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Do abundance and percentage of dipteran larvae and Oligochaeta indicate low water quality in streams and lake littoral?

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Figure 1

Study area. Black dots – stream sites, grey dots – lake sites
Study area. Black dots – stream sites, grey dots – lake sites

Figure 2

Plots with the most significant relationships between the studied factors and metrics in streams. Chir% – percentage of chironomids, Olig – abundance of oligochaetes, Olig% – percentage of oligochaetes, Cer% – percentage of ceratopogonids, Sim – abundance of simuliids, DiptR – richness of dipteran families. EQRMMQ – ecological quality ratio of macroinvertebrate-based multimetric quality, QFish – fish quality, MESH – hydromorphological score
Plots with the most significant relationships between the studied factors and metrics in streams. Chir% – percentage of chironomids, Olig – abundance of oligochaetes, Olig% – percentage of oligochaetes, Cer% – percentage of ceratopogonids, Sim – abundance of simuliids, DiptR – richness of dipteran families. EQRMMQ – ecological quality ratio of macroinvertebrate-based multimetric quality, QFish – fish quality, MESH – hydromorphological score

Figure 3

Plots with the most significant relationships between the studied factors and metrics in lakes. Chir – abundance of chironomids, Chir% – percentage of chironomids, Olig – abundance of oligochaetes, Olig% – percentage of oligochaetes, Cer – abundance of ceratopogonids. EQRMMQ – ecological quality ratio of macroinvertebrate-based multimetric quality, QWat – water quality, QPhypl – phytoplankton quality, MESH – hydromorphological score
Plots with the most significant relationships between the studied factors and metrics in lakes. Chir – abundance of chironomids, Chir% – percentage of chironomids, Olig – abundance of oligochaetes, Olig% – percentage of oligochaetes, Cer – abundance of ceratopogonids. EQRMMQ – ecological quality ratio of macroinvertebrate-based multimetric quality, QWat – water quality, QPhypl – phytoplankton quality, MESH – hydromorphological score

Frequency of different dipteran groups and oligochaetes in streams and lakes

Streams Lakes
n % n %
Chironomidae 241 99.6 103 100
Oligochaeta 210 86.8 86 83.5
Ceratopogonidae 108 44.6 63 61.2
Simuliidae 161 66.5 0 0
Athericidae: Atherix 92 38.0 0 0
Chaoboridae: Chaoborus 3 1.2 14 13.6
Culicidae 8 3.3 3 2.9
Cylindrotomidae: Phalacrocera replicata 1 0.4 2 1.9
Dixidae 6 2.5 6 5.8
Dolichopodidae 4 1.7 1 1.0
Limoniidae: Antocha 22 9.1 0 0
Limoniidae: Eloeophila 97 40.1 1 1.0
Limoniidae: Gnophomyia 1 0.4 1 1.0
Muscidae: Limnophora 17 7.0 0 0
Pediciidae: Dicranota 105 43.4 1 1.0
Psychodidae: Pericoma 21 8.7 0 0
Ptychopteridae: Ptychoptera 9 3.7 1 1.0
Sciomyzidae 1 0.4 0 0
Stratiomyiidae 3 1.2 1 1.0
Syrphidae 0 0 1 1.0
Tabanidae: Chrysops 41 16.9 6 5.8
Tipulidae 29 12.0 2 1.9
Diptera indet. 106 43.8 9 8.7

Mean abundance (individuals m−2 ± SE) and contribution of the most abundant dipteran groups and oligochaetes in streams and lakes

Streams Lakes
mean ± SE % mean ± SE %
Chironomidae 142 ± 35 24.2 93 ± 11 32.6
Oligochaeta 21 ± 3 3.6 23 ± 5 8.1
Ceratopogonidae 1.7 ± 0.5 < 0.1 5.3 ± 1.0 1.9
Simuliidae 68 ± 30 11.6 0 0
Atherix 4.1 ± 1.0 0.7 0 0
Eloeophila 1.3 ± 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1
Dicranota 2.9 ± 0.4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1

Significant differences between the abiotic characteristics (> and <, columns 2–4); positive (+) and negative (–) directions of significant relationships between biotic metrics and abiotic factors (columns 5–8)

Variable S vs L S: dark water vs light water L: hard water vs soft water S: DistS All: pH All: O2 All: Cond
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chir <*
Chir% <***
Olig >* +*** + ** +*
Olig% +*** +** –**
Cer <***
Cer% <***
Sim --- --- –**
Sim% --- ---
DiptR >*** <* –* +**

The number of macroinvertebrate samples (n) in relation to hydrochemical and hydrophysical stream and lake types (Status classes 2010)

Type Water properties Catchment (km2) area Alkalinity (mgl−1 HCO3) Cond(μS cm−1) Salinity(mgl−1 Cl) Strat n
I A Dark water (> 25) 10−100 44
I B Light water (< 25) 10−100 70
II A Dark water (> 25) 100−1000 31
II B Light water (< 25) 100−1000 75
III A Dark water (> 25) 1000−10 000 1
III B Light water (< 25) 1000−10 000 19
IV > 10 000 2
I Calcareous > 240 > 400 < 25 no 1
II Medium water hardness 80–240 165–400 < 25 no 49
III Medium water hardness 80–240 165–400 < 25 yes 13
IV Soft water, dark (≥ 4) < 80 < 165 < 25 no 9
V Soft water, light (≤ 4) < 80 < 165 < 25 no 19
VIII Former lagoons (distance from the sea < 5 km) > 25 no 12

Significant relationships with model parameter estimates between biotic metrics and water quality factors (where relevant)

Comparison Streams Lakes
EQRMMQ Chir −0.5**
Olig 0.8*** −0.7*
Cer −2.2***
Sim 2.5***
Chir% -0.2** −0.5***
Olig% −0.3**
Cer% −0.1*
DiptR 3.8***
MESH Olig 0.18* 0.6**
Cer −1.1*
Sim 2.3*
Chir% −0.1*
Cer% −0.04***
DiptR 3.8***
QWat Olig −1.2**
Olig% −0.1**
QFish Olig 0.2*
Olig% 0.03**
QPhybe DiptR 0.4*
Olig −0.3**
Olig% −0.06**
EQRT Olig 0.2* −0.5*
Cer 1.4***
Chir% −0.4***
Cer% 0.03** −0.1**
DiptR 1.6***
EQREPT Chir 6.1*** **
Olig 0.5*** −0.4**
Chir% −0.1*
Olig% −0.1*
Cer% −0.05**
DiptR 1.7***
EQRH’ Chir −0.9*** −0.7***
Olig 1.3***
Sim Chir% 1.5** −0.3*** −0.1*
Olig% 0.07**
DiptR 1.6**
EQRASPT Olig −0.8* −1.8**
Olig% −0.7**
DiptR 4.5***
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences