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Fig. 1.

Map of Montana district.
Map of Montana district.

Fig. 2.

The effective dose for children and workers is estimated for four months by kindergarten-wise presentation.
The effective dose for children and workers is estimated for four months by kindergarten-wise presentation.

Fig. 3.

The plots of CRn according to the: (a) presence of central heating system, (b) presence of common ventilation system, (c) presence of thermal external walls insulation, and (d) presence of central sewerage system.
The plots of CRn according to the: (a) presence of central heating system, (b) presence of common ventilation system, (c) presence of thermal external walls insulation, and (d) presence of central sewerage system.

Descriptive statistics of indoor radon concentration by the common ventilation system, central heating system, thermal external walls insulation, and central sewerage system

Statistic parameter Common ventilation system Central heating system Thermal external walls insulation Central sewerage system
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Number   87     515     445   157     282   320   474   128
Median   60       91       87     69     101     68     76   100.5
Arithmetic mean   72.1     134.3     135.9     95.5     152.8   101.1   120.4   143.4
Standard deviation   48.0     143.0     147.3     86.9     161.1   101.8   124.2   169.6
Coefficient of variation     0.67         1.06         1.08       0.91         1.05       1.01       1.03       1.18
p-Value of Shapiro–Wilk   <0.001     <0.001     <0.001   <0.001     <0.001   <0.001   <0.001     <0.001
Minimum   26     10     10   18     10   12   10     13
Maximum 317 1439 1439 519 1439 824 972 1439

Descriptive statistics of indoor radon concentration

Parameter CRn
Number of rooms   602
Arithmetic mean (Bq·m−3)   125
Standard deviation (Bq·m−3)   135
Median (Bq·m−3)     84
Minimum value (Bq·m−3)     10
Maximum value (Bq·m−3) 1439
Coefficient of variation (%)   108
Geometric mean (Bq·m−3)     88
Geometric standard deviation             2.23

Descriptive statistics of indoor radon concentration by municipalities

Municipalities Number of premises AM (Bq/m3) SD (Bq/m3) CV (%) Mediana (Bq/m3) Min. (Bq/m3) Max. (Bq/m3) Test Shapiro–Wilk (p)
Berkovitsa 123 145 118.9   82 107 31   643 0.008
Boychinovtsi   27 200 177.9   89 110 31   669 0.135
Brusartsi   13 276 426.2 154   70 13 1439 0.152
Vulchedrum 122   96   96.4 100   70 12   824 0.165
Varshets   18 124   58.2   47 121 36   231 0.120
Georgi Damyanovo   20   70   17.9   25   64 45   113 0.051
Lom   89   73   62.9   86   56 18   429 0.011
Medkovets   18 246 240.4   98 146 54   853 0.162
Montana 158 130 124.6   96   96 10   972 0.053
Chiprovtsi     6 105   69.9   66   72 55   234 0.153
Yakimovo     8 130 134.6 104   64 44   380 0.012
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Sujets de la revue:
Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, other