À propos de cet article


Fig. 1

CI value projections (Board-of-Investment 2020). CI, construction industry.
CI value projections (Board-of-Investment 2020). CI, construction industry.

Fig. 2

Themes, sub-themes and codes as established from an early impact study (Alsharef et al. 2021).
Themes, sub-themes and codes as established from an early impact study (Alsharef et al. 2021).

Fig. 3

Participants statistics for FI and SI survey. FI, frequency index; SI, severity index.
Participants statistics for FI and SI survey. FI, frequency index; SI, severity index.

Fig. 4

Survey participant experience statistics.
Survey participant experience statistics.

Fig. 5

Province wise participation statistics (Azad Jammu Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan, Baluchistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab).
Province wise participation statistics (Azad Jammu Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan, Baluchistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab).

Fig. 6

Public sector vs private sector participation statistics.
Public sector vs private sector participation statistics.

Fig. 7

Organisational percentage corresponding to the number of COVID-19 patients.
Organisational percentage corresponding to the number of COVID-19 patients.

Fig. 8

COVID-19 affected personnel within the organisation (public vs private sector).
COVID-19 affected personnel within the organisation (public vs private sector).

Fig. 9

Province-wise impact contribution of key impact factors.
Province-wise impact contribution of key impact factors.

Factors for exit strategy for COVID-19 (ongoing and future).

Categories No. Factors
Future practices F1 Advocacy to render construction operations essential
F2 Efforts to reduce and overcome project delays
F3 Preparation of likely disputes and payment challenges
F4 Limiting shifts to 8 h and increasing to three shifts for projects to engage surplus employees
F5 Digitising the construction site monitoring and inspection system
F6 Increasing communication technology awareness and reliance
F7 Efforts to address material shortages
Relief Sought (For Ongoing and Future Projects) F8 Future government relief programmes for your organisation
F9 Future government relief programmes at the employee level
F10 Reducing tax on services for the next 5 Fiscal years
F11 Reducing Tax on Goods for the next 5 Fiscal years
F12 Current relief policy of the government for your sector (2019–2021)
F13 Ban towards COVID-19 firing for private sector
F14 Policyt plan for increasing the development of infrastructure with equal opportunities and support to the private sector.
F15 Limiting shifts to 8 h and Increasing to three shifts for projects to engage surplus employees
New Safety measures adopted in the CI F16 Use of face covering
F17 Use of gloves of any sort is mandatory for all site personnel
F18 Efficacy of social distancing
F19 Offering COVID-19 training to employees
F20 Paperless operations
F21 Predefined decision-making sops
F22 Implementation of social distancing

S.I.% values for the emerging practices.

No. No. of responses ‘N’ S.I. (%) Rank
F1 101 37.5 8
F2 101 38.75 15
F3 101 43 18
F4 101 35.5 4
F5 101 36.25 5
F6 101 37.25 7
F7 101 37.75 10
F8 101 38 11
F9 101 37.5 9
F10 101 36.75 6
F11 101 38.25 12
F12 101 38.5 13
F13 101 32.75 1
F14 101 34.75 2
F15 101 47.25 21
F16 101 46.25 20
F17 101 38.5 14
F18 101 39.5 17
F19 101 39 16
F20 101 45 19
F21 101 48 22
F22 101 35 3

Likert scale frequency and SI.

FI scale
F.I No. Strongly disagree (a = 1) Disagree (a = 2) Neutral (a = 3) Agree (a = 4) Strongly agree (a = 5)
Question Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n)
SI scale
S.I No. No impact (a = 1) Negligible impact (a = 2) Marginal impact (a = 3) Moderate impact (a = 4) Major impact (a = 5)
Question Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n) Frequency (n)

Key impact factors or disruptions caused by COVID-19 for 3Cs.

No. Description Rank
F8 Increase in planning and overhead cost 1
F11 Challenges with international manufacturing and shipping 2
F15 Permit issuance delayed as a result of remote work 3
F7 Concerns regarding liquidated damages 4
F22 Cash flow and payment challenges 5
F10 Delays in material availability and delivery 6

IMP.I for COVID-19 impact factors.

No. No. of responses ‘N’ Total score of frequency Total score of index FI (%) SI (%) Imp. index (%) Rank
F1 101 201 235 39.8 36.68 14.60 29
F2 101 144 210 28.5 35.21 10.03 18
F3 101 145 199 28.7 23.60 6.77 11
F4 101 247 271 48.9 22.66 11.08 22
F5 101 126 181 25.0 48.94 12.24 24
F6 101 98 188 19.4 32.81 6.37 9
F7 101 78 161 15.4 31.50 4.85 4
F8 101 75 148 14.9 18.50 2.76 1
F9 101 245 292 48.5 17.60 8.54 14
F10 101 244 269 48.3 11.80 5.70 6
F11 101 175 237 34.7 11.33 3.93 2
F12 101 245 242 48.5 21.65 10.50 19
F13 101 194 259 38.4 36.00 13.82 27
F14 101 137 204 27.1 27.46 7.44 13
F15 101 128 191 25.3 18.41 4.66 3
F16 101 190 225 37.6 17.67 6.64 10
F17 101 148 205 29.3 33.78 9.90 17
F18 101 142 206 28.1 42.90 12.05 23
F19 101 197 250 39.0 27.24 10.62 20
F20 101 180 253 35.6 34.60 12.32 25
F21 101 149 224 29.5 48.82 14.40 28
F22 101 146 199 28.9 17.01 4.92 5
F23 101 128 214 25.3 27.29 6.90 12
F24 101 108 183 21.4 29.34 6.28 8
F25 101 81 209 16.0 36.07 5.77 7
F26 101 152 223 30.1 31.21 9.39 15
F27 101 190 241 37.6 45.22 17.00 31
F28 101 141 219 27.9 48.20 13.45 26
F29 101 152 203 30.1 36.50 10.99 21
F30 101 176 251 34.9 28.23 9.85 16
F31 101 166 265 32.9 45.30 14.90 30

Key emerging practices as pointed out by 3Cs.

No. Description Rank
F13 Ban towards COVID-19 firing for private sector 1
F14 Policy plan for increasing the development of infrastructure with equal opportunities and support to the private sector. 2
F22 Implementation of social distancing 3
F4 Limiting shifts to 8 h and Increasing to three shifts for projects to engage surplus employees 4
F5 Digitising the construction site monitoring and inspection system 5
F10 Reducing tax on services for the next 5 Fiscal years 6

Revised impact factors on projects (after pilot studies).

Categories No. Factors
Suspension or slowing of ongoing projects or delay in the start of new projects F1 Investing scepticism resulted in project cancellations and suspensions
F2 Financial constraints resulted in projects slowing and suspension
Price escalation, additional cost, loss of revenue and payment delay F3 Payment delay expected due to cash flow challenges
F4 Increase in the cost of construction operations
F5 Shortages in the availability of sub-contractors
F6 Increase in the non-performance among sub-contractors
F7 Concerns regarding liquidated damages
F8 Increase in planning and overhead cost
F9 Supply chain disruptions in cost increases
Material delivery delays and shortages of material F10 Delays in material availability and delivery
F11 Challenges with international manufacturing and shipping
F12 Upstream manufacturing and trucking companies Impacted
F13 Local disruptions in the supply chain
Delays in inspection and securing permits F14 The scheduled inspection was cancelled and postponed
F15 Permit issuance delayed as a result of remote work
F16 Inefficient transition to remote working
F17 Lack of sufficient technology-related support
Reduction in efficiency and productivity rates F18 PPE shortages
F19 Workforce reduction/social distancing requirements
F20 Worker absenteeism
F21 Revisions to the original schedule
F22 Cash flow and payment challenges
Transition to work from home for on-site personnel F23 Work from home related challenges
F24 Digital infrastructure challenges
Increase in demand from local suppliers and manufacturers F25 Increased reliance on locally sourced material and equipment
F26 Raw material shipment challenges affected local suppliers
Expected Increase in Claims, Disputes, Arbitrations and Litigations F27 Delays, work suspensions and material shortages are expected to increase disputes
F28 Likely increase in the use of ‘Force Majeure’ contractual clauses
F29 The expected increase in seeking relief for cost increases
F30 Inability to maintain initially planned schedules
F31 Payment-related disputes expected

Comparison of significance of key impact factors (of current study) with factors analysed in similar studies around the world.

Sr. No. Impact factors (this study) Similar literature reviewed issue identified Study origin Significance of impact factor from literature review
Significant Non-significant
1 Increase in planning and overhead cost Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Tariq and Umar (2021) Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Thapa and Pryanka (2020) Nepal
2 Challenges with international manufacturing and shipping Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Thapa and Priyanka (2020) Nepal
3 Permit issuance delayed as a result of remote work Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Tariq and Umar (2021) Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
4 Concerns regarding liquidated damages Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Hansen and Seng (2020) Indonesia
Tariq and Umar (2021) Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
5 Cash flow and payment challenges Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Iqbal et al. (2021) China
Thapa and Priyanka (2020) Nepal
6 Delays in material availability and delivery Assaad and El-Adaway (2021) Iran
Alsharef et al. (2021) United States of America
Iqbal et al. (2021) China
Wang et al. (2020) Global
Tariq and Umar (2021) Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other