À propos de cet article


The framework of competencies of strategic planning managers in multi-business holding organisations.

Group Aspects Competencies
Strategy formulation 1. Environmental scanning 1.1. The power of analysing internal and external factors of the business environment
1.2. Knowledge in the field of benchmarking
1.3. Information about competitors in the market
2. Future studies and policymaking 2.1. Ability to analyse the target industries, research the future and draw the perspective of products and services
2.2. Knowledge of the latest methods and tools in formulating strategies
2.3. Experience and knowledge in the field of translating strategies into operational plans
2.4. Scenario analysis
Strategy implementation 3. Strategic monitoring and control 3.1. Proficiency in strategy implementation tools
3.2. Keeping track of operational affairs and action plans
3.3. Collaboration with the corporate management team
3.4. Ability to establish communication and coordination between operational units
3.5. Knowledge in the field of reporting systems and action control
4. Adopting optimal tactics 4.1. Proficiency in negotiation techniques
4.2. Comprehensive awareness of international markets
4.3. Fluency in international languages
4.4. Awareness of new financing methods
4.5. Knowledge and awareness in areas related to target industries
4.6. Knowledge on supply chain elements in areas related to the target industries
4.7. Knowledge and awareness in the field related to productivity management
4.8. Proficiency in new methods and tools in the field of evaluating the performance of subsidiaries
4.9. Proficiency in the principles of corporate governance and stock market
4.10. Proficiency in the basics of the economic evaluation of development projects
4.11. Knowledge and experience in auditing companies

Comparing the dimensions of the SPM framework with other competency frameworks in the literature.

Competency frameworks Cohort Findings Comparison with SPM framework Reference
Competency model for safety managers Safety managers Three behavioural leadership competencies (emotional, social and cognitive) are critical in the performance of safety managers SPM concentrates on technical and process skills, while this framework conceptualises behavioural leadership competencies in the context of safety management Alidrisi and Mohamed (2022)
Quality management competence framework Quality managers Humans, the methods and process, and the conceptual and contextual competence dimensions form the four pillars of the competency framework Both models have a similar emphasis on the context of management. However, the SPM model also considers the link with the business environment as a vital element of competency Martin et al. (2021)
Managers’ competencies in Industry 4.0 General managers Focuses on sustainable development and distribution of managers’ competencies Leadership, communication and creativity are the cornerstones of both competency frameworks Dzwigol et al. (2020)
Management competencies of nurse managers Nurse managers Technical, human and conceptual skills are essential for nursing management Both frameworks elaborate on the technical and conceptual skills of managers Ofei et al. (2020)
Project managers’ competencies framework Project managers Different project contexts and different project types need to be considered in determining competencies This framework focuses more on behavioural capacities, while SPM emphasises the technical and strategic skills of managers Moradi et al. (2020)
Global management competencies framework General managers Organisational behaviour components, knowledge, skills, abilities and other personality characteristics are the main constructs This framework focuses on the general management level by conceptualising cross-cultural competence, intercultural sensitivity and cultural intelligence. The SPM framework delves into more specific competencies for strategic managers Bücker and Poutsma (2010)
SME marketing management competencies Marketing managers Knowledge, experience, communication and judgement are among the main contributors This framework concentrates onSMEs, while the SPM framework explains the competencies in large holding companies Carson and Gilmore (2000)
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other