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Urban Agriculture as the Path to Sustainable City Development. Insights into Allotment Gardens in Andalusia

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Fig. 1

The significance of agriculture in the context of sustainable development of the city.Source: own compilation.
The significance of agriculture in the context of sustainable development of the city.Source: own compilation.

Fig. 2

Positive aspects of urban agriculture to sustainable city development.Source: own compilation on the basis of Peterson et al. 2010 and Deelstra and Girardet 2000.
Positive aspects of urban agriculture to sustainable city development.Source: own compilation on the basis of Peterson et al. 2010 and Deelstra and Girardet 2000.

Fig. 3

Urban allotment projects in the region of Andalusia in the years 1991–2018.Source: own elaboration.
Urban allotment projects in the region of Andalusia in the years 1991–2018.Source: own elaboration.

Fig. 4

The research area, its location from the perspective of the country, province and the city.Source: own elaboration.
The research area, its location from the perspective of the country, province and the city.Source: own elaboration.

Picture 1

Traditional vegetable garden (huerta) in Baeza in 2018.Source: picture taken by the authors.
Traditional vegetable garden (huerta) in Baeza in 2018.Source: picture taken by the authors.

Fig. 5

Allotment gardens in Baeza in 2018.Source: own elaboration.
Allotment gardens in Baeza in 2018.Source: own elaboration.

Picture 2

An example of a vacated plot.Source: pictures taken by the authors.
An example of a vacated plot.Source: pictures taken by the authors.

Fig. 6

Age structure of plots holders in 2014.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.
Age structure of plots holders in 2014.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.

Fig. 7

Economic structure of plots holders in 2014.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.
Economic structure of plots holders in 2014.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.

Fig. 8

Average plot size.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.
Average plot size.Source: own elaboration based on data from the city office.

Picture 3

Allotment gardens in Baeza at the end of November 2018.Source: pictures taken by the authors.
Allotment gardens in Baeza at the end of November 2018.Source: pictures taken by the authors.

Picture 4

Local grocery market in Baeza in 2018.Source: pictures taken by the authors.
Local grocery market in Baeza in 2018.Source: pictures taken by the authors.

Picture 5

A monthly lottery aimed at stimulating trade at the market.Source: picture taken by the authors.
A monthly lottery aimed at stimulating trade at the market.Source: picture taken by the authors.

Picture 6

An example of setting aside (barbecho) a certain proportion of the plot.Source: picture taken by the authors.
An example of setting aside (barbecho) a certain proportion of the plot.Source: picture taken by the authors.

Decalogue of mandatory rules regarding the use of allotment gardens in Baeza.

1.It is not allowed to change the layout of plots or combine them with neighbouring ones or close them with permanent fences.
2.The City Council provides water (non-potable).
3.Each user must keep the plot in good condition and return it in an orderly and clean state.
4.The plot user can obtain agricultural tools that should be returned when he/she no longer uses the plot.
5.There is a yearly obligation to fertilise the plot at the appropriate time for this activity.
6.The City Council may unilaterally cancel the use of the plot if public interest is threatened.
7.The use of the plot is free of charge. One family unit has the right to one plot.
8.The plot user should respect both other users and the municipal personnel.
9.The City Council reserves the right to inspect plots to check whether their use is consistent with their purpose.
10.The products obtained are intended for own consumption but they can also be sold on the municipal grocery market on condition that an appropriate fee is paid.
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Sujets de la revue:
Geosciences, Geography