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Authoritarianism in the discourse of online forums: A study of its articulations in the Swedish context

   | 10 août 2023
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Authoritarian opinions on the different topics (examples from the two forums)

Components of authoritarianism Disorder in school Shootings & gang crime Transgender & gender dysphoria
Conformism: the importance of conventions, natural relations, uniformity, and a related intolerance of difference. “Use uniforms at all schools. Nicely dressed, no fuss!” (FB)“Parents must teach their children to fit in […] adapt to rules and norms”. (FB) “Multiculturalism must go; there are no other solutions”. (FB)“Less subsidy immigrants, less crime, a better society!” (FB) “The human body is not a laboratory where one can pretend to be one or the other, according to the mood of the day”. (FB)“It's pretty obvious that it's wrong and unnatural to want to change gender”. (FL)
Submission: the importance of obedience, discipline, and loyalty to authorities; intolerance of individual autonomy. “The problems come when the student does not show respect for the teacher and as a brat refuses to stop arguing”. (FB)“In school you must respect the teacher, otherwise you will be locked out or beaten”. (FB) “What if the fucking bitch [a mother] had taken some responsibility and raised them to be real people […]”. (FB) “The thing about everyone's right to be who they are has gone too far”. (FL)
Aggression: the importance of harsh measures and punishment; intolerance of tolerance. “Rough! Sometimes only tough love helps […] the time for educative talk is over”. (FL)“I am pissed off at the laxity in Sweden today […] Cuddling and petting the children is never successful”. (FL) “What is needed is tougher punishment, skip the insane penalty discount”. (FL)“Criminal foreigners must leave and with them the whole clan”. (FB) “Sterilise the parents at the same time; if they can’t even teach their children what reality looks like, they shouldn’t have any more children!” (FB)“Absolutely insane […] those responsible for this madness should be lynched”. (FB)

Authoritarian opinions in two forums on three topics (number of threads)

Familjeliv Flashback

disorder shootings transgender disorder shootings transgender
Authoritarian opinions Dominant 2 0 0 16 9 11
Mixed 5 8 4 6 6 1
No 1 0 5 0 5 0

Total number of threads 8 8 9 22 20 12

News references and authoritarian opinions in the threads

References to news items

Yes No
Authoritarian opinions Dominant 35 (66%) 4 (15%)
Mixed 13 (24%) 16 (62%)
No 5 (9%) 6 (23%)

Total 53 26