À propos de cet article


Fig. 1

Schematic diagram of the sol-gel method to synthesized (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites
Schematic diagram of the sol-gel method to synthesized (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites

Fig. 2

XRD pattern of a) (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites and b-d) Rietveld refinement analysis
XRD pattern of a) (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites and b-d) Rietveld refinement analysis

Fig. 3

Raman spectra of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO and c) NTO-10MFO composites
Raman spectra of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO and c) NTO-10MFO composites

Fig. 4

SEM images of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO and c) NTO-10MFO composites
SEM images of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO and c) NTO-10MFO composites

Fig. 5

a) Optical absorbance spectra and b) plotting of (αhv)2 versus photon energy of (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites
a) Optical absorbance spectra and b) plotting of (αhv)2 versus photon energy of (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites

Fig. 6

Ferroelectric loops of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO, c) NTO-10MFO composites and d) dependence of Ps and Pr of composites on MFO content
Ferroelectric loops of a) NTO, b) NTO-5MFO, c) NTO-10MFO composites and d) dependence of Ps and Pr of composites on MFO content

Fig. 7

Leakage current density vs. electric field of NiTiO3 and (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites
Leakage current density vs. electric field of NiTiO3 and (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites

Fig. 8

a) Magnetic hysteresis loops of the (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 nanocomposite samples measured at room temperature and b) dependence of Ms and Mr of composites on MFO content
a) Magnetic hysteresis loops of the (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 nanocomposite samples measured at room temperature and b) dependence of Ms and Mr of composites on MFO content

Magnetic parameters of (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites

Samples Magnetic Saturation (emu/g) Remanent magnetization (emu/g) Coercivity (Oe) Remanent Ratio Mr/Ms
0 0.005 0.0001 70 0.02
x = 5% 0.691 0.174 135 0.252
x = 10% 1.283 0.417 150 0.325

Lattice parameters and crystalline size of (1 − x)NiTiO3-xMnFe2O4 composites

Sample Lattice parameters Unit cell volume (Å3) Crystalline size (nm) Rwp %

NTO MFO NTO phase MFO phase NTO phase MFO phase
a (Å) c (Å) a (Å)
NTO 5.0284 13.7912 301.98 35 17.6
NTO-5MFO 5.0285 13.7916 8.3373 302.00 579.53 37 26 18.7
NTO-10MFO 5.0343 13.8074 8.3341 303.04 578.86 38 27 18.3