À propos de cet article


Small businesses can use content marketing to create and provide information that is both interesting and valuable for potential customers. Moreover, the benefits it brings include the cultivation of brand loyalty, a way to differentiate from competitors, stimulating sales while cultivating emotional connections, and delivering targeted messages. Particularly for small companies, content marketing represents a way to reach a target market and grow in a sustainable rhythm. The article explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating content for Romanian small businesses. The research focused on identifying the types of AI tools used and the challenges and benefits of adopting AI for content development. A quantitative market research was performed among a sample of Romanian small businesses to identify opinions and practices regarding AI tools. The findings show that there is a significant adoption rate of AI tools, which positively impacts content production efficiency. Despite the challenges of initial investment costs and the steep learning curve, the strategic integration of AI has notably enhanced operational efficiencies and competitive positioning in the digital market. The research contributes to a better understanding of the effects brought by AI usage on content development, underlining the need for investing in technology in order to grow and remain relevant in the market.
