm per year. Photo: September 2018.
A dry waterfall developed in Neoproterozoic metaquartzites at Etusis, central Namibia, with a water-filled plunge pool at its base. The mean annual rainfall at this site is only c. 240 mm per year. Photo: September 2018.

Fig. 8

Constructive waterfalls in Namibia: (A) in Quiver Tree Gorge in the Namib Naukluft Park and (B) at Blasskrantz. Photos: August 1993.
Constructive waterfalls in Namibia: (A) in Quiver Tree Gorge in the Namib Naukluft Park and (B) at Blasskrantz. Photos: August 1993.

Heights of world waterfalls with fall of more than 165 m.

FallRiverCountryHeight of fall (m)SettingGeology
Kerepakupi (Salto Angel)Rio GaujaVenezuela807Plateau edgeSandstone
Kukenaam, saltoRio KukenaamVenezuela674Plateau edgeSandstone
Ventisquero ColganteChile549Glacial
RibbonRibbon CreekCalifornia, USA491GlacialGranite
MtaraziMtaraziZimbabwe479Plateau edgeGranite/dolerite
CerberusIce Fall BrookCanada BC475GlacialVolcanics
Piedra BoladaPiedra BoladaMexico453Rift marginGranite
Yosemite FallsYosemite CreekCalifornia, USA436GlacialGranite
TugelaTugelaSouth Africa411Plateau edgeSandstone
Sju SøstreKnivsflåelvaneNorway410GlacialMisc. crystalline
Churún VenaVenezuela400Plateau edgeSandstone
Castaño OveroCastaño OveroArgentina366GlacialVolcanic
El DoradoRio AracáBrazil353Plateau edgeSandstone
NohkalikaiPyjngithuli RiverIndia340Plateau edge (horst)Eocene sandstones
MardalsfossenInste MardølaNorway320Glacial
TurnerCleft CreekNew Zealand314Glacial
BasaseachicBasaseachicMexico312Rift margin
Roraima, SaltoVenezuela305Plateau edge
Trou de FerBras de CaverneRéunion305VolcanoVolcanics
GavarnieGave de PauFrance281GlacialLava
ArpenazLa LaiteuseFrance270Glacial
SutherlandArthurNew Zealand270Glacial
TueeulalaFalls CreekUSA268Glacial
WallamanStoney CreekAustralia268Plateau edge
ParijaroRio Alto CutiveriniPeru267Glacial
HunlenHunlen CreekCanada BC260GlacialLimestone
TakkakawCanada BC260Plateau edgeQuartzite and conglomerate
King Edward VIIISemangGuyana256Plateau edge
JogSaravatiIndia253Plateau edgeBanded gneiss
GjerdefossenKtituervlaNorway245GlacialSandstone and conglomerate
KaieteurPotaroGuyana226Plateau edgeMetasediments
WollomombiWollomombiAustralia NSW224Plateau edgeSandstone, quartzite and shales
KalamboKalamboZambia and Tanzania221Rift edgeSandstone, quartzite and shales
Tad FaneLaos213Plateau edge
BridalveilBridalveil CreekCalifornia, USA189Glacial
Drury FallsFall CreekUSA183Glacial
MultnomahMultnomah CreekOregon, USA165Missoula floods hanging valleyBasalt

Rates of waterfall recession ordered according to the rate in millimetres per year.

Golan Heights, IsraelShtober-Zisu et al. (2018)0.68
Roan PlateauBerlin, Anderson (2007)0.3–11.9
Kyushu, JapanYoshida (2017)2–30
Aso, JapanHayakawa et al. (2008a)13–68
IguazuStevaux, Latrubesse (2010)14–21
Beso, JapanHayakawa, Matsukura (2003)13–270
Kegon, JapanHayakawa (2013)18
HawaiiMackey et al. (2015)33
Victoria FallsMoore, Cotterill (2010)42–80
YosemiteHayakawa (2011)46
European AlpsHayakawa (2011)55–75
Shomyo, JapanHayakawa et al. (2008b)80–150
Poudre Falls, USAHayakawa, Wohl (2006)90
Victoria FallsDerricourt (1976)150
NiagaraHayakawa, Matsukura (2003)100–1000
St Anthony Falls, USASardeson (1908)744
NiagaraGilbert (1895)1200–1500
TaiwanHayakawa et al. (2010)3300–220,000

World Heritage Sites with waterfalls included in their designation.

World Heritage SiteCountry
Wet tropics of QueenslandAustralia
Greater Blue Mountains AreaAustralia
Purnulu National ParkAustralia
Iguacu National ParkBrazil
Atlantic Forest South East ReservesBrazil
Central Amazon Conservation ComplexBrazil
Pirin National ParkBulgaria
Nahanni National ParkCanada
Canadian Rocky Mountain ParksCanada
Gros Morne National ParkCanada
Mount HuangshanChina
Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest AreaChina
Jiuzhaigou Scenic and Historic Interest AreaChina
Wulinghuan Scenic and Historic Interest AreaChina
Lushan National ParkChina
Mount Sanqingshan National ParkChina
China DanxiaChina
Cocos Island National ParkCosta Rica
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National ParkCosta Rica / Panama
Plitvice Lakes National ParkCroatia
Morne Trois Pitons National ParkDominica
Sangay National ParkEcuador
Rio Platano Nature ReserveHonduras
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of SumatraIndonesia
Gunung Mulu National ParkMalaysia
Te Wahipounamu – South West New ZealandNew Zealand
West Norwegian FjordsNorway
Laurisilva of MadeiraPortugal
Putorana PlateauRussian Federation
Škocjan CavesSlovenia
Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava TubesSouth Korea
Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest ComplexThailand
Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife SanctuariesThailand
Ruwenzori Mountains National ParkUganda
Yosemite National ParkUSA
Canaima National ParkVenezuela
Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria FallsZambia and Zimbabwe
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Sujets de la revue:
Geosciences, Geography