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Main Events List/Main Incidents List Development Process for Computer Assisted Exercises

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In order to train commanders in the decision making process we cannot rely only on simulation systems. It takes more than war-gaming to be able to train higher-headquarters and a proven solution to achieve that is by using computer assisted exercises (CAX). The higher the headquarters that needs to be trained, the more complicated the systems’ architecture becomes, for both functional area services and simulation systems together with their auxiliary tools. It takes subject matter experts in different domains and up to 18 months to plan a computer assisted exercise. Every stage of the exercise planning process involves using different systems and building their databases. In order for the commanders to be successfully trained in the decision making process, they need to face operational dilemmas. The Main Events List/Main Incidents List (MEL/MIL) planning team’s job during the exercise planning phase is to develop the major events, incidents and injects which will trigger the operational dilemmas and will force the commanders to make decisions in dynamic and fast-paced environments. The MEL/MIL plays a key role in ensuring a successful execution phase of an exercise and this study explains in detail the complex 8 month process of building the MEL/MIL database.