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Hyponatraemia and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion in non-azotaemic dogs with babesiosis associated with decreased arterial blood pressure

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Results of the Shapiro–Wilk W-test for normality in groups A and B and subgroups A1 and A2 in the distribution of effective ECF osmolality, calculated osmolality, serum sodium concentration, urinary sodium concentration, urine specific gravity, and mean arterial pressure

Parameter Group W p
Effective ECF osmolality A 0.968 0.532
B 0.964 0.769
A1 0.971 0.910
A2 0.957 0.469
Calculated osmolality A 0.954 0.243
B 0.984 0.989
A1 0.891 0.239
A2 0.944 0.263
Serum Na+ A 0.966 0.465
B 0.959 0.690
A1 0.947 0.681
A2 0.958 0.486
Urinary Na+ A 0.952 0.214
B 0.988 0.998
A1 0.962 0.825
A2 0.953 0.363
USG A 0.919 0.029*
B 0.934 0.309
A1 0.853 0.104
A2 0.902 0.039*
MAP A 0.849 0.001*
B 0.976 0.939
A1 0.892 0.245
A2 0.856 0.005*

Effective extracellular fluid osmolality, calculated serum osmolality serum and urinary sodium concentration, urine specific gravity, and mean arterial pressure in three non-azotaemic dogs (from subgroup A2) infected with B. canis and in which SIADH was diagnosed

Dog no. Eff. ECF Osm. (mOsm/kg) Calc. Osm. (mOsm/kg) Serum Na+ (mEq/L) Urinary Na+ (mEq/L) USG MAP (mmHg)
1 255.5 259.8 124.8 122.9 1.052 93
2 266.5 272.0 130.7 136.0 1.060 69
3 249.8 254.5 122.4 133.7 1.055 85

Statistically significant correlations between mean arterial pressure and effective ECF osmolality (Eff. ECF Osm.), calculated osmolality (Calc. Osm.), serum sodium concentration (Serum Na+), urinary sodium concentration (Urinary Na+), and urine specific gravity (USG) in subgroup A2

Correlation r p
MAP Eff. ECF Osm. 0.50 0.021*
Calc. Osm. 0.50 0.020*
Serum Na+ 0.49 0.021*
Urinary Na+ −0.52 0.015*
USG −0.46 0.031*
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Virology, other, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine