À propos de cet article


Increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products, sustainable management of rural resources, and demographic aspects of rural development are issues that unite both science and practice in thinking. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by data on the increase in population and demand for food, as well as changes in consumption habits of agricultural products. Research highlights the importance of applying the principles of the green economy using the example of plum production and marketing in the Republic of Serbia. Observing the average rate of fluctuation and the coefficient of variation of plum production around the calculated average value, we notice an uncertain market placement. The importance of the demographic picture of villages due to changes in rural population is depicted through the constant decrease in the agricultural population in the Republic of Serbia. The process of joining the European Union further emphasizes the importance of the green economy and sustainable development as priority areas for Serbia. Accession to the EU obliges the country to align with European standards, including those related to environmental protection and sustainable development. Thus, sustainable development represents a link between economic policy and environmental protection processes. The process of implementing the green economy in the agricultural sector in Serbia requires an active role of the state, regulatory framework, and support from international partners. Institutional support is the basis for successful implementation of efficient solutions. Additionally, it is important to promote innovation, short marketing channels, and knowledge exchange. Concrete measures involve organizing advisory services, training farmers through the modernization of agricultural holdings.
