À propos de cet article



Some studies have sought to develop simulations of radiation fields for the purpose of training first responders, nuclear reactor operators, crime scene investigators, authority inspectors, and emergency response personnel [19]. Many of these systems use a fully immersive virtual environment of the incident, e.g., in a virtual power plant, based on computer programs, allowing the participant to gain experience in front of a computer or other virtual simulation tools [3, 5]. However, fully immersive virtual simulation of a certain incident, especially an industrial or another type of serious radiological accident, inherently lacks the immersion and mental stress that a real-life simulation can cause to a first responder. A radiation field simulation system has been developed by Ji et al. [4] focusing on emergency situations during larger industrial accidents. A fluorescent chemical called fluorophore was used to simulate the surface contamination (SC). Training is also needed for the different responders to practice their procedures during a transport accident and smaller-scale accident scenarios, even when theft, sabotage, and terror attacks among other malicious acts involving nuclear or other radioactive materials might occur [6, 7, 9].

During the training and related exercises, the first responders undertake a comprehensive radiation protection (RP) training module based on RP regulations [10]. A specific training element focuses on the exploration of orphan sources. RP programs and related activities can also be designed by simulating radioactive sources with the so-called VRdose code [3, 5].

In Hungary, the Nuclear Security Department of the Centre for Energy Research (EK NSD) has been designated as the responsible institution for the analysis and characterization of confiscated or found nuclear materials of unknown origin [11]. To customize and develop these activities, the Centre for Energy Research has established an indoor and outdoor training facility [12] that also harmonizes the different standard operating procedures of the relevant national stakeholders to detect, locate as well as identify nuclear or other radioactive materials outside of regulatory control [2]. Although such training facilities have several advantages, e.g., by offering opportunities to practice standard operating procedures in a realistic environment, they also suffer from limitations as only low-activity radioactive sources can be used according to Hungarian legislation and international standards [13]. When compared with computer simulations, a real training environment has much potential [1417]. EK NSD aims to bridge the gap between the following two commonly used methods: training with low dose rate sources and computer simulation. The goal of this study was to merge realistic and safe reconnaissance training sessions, including simulated high dose rate radiation fields and contaminated areas, with the developed virtual radioactive source system (VRSS). The VRSS is more than a simulation. It is a mixed reality (MR) system [14, 16] where the user can measure the virtual dose rate and degree of SC as the system calculates and displays these values. By using the VRSS, radiation sources can be pinpointed and localized safely as well as realistically at a well-prepared training site.

The user can perform experiments using the simulation system controlled by an operator. This system can be programmed to simulate α, ß, and γ radiation fields as well as dose, dose rate, count rate, radioisotope-identification measurements, and SC scenarios. The system can also be programmed to apply any kind and shape of shielding, e.g., cylindrical, etc.

The VRSS has been developed to offer an effective and useful practical training program with the most likely scenarios built in based on past events or hypothetical situations in line with the needs of the end users as well as to provide training on decontamination [18].

Investigation of potential techniques for the VRSS

The goal is to enable the system to simulate any kind of ionizing radiation field indoors and outdoors using sensors of the virtual system. These techniques are collectively referred to as real-time locating systems (RTLS). The following technologies and standards were examined:

– radio frequency (RF) identification [19],

– bluetooth and Wi-Fi,

– global navigation satellite system,

– ultra-wideband (UWB).

There are several products on the market that offer software and hardware solutions for implementing UWB -based RTLS.

The radio technology UWB shares many similarities with the other three technologies listed above. A significant difference is that UWB operates within the frequency range of 3.1–10.6 GHz, while the bandwidth of the signal may be >500 MHz. UWB is widely used in indoor ranging and positioning systems. The wide bandwidth renders the system highly robust and enhances its resistance to environmental obstacles [20]. The range of the UWB is approximately 20 m.

Since the development of such a system is an interdisciplinary task, RP experts and software engineers were involved. The VRSS is based on measuring the distance between the emitter and the transceiver.

The hardware and data-evaluation method developed for the operational calculations were investigated based on the Hungarian national standard and policies [10, 11, 13] as well as an international database [21, 22]. The control system, source code, interface, and display panel of the VRSS as well as the accessories of the scenarios were built.

The VRSS was developed using a UWB -based RTLS. By using this technology in the core hardware and software, the time of arrival (ToA) approach can be implemented by taking into consideration the propagation time (delay) of radio frequency (RF) signals to estimate distances. To implement the simulations, the following two approaches are used:

– Direct distance measurement (virtual mode)

The simulations are directly based on the distance measured between two UWB-enabled mobile devices, also referred to as tags. In this measurement scenario, one Master tag represents the detector/receiver, while the other the radiation source. The advantages of these tags are higher accuracy and simpler implementation.

– Position calculation (virtual–virtual mode)

The system is complemented by additional devices called anchors, which are fixed tags with known positions. The tags, serving as virtual detectors/receivers, are positioned relative to the anchors on a coordinate system. In this approach, the radiation source can be represented by relative coordinates; moreover, it is possible to track the position of the detector/receiver, thereby enabling more complex simulations to be performed [23].

The system uses a Raspberry Pi 3 computer, Raspberry PIOS based on Linux, 2 GB of RAM, and a Broadcom BCM2837 processor running at 1.2 GHz.

For the core software and hardware components responsible for UWB communication as well as raw distance measurements, modules, which act as tags and anchors, manufactured by Pozyx® (Greenville, SC, USA) are used [24].

Measurements are continuously made, and the refresh time of the calculated dose as well as its rate displayed is 1.0 Hz following adjustments to be as accurate as real dosimeters [25]. The transceiver has a TFT LCD display, where the measured values are displayed for the users, a button to receive messages, and it is equipped with a loudspeaker and a vibrating motor. A built-in battery is also included in the transceiver, and the operating time can be increased with an external powerbank that can be attached via a USB cable. The transceiver–emitter has a display module, built-in amplifier, and antenna. The transceiver sends the data to the main control system, which calculates the dose rates and sends them back to the transceiver. The alarm levels of the device, tags, and transceiver can be adjusted so that the latter can provide the user with audio–visual signs.

Pozyx® provides a hardware and software solution to implement UWB-based positioning. The exact position of the Pozyx® tag or its distance from the other tags is sought.

In the virtual–virtual mode, a zero point should be set relative to which the coordinates of the placed. Anchors are determined by distance measurements. A diagram of the virtual–virtual mode is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Virtual–virtual schematic diagram of the VRSS system.

When setting up the training site, the VRSS operator must choose the mode in which the measurements will be taken. It is also possible to set up the sampling intervals between measurements. The computer controlling the operating system needs a sufficient amount of time for the distance and position data to be acquired. Therefore, the sampling interval should be set with caution. The ideal sampling interval also depends on the chosen mode as well as the number of active detectors and sources. The recommended minimum sampling interval (TR) in the distance measurement (virtual) mode can be calculated: tR=100ms \[{{t}_{R}}=100\,\text{ms}\] TR=DSvirtR \[{{T}_{R}}=D\cdot {{S}_{\text{vir}}}\cdot {{t}_{R}}\] where D denotes the number of active detectors, Svir represents the number of virtual sources, and tR stands for the recommended minimum sampling time.

The recommended minimum sampling interval (TP) in the position measurement (virtual–virtual) mode can also be calculated: tP=400ms \[{{t}_{P}}=400\,\text{ms}\] TP=(D+Svir-vir)tP \[{{T}_{P}}=\left( D+{{S}_{\text{vir-vir}}} \right)\cdot {{t}_{P}}\] where Svir-vir denotes the number of virtual–virtual sources and tP represents the recommended minimum sampling time.

In the virtual–virtual mode, the response time is slower if multiple detectors are used. Furthermore, it is time-consuming for the system to collect all the data from the different sources.

If the VRSS is used at the same time in the virtual + virtual–virtual modes, then the response time of the system is TR + TP.

Dose and dose rate application of the VRSS

The system uses microwaves and is based on devices operating on the principle of distance determination (transceiver–emitter) rather than that with regard to measuring the intensity of the signal [4].

In the case of a single-point source, the code calculates the dose rate of a selected nuclide as a function of distance based on the following formula: H˙=dHdt=DCFAr2H*(10) \[\dot{H}=\frac{dH}{dt}=\text{DCF}\cdot \frac{A}{{{r}^{2}}}\cong {{H}^{*}}\left( 10 \right)\] where (Sv/h) denotes the current dose rate at distance r, which is calculated by the program, H*(10) represents the measured dose rate, A (TBq) stands for the current activity of the virtual radioactive source as specified by the user, and r is measured by the system to represent the distance (m) between the source and detector. Furthermore, dose conversion factor, DCF (μSv/h/m2/TBq) refers to the isotope-dependent dose rate conversion factor specified by the user who chooses the isotope. The standard DCF values are listed in the Hungarian national standard [21] and the standard values are pre-programmed in the VRSS system [21, 22].

The operation of the VRSS is similar to that of real dose rate meters, only the measurement is different.

Visualization application

Visualization of the VRSS was developed based on the VRdose program code [3, 5]. The user (person, unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), or unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV)) can actually move around the site with the virtual dose rate–measuring device. The system is capable of generating a map indicating the personal route of the user from which the virtual dose rates obtained along the route can be seen (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Personal route monitoring (a) and visualization of the dose rate map (b).

The VRSS is programmed online using the interface.

Application of surface contamination in the VRSS

The virtual SC mode operates in a similar fashion to the dose rate mode, and only the main equation is different. The unit of measurement is given in activity per area, ASC (Bq/cm2).

When decontamination of the radioactive surface needs to be simulated, the maximum surface activity can be defined for each of the decontamination steps. The system measures the distance between the emitter and transceiver as well as provides a distance, r. In Fig. 3, the virtual source is attached to the bottom of the table and the transceiver moved on the surface of the table. With this parameter, the surface activity can be calculated by the following formulae: ASC=ASCmaxwhenr<R1 \[{{A}_{\text{SC}}}={{A}_{\text{SCmax}}}\,\text{when}\,r<{{R}_{1}}\] ASC=ASCmaxR2rR2R1whenR1r<R2 \[{{A}_{\text{SC}}}={{A}_{\text{SCmax}}}\frac{{{R}_{2}}-r}{{{R}_{2}}-{{R}_{1}}}\text{when}\,{{R}_{1}}\le r<{{R}_{2}}\] ASC=0whenR2r \[{{A}_{\text{SC}}}=0\,\text{when}\,{{R}_{2}}\le r\] where ASC denotes the surface activity, ASCmax represents the maximum surface activity (near the hotspot), and R1 and R2 are the predefined sizes of the contamination hotspot and splattering, respectively (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.

Operation of the virtual surface contamination meter.

Other equations can also be used, e.g., to determine the exponential dependence or inverse-square dependence, if requested by the user.

The SC mode was compared with measurements of a standard alpha source used for calibration.

All the operation modes of the VRSS were tested according to scenarios using real sources. During testing, the calculated and measured values using calibrated measurement devices were compared with those measured. The tests were performed in the laboratory of the Nuclear Security Department (NSD) [26]; moreover, distances were marked and different devices placed equidistantly. The response time of the VRSS was adjusted according to the response times of the real measurement devices.

Background measurement tests

Background measurements were tested. If no radioactive source is programmed or the dose rate meter is too far from the virtual source, the system automatically shows the natural background dose rate value, i.e., approximately 0.1 μSv/h. In that case, the system generates random numbers within the range of a relative standard deviation of ±40%. This function can be adjusted to higher levels of background radiation to imitate an area with SC where measurements are made by a drone. The increased background dose rate level imitation can also be used when such a device must be rebuilt, which does not function properly.

Comparative tests

Comparative dose rate measurements were made using the virtual system vs. real sources and detectors. Data acquisition by the VRSS was compared with a 486.9 kBq 137Cs source at distances varying from 5 cm to 50 cm. The theoretically calculated and real results as well as those measured by the VRSS (μSv/h) are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Comparison of dose rate measurements between different virtual codes, real instruments, and the VRSS. Calculation codes: VRdose (Halden), Rad Pro Calculator (Beytepe), MicroShield (Lynchburg). Instruments: Berthold UMo (Vienna), RadEye G-10 (Waltham), Ribeye X-GN, RIIDEye M-G3 (Waltham), Symetrica (Southampton), Thermo FH 40 G-L10 (Waltham), and Virtual dose rate meter (Budapest).

The results highlight that at short distances (<20 cm), the difference between the measured and calculated values observed is greater because within this range the volume effects of the source and detector are significant [27]. The virtual dose rate meter behaved in the same way as the real dose rate meters under the same conditions.

Surface contamination measurements

Regarding phases of alpha decontamination, in the system after each decontamination phase, the maximum SC can be preprogrammed by the user and the system will automatically calculate the SC area by Eq. (6) (Table 1). In the simulation test, a 239Pu source was used. The time intervals between the decontamination phases were 2–5 min. The steps are:

– Measuring the surface as well as defining the area and source of the contamination.

– Nuclide identification of the contaminant.

– Choosing and using a specific decontamination liquid.

– Carrying out the first decontamination step using cotton wool and absorbing the contaminants starting from the least contaminated area toward the center.

– Controlling the SC measurements.

– Carrying out other decontamination steps until the level of SC falls below the level of intervention [21].

Surface contamination (SC) values after each decontamination process

Virtual SC detector SC (Bq/cm2)
Background radiation 0.00
Max. value at the center of the hot spot 26.40
Decontamination step 1 12.32
Decontamination step 2 9.63
Decontamination step 3 7.45
Decontamination step 4 (all nonfixed contamination removed) 7.45
Covering the hot spot with foil 0.00

Other types of sources can be used which depend on the user.

More than one emitter can be placed to create several hot spots in the surface contaminated area and sample measurements from swabs can be recorded using another emitter.

Specific demonstrations using the VRSS

The source of radiation was located by a drone with a virtual dose rate meter mounted on it. The measured values displayed on the main signal panel for participants of the Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (INCLUDING) project are presented in Fig. 5 [1]:

– The VRSS was used to train and make the final assessment regarding the suitability of candidates competing to be Hungarian astronauts at an outdoor training site as well as evaluate how the common procedure can be used in the event of an extraordinary event when a high-activity radioactive source becomes unshielded or its shielding is heavily damaged.

– The virtual–virtual mode of the VRSS was used in a disaster victim identification (DVI) autopsy-scenario exercise for the medical staff, investigators, dentists, etc., concerning how to treat a contaminated person.

– The VRSS was used for educational purposes at the 3rd European Nuclear Competition for Secondary Schools [28].

– The system is also used at the “Regulation of transport of radioactive material and fissile material” EU training course [29] to measure the transport index (TI) and localize the contamination at an surface contaminated object (SCO) by the participants.

Fig. 5.

The online, real-time signal panel of the VRSS.

Current limitations and further developments

During the tests, the following limitations were observed:

– Capability assessments highlighted that the maximum separation distance between the transceiver and emitter within which the system is still functional is 20 m, but depends on the Wi-Fi and microwave signal as well as the level of electromagnetic noise caused by the current. The maximum area that can be covered is approximately 300 m2, which is sufficient in most scenarios, even complex ones. The operational area can be increased using Wi-Fi, microwave amplifiers, or copper cables. In special cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fiber-optic cables can be used.

– Metal objects between the emitter and transceiver can reduce the microwave signals. In special locations like shielded rooms (nuclear power plants, fuel-handling facilities at reactors, cancer-treatment facilities, X-ray imaging rooms and where radiopharmaceuticals are used in nuclear medicine), the operator must ensure that metal objects do not obstruct the emitter nor transceiver. If necessary, more transceivers should be placed at different positions to ensure a strong signal.

– The operational system is overloaded in the virtual and virtual–virtual modes as well as the display time of the system delayed for approximately 5 s when the reconnaissance person moves too quickly, that is, should the velocity of the device >1 m/s. In that case, the system is unable to follow the rapid changes in position and localization of the device. In this test, 3 emitters and 6–8 transceivers were used, the VRSS worked properly when there were no quick movements, but when the velocities of all detectors were >1 m/s delays of the signals were observed.

Further development proposals have been recommended by the users:

– A new calculation module of the code that would be able to calculate and define the activity, category of the source, and necessary level of physical protection the unknown radioactive source requires based on the measured distance, calculated dose rate, and the nuclides identified. In order to do this, the nuclide library must be extended with the so-called dangerous “D” index [13].

– Drone operators can be trained to search for radioactive sources safely; moreover, the automatic scanning-identifying (dose rate divergence-driven) procedure can be further developed and tested.

– By extending the transceiver using a Wi-Fi repeater, the VRSS will be able to sense the shielding and switch automatically between the count rates from the source.

– Nuclear emergency response training can use the consequent codes [30] as the input for the VRSS.

– The host computer will be replaced to a stronger version soon to be able to handle more detectors and sources at the same time, even at quick movements.


The detection of radioactive sources, radiation surveys as well as search and localization exercises are limited by the as low as resonably achievable (ALARA) principle. By using the VRSS, relatively rare, albeit very dangerous, situations can be simulated, e.g., analyzing the damaged shielding of a high-activity source as well as the identification and decontamination procedures of contaminated objects.

The VRSS is entirely safe and can be applied anywhere, and moreover, is capable of simulating dose and dose rate measurements, SC as well as radionuclide identification. Imitation of the measurement technology of an entire scenario concerning the detection of a radioactive source can be implemented completely realistically without any consequences regarding RP. The system satisfies all the needs that are proposed by the users and most scenarios can be fully executed with it. The VRSS was tested in a full scenario and was demonstrated by the Joint Actions of the INCLUDING project in Budapest and Rome (RED Test) [1, 31]. During the RED test exercise, several kinds of electronic emitters were installed, but interference between them had no effect on the operation of the VRSS.

Candidates competing to be Hungarian astronauts used the system to test their knowledge and behavior, should an extraordinary event occur. The VRSS allows responses to any radiation accident or nuclear security event to be practiced.

Since the display time of the system delays when the device moves too quickly, users should not make rapid movements. In a real scenario, only 2–3 persons are allowed to enter the red zone; moreover, when the radioactive sources are being localized, rapid movements are not permitted. In reality, the detector cannot detect the source due the fast movements, as it does not have enough time for detection [2].

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Sujets de la revue:
Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, other