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Air pollution has been identified as adversely affecting human health, causing respiratory and cardiovascular problems, especially in older people, and even leading to premature deaths. As air contains a mixture of particles and gases, it is harmful if the mix of concentrations exceeds a threshold level. The major and primary pollutants impacting air quality are carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), ammonia (NH3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxide of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The secondary pollutants consist of sulphur trioxide (SO3), nitric acid (HNO3), sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), ammonium (NH4+), and particulates.

Several studies reported that air pollution, compounded with meteorological conditions and regional topography, plays a vital role in the spreading and worsening of COVID-19 severity. An epistemological study revealed a positive correlation between COVID-19 and air pollution [Zhu et al. 2020]. Moreover, COVID-19 transmission and its fatality levels were abetted by climatic conditions, namely temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, and wind direction.


In light of this background, the present study attempts a critical review of research conducted across the focus countries examining the causal relationship between air pollution and COVID-19.

Originating in China towards the end of 2019, COVID-19 spread across the globe like wildfire. The virus grew like a monster in quick time and was identified as a new strain of the novel coronavirus. In the first stage, few countries near to China were affected. Later, it spread across many countries due to the movement of people to and from China. In addition to personal contact, it has been observed that people with exposure to air pollution are more prone to infection by the COVID-19 virus. The outbreak started at different times across countries studied. Because COVID-19 is an infectious disease, all the affected countries imposed lockdowns to arrest the spread. Industrial activities were suspended, and travel restrictions were imposed. All social gatherings were prohibited. Public transportation was suspended, industrial activities were shut down, and construction activities were temporarily stopped. Even fireworks as a mark of celebrations on festive and national days were banned. As a result, emissions from transportation and industrial sectors were reduced drastically, and air quality has improved globally. However, the improvement in air quality was not significant in a few countries because meteorological conditions affect air pollution formation and dispersion. Therefore, lockdown as a COVID-19 control measure has given scientists an opportunity to study the linkages between COVID-19, meteorological conditions, regional topography, and their impact on air quality.


Recently, several studies have centred on meteorological factors and specific pollutants responsible for enhancing COVID-19 spread and lethality. The results from several studies (Table 1) on possible interactions between COVID-19 actions and changes in air pollution have been extracted from various databases, and these studies are reviewed here to demonstrate the relationships among pollutants, meteorological conditions, and the progress and severity of COVID-19 in the affected populations.

Summary table of reviewed results

Study Location Pollutant Level Data collection Period Key Findings
Khurram Shehzad et al. (2020) Mumbai, New Delhi NO2 ~ 10 μg/m3 (Mumbai)12 – 25 μg/m3 (New Delhi) Sentinel-SP satellite images ESA and NASA January 1–March 24 2020 (before lockdown)March 25–April 20 2020 (during lockdown) Reduction in NO2 due to decrease in electric consumption
Yichen Wang et al. (2020) 366 urban areas in China's mainland AQI, PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3 Average AQI for all stations reduced from 89.6 to 71.6 China's National Environmental Monitoring Centre. January 1–January 23 2020 (before control period)January 24–February 9 2020 (control period)

Reduction in pollutants due to lockdown of transport and secondary industries.

Increase of ozone due to less scavenging of HO2.

Pengfei et al. (2020) 10 major cities in China PM2.5 and its components SO4, NO3, NH4, and SOA

10% – 20% reduction in PM2.5; 30% – 50% reduction in its components.

Increase in PM2.5 with value of 69.38 μg/m3 in Tiajin and 14.24% increase in Xian

China's National Environmental Monitoring CentreNational Climate Data Centre January 1–February 12, 2020 (High and low pollution days)Lockdown in Wuhan from January 23 and in Hubei province from January 24, 2020

Reduction due to transportation and slight reduction in industrial activity

Increase in PM2.5 due to unfavourable meteorological conditions

H. Zheng et al. (2020) Wuhan PM2.5 and other air pollutants, PM2.5 chemical species, Meteorological parameters PM2.5 reduced by 27.0 μg/m3 (Compared to previous year, same time period) In situ observations

January 23–February 22 2020 (During lockdown and comparison with previous year, same period)

Residential/commercial with no industrial emissions at surroundings

Reduction in chemical species and sources.

Primary emission decreased and secondary emission enhanced

Zhipeng Pei et al. (2020) Beijing Wuhan Guangzhou NO2, SO2, O3, HCHO, PM2.5

NO2 decreased by 28%, 57% and 46%

Little influence on SO2 irrespective of cities

Lockdown period (same period as previous year) NO2 and HCHO by remote sensing satellite - Other indices – In-situ measurements Different responses for different air pollutants in different places.
Hao Xu et al. (2020) 33 locations in China AQI -- January 29–February 15 2020 (Lockdown period)

China National Environmental Monitoring Centre

Meteorological data provider and China Meteorological Data Service Centre

AQI effect on confirmed cases in temperature range 10–20 °C is stronger and spread of COVID enhanced under low relative humidity.
Hui Chen et al. (2020) Shanghai, China NR-PM2.5, SO2, CO, Sulphate and OOA

Nitrate decreased by 60%, SO2 by 15%, CO by 22%.

Sulphate and OOA barely decreased

January 8–January 23 (before lockdown) January 24–February 8 (lockdown)

A Time of Flight- Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (Tof- ACSM) - NR PM2.5

PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and O3-Air quality station

Nitrate was dominant NR-PM2.5 component

A slight reduction in sulphate and OOA concentrations inhibited PM2.5 reduction.

Feng Liu et al. (2021) Globally, 597 major cities from 76 countries PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3 NO2 falls more precipitously, followed by PM10, SO2, PM2.5, and CO, but O3 increases relative to pre lockdown period. January 1–July 5 2020 (lockdown period) Air quality open data platform Improvement in air quality due to lockdown
Rui Bao et al. (2020) 44 cities in northern China AQI, PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO The concentrations of SO2, PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and CO decreased by 6.76%, 5.93%, 13.66%, 24.67% and 4.58% respectively. January 1–March 21 2020

Real time data system of the MEE

Human mobility measured by real time IMI index extracted from Baidu Maps

Travel restriction measures significantly reduced air pollution.
Yongjian Zhu et al. (2020) 120 cities in China PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, Covid-19 confirmed cases Increase in air pollutants except SO2 was associated with increase in daily counts of COVID-19 confirmed cases. January 23–February 29 2020

Local health commissions on official websites

Air pollution data from online platform

Meteorological data from National Meteorological Information centre

Positive association of PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2 and O3 with COVID-19 confirmed cases

SO2 was negatively associated with confirmed cases

Farrukh Shahzad et al. (2020) 10 most affected provinces in China Temperature COVID-19 confirmed cases Positive relationship with temperature and COVID-19 January 22–March 31 2020

Weather underground company

Chinese National Health Commission

Positive, negative, and mixed trends
Dongyang Nie et al.(2021) 31 provincial cities in China PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3 All air pollutants except O3 reduced January 1–May 2, 2020 Website of National Environmental Monitoring Centre of China Increase in O3 is of primary concern
Shelby Zangari et al. (2020) New York City 15 central monitoring stations PM2.5 and NO2 36% and 51% reduction in PM2.5 and NO2 after shutdown January–May 2015 to 2020 DEC's air monitoring website (New York state Department of Environmental Conservation, 2020) Short-term decline in pollution levels in 2020
Manu Sasidharan et al. (2020) London borough PM2.5 and NO2 Correlation of PM2.5 and NO2 with Covid cases As of March 31 2020 Public Health England 2020National Health services 2020Air pollution data-King's college London 2020 Correlation between increment in PM2.5 and NO2 and increase in risk of COVID-19 transmission
Jose M. Baldasano (2020) Cities of Barcelona and Madrid, Spain NO2 Reduction compared to previous years March 2018–2020 Air Quality Monitoring NetworksClimatological reports from Spanish State Meteorological Agency Under lockdown, reduction of NO2 in Barcelona and Madrid were 50% and 62%, respectively.
Maria Cristina Collivignarelli et al. (2020) Metropolitan city of Milan, Italy PM2.5, PM10, NOx, SO2, NO2, CO, O3, BC, benzene

PM2.5, PM10, NOx, BC, Benzene and CO reduced and O3 increased.

SO2 dropped only in Milan not in adjacent areas.

9 to 22 March 2020 (partial lockdown) 23 March to 5 April 2020 (total lockdown)

Air quality data from local environmental protection agency

Data for estimation of sources of PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, SO2, NOx from regional inventory of emissions from Lombardy

Meteorological data by local environmental protection agency

Increase in O3 due to presence of benzene even though VOCs emissions from vehicular traffic and industrial combustion decreased.
Antonio Frontera et al. (2020) 21 Italian regions PM2.5 and NO2 High correlation between PM2.5 and total number of cases, ICU admissions, deaths and hospitalizations February 2020

Air pollution data from Air-Matters app

Patient data- Italian civil protection website

Population data – Italian Statistical agency

Exposure to high levels of NO2 exacerbates symptoms.

Strong correlation between severity of Covid and level of air pollutants.

Yaron Ogen (2020) European countries – Italy, Spain, France and Germany (66 administrative regions) NO2 Long-term exposure to this pollutant and Covid-19 fatality January to February 2020

Sentinel -5 precursor space borne satellite

NCEP/NCAR reanalysis

Information about fatalities from Ministry of Health (Italy)

Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Spain)

The National Agency of Public Health (France)

Robert-Koch-Institute and the State Health Offices (Germany)

Chronic exposure to NO2 could be an important contributor to high Covid fatality rate.
Matthew D. Adams (2020) Ontario, Canada 32 stations PM2.5, NO2, NOX, O3 NO2 and NOX reduced January 3–February 6, 2020 (five weeks), compared with previous five years same period. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park's air pollution data portal Ozone reduced and PM2.5 has not varied.
Bruno Siciliano et al. (2020) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil NO2, NO, O3, NHMC Reduction in NOx March 1 to April 16 2020 Automatic monitoring stations of the Municipal Department of the Environment Increase in O3 due to increase in NMHC/NOX ratios.
Kasturi Devi Kanniah et al. (2020) Southeast Asian countries and Malaysia AOD, PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, and CO Notable reduction in pollutants in urban areas March 18–30 April for three years 2018, 2019, 2020

Himawari -8 satellite


Ground based pollution measurements

A large decrease in NO2 levels occurred in industrial sites and urban
Ismail Anil and Omar Alagha (2020) Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, O3 Markable reduction in NO2 by 12–86%. September 15, 2019–March 22, 2020 (pre-lockdown) March 23–June 20, 2020 (during lockdown) June 21–July 18, 2020 (post lockdown)

General authority of Meteorology and Environment Protection

Meteorological data – In -situ

SO2 variations were not distinct.

The other pollutants except O3 reduced.

Akhtar Shareef and Durdana Rais Hashmi (2020) Karachi, Pakistan PM10, SO2, NO2, CO PM10 reduced to 50% during lockdown SO2, NO2, CO reduced about 60%–70% Feb25March 23, 2020 (before lockdown)March 24April 20, 2020 (during partial lockdown)February, March, April of five previous years Analysers AQI during lockdown is either moderate or good
M. Bigdeli et al. (2020) 31 provinces in Iran CO, SO2, NO2, O3 Negative and positive correlations with density of confirmed COVID cases Feb 19 March 22, 2020 Sentinel 5P SO2 was correlated more negatively
Aiymgul Kerimray et al. (2020) Almaty, Kazakhstan PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO, O3 Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene-xylene

CO and NO2 reduced by 49% and 35% during lockdown.

O3 increased by 15% and SO2 by 7%.

PM2.5 reduced by 21% compared to 2018–2019 same period.

Benzene and toluene were 3 and 2 times higher and ethylbenzene and 0-xylene were 4 and 2.7 times compared to 20152019 same period

March 19–April 14, 2020 LockdownCompared with 2015–2019 same period

PM2.5 from Airkaz public air quality network

Other air pollutants – Skymax technologies company

Meteorological – http://rp5.kz website

Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene-xylene – https://goo.gl/maps/6UPRmjJoYpwEg2D56

Trafic-free conditions did not improve air quality
Li Li et al. (2020) Yangtze River Delta Region Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei PM2.5, SO2, NOX, VOCs SO2, NOX, PM2.5 and VOC's reduced by 26%,47%,46% and 57% during the most stringent level response period January–March 2017–2020

Pollutants: Air Monitoring Data Centre of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China

Meteorological data: NOAA, National climate data centre archive and National Data centre of Chinese Meteorology

Daily PM2.5 during lockdown still ranged between 15 and 79 μg/m3, and O3 rebounded by 20.5%
Pierre Sicard et al. (2020) Europe (Nice, France, Rome and Turin, Italy, Valencia, Spain) Wuhan, China NOX, PM, O3 Reduction in NOX in all cities ~56% PM in Wuhan ~42% and in Europe ~8% Increase in O3 by 17% in Europe and 36% in Wuhan Before (1 January 2020 until start date of lockdown) and after (from start date to 8 April in Wuhan and until 18 April in European cities) lockdown Local and regional agencies in charge of air monitoring stations Reduction in NOX and PM and increase in O3
Jesse D. Berman, Keita Ebisu (2020) Continental United States (122 counties) PM2.5 and NO2 NO2 declined 25.5% and PM2.5 declined January 8–Mach 12 (pre-lockdown)March 13April 21, 2020 (lockdown) and 2017–2019 same period


Country level

Urban and rural – CDC

National centre for health statistics.

PM2.5 declined in urban counties
Anas Otmani et al. (2020) Sale city (Morocco) PM10, SO2, NO2 Decreased by 75%, 49%, 96% within a few days of lockdown March 11–April 2, 2020 After and during lockdown In-situ Most significant variation in NO2
Akshansha Chauhan, Ramesh P. Singh (2020) Rome, Shanghai, Mumbai, Dubai, Delhi, Beijing, Los Angeles, New York, Zaragoza PM2.5 32% reduction in New York, 4% in Los Angeles, 58% in Zaragoza, 24% in Rome, 11% in Dubai, 35% and 14% in Delhi and Mumbai, 50% in both Beijing and Shanghai. Dec 2019–Mar 2020 compared with years 2017–2019

Purple Air

Air Now


In the major cities around the world suffering severely with Covid19, a decline in PM2.5 is observed.
S. Selvam et al. (2020) Zone 1: Surat, Ankleshwar, Vadodara Zone 2: Ahmedabad, Gandhi Nagar, Zone 3: Jamnagar, Rajkot Zone 4: Bhuj and Palanpur. PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, O3, AQI Major improvements in Zones 2, 3; moderate improvements in Zones 1, 4.Zone 1: Dominant transportation and fabric sectorsZone 2: Pharmaceutical, beverage, textile automobile, steel recycling, auto parts and petroleum/petrochemicalsZone 3: Large cargo ships, ferries and cruisesZone 4: Lowest air pollution and less populated cities. CPCB 1 Jan 2020–20 Apr 2020Pre-lockdown: 01 Jan 2020–23 Mar 2020 and lockdown period: 24 Mar 2020–20 Apr 2020 Overall improvement in AQI of 58% compared to previous year and increase in O3 by 16% to 58% due to less NO emissions.
Indrajit Chowdhuri et al. (2020) Kolkata PM10, NO2, SO2, O3 Average of PM10, NO2, SO2, O3 reduced by 40% to 68%. 24 February 2020 to 23 May 2020 (before lockdown)24 March 2020 to 20 May 2020 (during lockdown)



Overall reduction of surface pollution in thunderstorm environment.
Susanta Mahato et al. (2020) Delhi PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, O3, AQI PM10 and PM2.5 have witnessed maximum reduction >50%. 24 Mar 2020 to 14 Apr 2020 (Same period 2019)03 March 2020 to 21 March 2020



About 54%, 49%, 43% 37% & 31% reduction in NAQI observed in Central, eastern, southern, western and northern parts of megacity Delhi.
Sneha Lokhandwala and Pratibha Gautam (2020) Ghaziabad PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2 Major reduction in PM2.5 – 85.1% 14 April 2020 Compared with 14 January 2020 CPCB Quality of air has started to improve.
Abhishek Saxena and Shani Raj (2021) Agra, Noida, Gurugram, Delhi PM2.5, PM10, NO2, CO, O3 PM2.5, PM10, CO reduced and O3 increased. Before lockdown (02 March 2020–21 March 2020)During lockdown (24 March 2020to 14 April 2020)



PM2.5 and PM10 for all north Indian cities were reduced more than 40%.

O3 increased in Agra by 98%.

COVID-19 and air pollutants

Globally, an improvement in air quality was observed during the lockdown period in 597 major cities in 76 countries [Feng Liu et al. 2021]. NO2 showed the largest percentage of reduction, followed by PM10, SO2, PM2.5, and CO. In addition, a 10–27% increase in O3 was observed. The rate of expected premature deaths declined due to improved air quality in all countries studied. In major cities worldwide – New York, Los Angeles, Zaragoza, Rome, Dubai, New Delhi, Mumbai, Beijing, and Shanghai – PM2.5 concentrations declined as a result of the lockdown effect, even though COVID-19 cases were high at that time. In 37 states of the US, a 25.5% reduction in NO2 was observed during the pandemic compared to the pre-COVID-19 period [Jesse, Ebisu 2020]. The decline is mainly confined to urban areas, however; the rural regions remained largely unaffected.

In the top hotspots of Italy, France, and Spain in Europe and Wuhan in China, the reduction in NOx was 56%. In the case of PM, there was a 42% reduction in Wuhan and an 8% decline in Europe [Pierre et al. 2020]. In the cities of Spain, the most important source of pollution is traffic, from internal combustion emissions from motor vehicles. During the pandemic, a reduction in NO2 concentration in Barcelona and Madrid was observed compared to the previous two years considering all the meteorological conditions. The reduction in maximum hourly peak ratios was between 1.2 and 1.7 [Baldasano 2020]. In the metropolitan city of Milan, there was an appreciable reduction in CO due to reduced vehicular transmissions. At the same time, SO2 dropped only in the city metropolis compared to adjacent areas due to a reduction in the use of fuel for heating [Collivinarelli et al. 2020]. The average value of PM2.5 in Rome in March 2020 was 159% lower compared to January 2020 [[Chauhan, Singh 2020].

On the other hand, a short-term decline in pollution levels was observed in 15 central monitoring stations after the shutdown in New York City, whereas no significant difference had been observed for over five years from 2015 to 2020 over 17 weeks during the months of January through May. A major improvement was found only in regions with higher levels of air pollutants [Zangari et al. 2020]. In Ontario, Canada, PM2.5 didn’t show any change in 12 out of 32 monitoring sites, because 56% of PM2.5 emissions are from residential sources [Adams 2020].

With the largest population in the world, China is affected by heavy air pollution, especially with PM2.5. The major contributor to PM2.5 is the industrial sector [Shi et al. 2017]. The transport sector contributes 6–12% [Tao et al. 2017], while the residential sector contributed 39% of PM2.5 emissions in China in 2010 [Li et al. 2017]. During the lockdown period, out of 366 urban areas investigated in China's mainland [Wang et al. 2020], there was a decline in PM2.5 from 65 to 51.4 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic millilitre) in 315 cities. The decline in PM2.5 concentrations positively correlates with motor vehicle numbers and percentages of secondary industries. The reduction in PM2.5 in Shanghai, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Beijing, Taiyuan, Xian, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, and Wuhan varied from 7.78 to 22.08 μg/m3 [Pengfei et al. 2020]. However, a wet deposition of PM2.5 occurred in Beijing and Guangzhou during the study period because of rare rains. The low PBL increased the atmospheric stability, and low wind speed impeded dispersal of the pollutants.

In Wuhan [Zheng et al. 2020], the first city to adopt lockdown measures, the average mass concentrations of PM2.5 decreased from 72.9 μg/m3 to 45.9 μg/m3 compared to the previous year. The main chemical species were biomass, coal combustion, fireworks emissions, industrial processes, road dust, secondary inorganic aerosol, and vehicle emissions. PM2.5 declined, except from biomass and combustion of fireworks and secondary inorganic aerosols. The primary emissions reduced PM2.5, whereas secondary formation increased PM2.5.

The atmospheric oxidation process with respect to aerosol formation could, however, lead to air pollution even if anthropogenic sources are suppressed. This was observed in Shanghai, China. During the quarantine period, two episodes of PM2.5 exceeding 100 μg/m3 occurred [H. Chen et al. 2020]. In the three metropolises of Beijing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou, which are not geographically adjacent and have different climatic characteristics, NO2, the major pollutant, decreased by 28%, 58%, and 46% in these cities, respectively, during the lockdown period compared to the previous year during the same period. The PM2.5 in these places was either steady or increased/decreased. The travel restrictions imposed during the lockdown in 44 cities in Northern China reduced human mobility by 69.8% [Bao, Zhang 2020]. The concentrations of the major pollutants declined as a result of the travel ban. The reduction in air quality index (AQI), PM2.5, and CO was partially mediated, and SO2, PM10, and NO2 were completely mediated by human mobility.

In northern parts of peninsular southeast Asian countries, NO2 and aerosol optical depths remained high. Even with no traffic and no industrial activities, achieving good air quality in this region is a challenge, especially during March and April due to extensive vegetation and peat fires, but in urban and industrial sites in Malaysia, a significant reduction in NO2 is observed [Kanniah et al. 2020].

In the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, the lockdown measures reduced PM10 between 21% and 70% in most of the sites. The CO and NO2 emissions were produced mainly from transportation, so they were reduced substantially during the lockdown phase. SO2 reduction was insignificant since the eastern province is a low SO2-emitting region because of stringent air pollution regulations. Nevertheless, there was an increase in O3 concentrations [Anil, Alagha 2020].

In Karachi, Pakistan, a 50% reduction in PM10 was observed during partial lockdown compared to pre-lockdown levels, and a 60%–70% reduction in SO2, NO2, and CO was recorded during the lockdown period. The overall air quality improved by 40% to 50% just four days after the commencement of lockdown [Shareef, Hashmi 2020].

In Almaty, Kazakhstan, the traffic-free conditions didn’t reduce air quality as a result of the domination of several primary emission sources, although PM2.5 declined by 21% during lockdown compared to the two previous years. O3 increased because of high levels of solar activity, and coal combustion cause SO2 and the toluene/benzene ratio to increase. The toluene/benzene ratio was elevated during the lockdown, which suggests that these are emitted from coal-related sources like burning garbage, household use, and use by power plants [Aiymgul et al. 2020].

In Sale City, Morocco, before and during the lockdown, the difference in concentrations of NO2, SO2, and PM10 were 96%, 49%, and 75%. SO2 is a major precursor for nucleation formation of new particles. The variation in SO2 is less than that of the other pollutants because the fuel and lubricant oils used have low sulphur content, and also because of the closure of industrial activities and commercial ship transport [Anas et al. 2020].

In the two Indian cities of New Delhi and Mumbai, which have very high pollution levels, a decline of 35% and 14%, respectively, in PM2.5 is observed compared to the previous year. Power generation plants in India were a significant source of NO2 during March 2020. In two major Indian cities, Mumbai and New Delhi, energy consumption declined. Ship transportation was also affected by the lockdown. These two cities experienced a substantial reduction in NO2 of 40% to 50% compared to the same period in the previous year [Shehzad et al. 2020]. In New Delhi, particulate matter concentrations declined to half what they were before the lockdown. On the second and fourth day of lockdown, the air quality had improved by about 40%–60% [Mahato et al. 2020].

In India's four most polluted cities, Agra, Noida, Gurugram, and Delhi, the pollutants PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and CO were reduced significantly. PM2.5 and PM10 declined by more than 40% at all the sites where it was recorded [Abhishek, Shani 2021]. A reduction of 85.1% in the PM2.5 concentration at Ghaziabad, the highest polluting city in India during the lockdown period was remarkable when compared to the concentration over the previous three months. Other pollutants, like CO, NO2, and PM10, also declined significantly [Lokhandwala, Gautam 2020].

Indrajit Chowdhuri et al. (2020) observed a reduction of 51% in PM10, 68% in NO2, 40% in SO2, and 42% in O3 in Kolkata. Kolkata is a region where thunderstorms are frequent, and as a result, the reduction of surface pollution in this environment is strongly related to lightning activity. As the pollutants and aerosol concentrations declined by 40% during lockdown the overall occurrence of lightning events also declined by 49.6%.

S. Selvam et al. (2020) investigated the effect of lockdowns on air quality during lockdowns in different zones of the state of Gujarat, India. In the zone where the power plants were functioning, CO reduction was lower than that of SO2 and NO2. In the zone where the textile industry, pharmaceutical companies, petroleum companies, beverage manufacturing, and steel recycling are predominant, a reduction of 47% in PM10, 58% in SO2, 82% in NO2, 38% in CO, and 38% in PM2.5 was observed, and O3 increased by 38%. The restrictions imposed on the navigation activities of large cargo ships, ferries, and cruises led to a 78% reduction in PM2.5, 80% in PM10, 58% in SO2, 50% in NO2, 40% in CO, and an increase in O3 by 48%. The lack of dominant industry and transport activity in zone 4 meant minimal changes occurred in CO and O3 because the population is small and only a small number of industries are located there.

COVID-19 and ozone

The main precursors of ozone are NO2 and VOCs. Steady emissions of formaldehyde (HCHO) in urban areas helps in the formation of O3. Hence, regardless of the cities’ reduction in NO2 during lockdown, O3 increased as a result of the HCHO concentration, a proxy for VOC. Thus, the lockdown had little influence on ozone levels [Pei et al. 2020]. The increase in O3 was due to a higher airborne benzene concentration in Milan even though VOCs from vehicular and industrial combustion were minimized. The other VOCs may act similarly to benzene [Collivignarelli et al. 2020].

In top hotspots, Italy, France, Spain, and Wuhan, China, lockdowns caused O3 to increase in all cities studied. The relative increase in O3 is higher than the weekend effect [Pierre et al. 2020]. In the Yangtze River delta of China, O3 rebounded [Li et al. 2020]. In 31 provincial cities in China, an increase in O3 and a reduction in NO2 was observed [Nie et al. 2021].

At two stations in Rio de Janeiro, where atmospheric chemistry is under controlled conditions and nonmethane hydrocarbons (NHMC) are available, O3 increased as a result of an increase in the NHMC/NOX ratio. NHMC emissions are caused by light-duty vehicles and motorcycles. Therefore, NHMC monitoring is essential and must be included in air quality standards [Siciliano et al. 2020].

While most studies reported an increase in O3 concentrations, they were lower at 12 out 32 monitoring sites in Ontario, Canada, than they had been in the previous five years because of reduced transportation and a reduction in NO2 and NOx [Adams 2020]. Kolkata is a region with frequent thunderstorms, and the reduction of surface pollution in this environment is strongly related to lightning activity. The heat generated by lightning is ten times higher than radiant solar insolation and produces large amounts of NO2 and O3. The average number of lightning flash events decreased by 49.6%, reducing nitrate oxide and O3. A 42% reduction in O3 was found [Chowdhuri et al. 2020]. In the north Indian cities of Agra, Noida, Gurugram, and Delhi, a 98% increase in O3 was observed in Agra, while a significant reduction was found in other sites. The O3 variation at Agra is positively correlated with temperature. The positive correlation is because radiation controls the temperature and, therefore, has higher photolytic effectiveness [Abhishek, Shani 2021]. Thus, ozone declined wherever factors other than NO2 and VOCs are predominant.

Air pollutants and COVID-19 cases

AQI represents the magnitude of pollution in air. Hao Xu et al. (2020) investigated the association of AQI with confirmed COVID-19 cases in 33 locations in China. During the outbreak period, COVID-19 transmission associated with AQI was higher when the temperature ranged between 10 °C and 20 °C and relative humidity ranged between 10% and 20%.

Air pollutant levels are also one of the indicators to assess vulnerability to COVID-19. A strong short-term correlation between NO2, PM2.5 and COVID-19 fatality is observed in London and borough cities of the United Kingdom. Either long- or short-term exposure to pollutants adversely affects lung function and increases the risk of dying from COVID-19 [Sasidharan et al. 2020]. A 1-μg/m3 increase in long-term PM2.5 increases the risk of COVID19 mortality by 15% [Jesse, Keita 2020].

Exposure to high levels of NO2 and PM2.5 exacerbates the symptoms of COVID-19. A strong correlation between the severity of COVID-19 and air pollutants was investigated in 21 Italian regions. The highest number of cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Italy's most polluted regions. The correlation between mean PM2.5 with the total number of cases, ICU admissions, deaths, and hospitalized patients was 0.6, 0.65, 0.53, and 0.62, respectively. Exposure to the pollutants PM2.5 and NO2 may increase the viral load in patients, because NO2 causes pulmonary damage and chronic exposure to PM2.5 leads to alveolar ACE-2 receptor overexpression [Frontera et al. 2020]. In 13 out of 31 provinces in Iran, it was observed that more cases coincided with higher concentrations of CO and NO2 in the air. SO2 was negatively correlated with COVID-19 caseload [Bigdeli et al. 2020].

Compared to other countries studied, Europe (Italy, Spain, France and Germany) exhibited a higher concentration of NO2 accompanied a build-up of NO2 over the surface caused by downward airflow. Long-term exposure to NO2 causes diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This may be one of the contributors to fatalities caused by the COVID-19 virus in these regions. The five areas in the two main hotspots of COVID-19, Northern Italy and Central Spain, have higher concentrations of NO2 combined with downward airflow [Ogen 2020].

In 120 cities in China, a positive correlation of COVID-19 with PM2.5, PM10, NO2, O3, and CO and a negative correlation with SO2 with confirmed cases was found. The negative correlation of SO2 is due to veridical property. It was observed that a 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and O3 and a 1 mg/m3 in CO was associated with 2.24%, 1.76%, 6.94%, 4.76%, 15.11% increases, respectively, in daily counts of COVID-19 confirmed cases [Zhu et al. 2020].

Temperature also plays a vital role in determining the epidemic profile. Out of the ten most affected provinces in China, three exhibited a positive relationship between temperature and COVID-19; two provinces recorded a negative relationship, while the remaining displayed mixed trends. The COVID-19 incidence in Hubei, the most affected province, was positively correlated with temperature [Shahzad et al. 2020]. In Turkey, nine cities were included in the study. The correlation between COVID-19 and weather parameters (temperature, dew point, humidity, and wind speed) resulted a finding of a high correlation between wind speed with the number of cases. The average temperature shows a correlation, but minimum/maximum temperature, rainfall, and humidity are not significantly correlated with COVID-19 incidence. Some have claimed that high temperature and low humidity eliminate the virus's viability [Sahin 2020].


An improvement in air quality is vital to ensuring a healthy environment. A significant reduction in air pollutants has been achieved across the globe in recent years, but stable atmospheric conditions in the planetary boundary layer prevent the pollutants from dispersion beyond earth's atmosphere. NO2 showed the maximum decline among the pollutants recorded. Overall, there was an improvement in air quality during the lockdown, which can be a benchmark for implementing policies to reduce air pollution. Non-essential controlled human activities and movements can reduce emissions and improve air quality.

Even though lockdown reduced combustion emissions which led to the decrease of anthropogenic VOCs emission, natural and mass non-combustion emissions must be considered for reducing VOCs.

Although NO2 and VOCs declined after the lockdown, ozone levels remained less affected in most countries. A slight increase in O3 with a reduction in NO2 can cause premature deaths. Meteorology, location, and emission of precursors affect the seasonality of O3. NHMC/NOx ratio increased the O3 concentrations, and NHMC is due to light-duty vehicles and motorcycles. O3 increased because of an increase in the reactivity of VOCs by air masses. Lightning flash events impacted O3, as observed in Kolkata. A positive correlation between O3 and temperature increased O3 by 98% in Agra. Co-control of PM2.5 and O3 is quite challenging.

The air pollutants increased COVID-19 transmission, severity, and fatality, as observed in 120 cities in China. A positive correlation is obtained between cases of COVID-19 and air pollutants except for SO2 because of its virucidal properties. COVID-19 cases exhibited an inverse relationship with temperature and humidity and are directly related to wind speed.

It may be further inferred that COVID-19 reduced air pollutants indirectly through lockdown, reduced human mobility, and so forth. Improved air quality and, conversely, meteorological parameters impacted the magnitude and spread of COVID-19.

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Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Ecology