À propos de cet article


Figure 1.

Snack consumption and taste and valence of emotions
Snack consumption and taste and valence of emotions

Figure 2.

Cluster profiles of snack consumers influenced by emotions
Cluster profiles of snack consumers influenced by emotions

Negative emotions and the desire to eat snacks (salty/sweet)

Segment (σ) Statistical verification
Negative emotion Salty snacks (chips, snacks, crackers, and pretzels) 2.45 (0.852) 2.21 (0.741) 2.47 (0.892) 2.14 (0.667) H=11.451; p<0.003
Sweet snacks (cookies, chocolates, sweets, ice cream, candy bars) 2.66 (0.894) 2.53 (0.755) 2.63 (0.844) 2.36 (0.684) F=3.743; p<0.11

Consumer characteristics divided into segments: WE, NE, PE, BE

Segment (σ) Statistical verification
Financial situation Assessment of financial situation 2.38 (0.886) 2.24 (0.720) 2.44 (0.729) 2.42 (0.730) F=3.480; p=0.016
Health status Assessment of overall health status 2.42 (0.931) 2.46 (0.813) 2.63 (0.805) 2.67 (0.833) F=3.356; p=0.019
Change in weight 2.39 (0.638) 2.15 (0.655) 1.97 (0.683) 2.06 (0.612) F=7.086; p<0.001
BMI 2.58 (0.564) 2.49 (0.556) 2.38 (0.569) 2.474 (0.574) F=1.914; p=0.126
Assessment of physical activity 2.68 (1.093) 2.55 (1.017) 2.61 (1.022) 2.56 (1.048) F=0.454; p=0.714

Structure of the research sample

Number (%)
Total 707 (100.0)
  Female 373 52.76
  Male 334 47.24
  18–29 128 18.10
  30–39 134 18.95
  40–49 127 17.96
  50–59 101 14.29
  60+ 217 30.96
  Primary 43 6.08
  Basic vocational 1023 14.43
  Secondary 304 43.00
  Higher 258 36.49
Place of residence
Village 268 37.91
  A town with up to 10,000 inhabitants 45 6.36
  City from 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants 46 6.51
  City from 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants 82 11.60
  City from 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 60 8.49
  City from 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants 61 8.63
  City over 200,000 inhabitants 145 20.51
Assessment of financial situation
  Very bad 13 1.84
  Bad 55 7.78
  Average 358 50.64
  Good 254 35.93
  Very good 27 8.82
Assessment of overall health status
  Bad 9 1.27
  Rather bad 75 10.61
  Neither good nor bad 217 30.69
  Rather good 350 49.50
  Good 56 7.92
Assessment of physical activity
  No activity 125 17.68
  Very weak 192 27.16
  Moderate 273 38.61
  High 93 13.15
  Very high 24 3.39
Change in weight
  Decreased 110 15.56
  Remained unchanged 390 55.16
  Increased 207 29.28
  Below normal 23 3.25
  Normal 320 45.26
  Above normal 364 51.49

Emocional determinants of increased consumption are divided into segments: WE, NE, PE, BE.

Segment (σ)
Emotional states Negative Sad 6.89 (1.528) 5.46 (1.247) 2.45 (1.463) 3.34 (1.320)
Bored 6.72 (1.477) 5.32 (1.274) 3.51 (2.150) 4.32 (1.537)
Angry 6.80 (1.778) 5.23 (1.196) 2.46 (1.388) 3.29 (1.454)
Anxious 6.80 (1.824) 5.16 (1.273) 2.66 (1.478) 3.31 (1.350)
Frustrated 6.81 (1.577) 5.35 (1.271) 2.62 (1.466) 3.23 (1.281)
Tired 6.35 (1.863) 4.65 (1277) 3.44 (1.964) 3.26 (1.588)
Depressed 7.05 (1.640) 5.34 (1.366) 2.53 (1.493) 3.27 (1.340)
Scared 6.35 (1.919) 4.68 (1.358) 2.16 (1.393) 2.66 (1.279)
Lonely 6.95 (1.595) 5.45 (1.246) 3.23 (2.101) 3.95 (1.678)
Positive Self-satisfied 6.49 (1.411) 5.03 (1.044) 7.12 (1.398) 5.10 (1.159)
Happy 6.81 (1.460) 4.99 (1.098) 7.76 (0.982) 4.94 (1.251)
Relaxed 6.51 (1.436) 5.01 (1.078) 7.32 (1.320) 5.08 (1.132)
Cheerful 6.79 (1372) 5.01 (1.052) 7.34 (1.298) 4.92 (1.276)
Enthusiastic 7.02 (1.263) 4.91 (1.045) 6.71 (1.606) 4.75 (1.240)
n (%) 85 (12.02%) 375 (53.04%) 93 (13.15%) 154 (21.78%)

Positive emotions and the desire to eat snacks (salty/sweet)

Segment (σ) Statistical verification
Positive emotion Salty snacks (chips, snacks, crackers, and pretzels) 2.40 (0.819) 2.13 (0.737) 2.58 (0.889) 2.15 (0.703) H=24.067; p<0.001
Sweet snacks (cookies, chocolates, sweets, ice cream, candy bars) 2.65 (0.812) 2.41 (0.728) 2.77 (0.782) 2.37 (0.732) H=19.659; p<0.001