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Prevalence of pest nematodes associated with soybean (Glycine max) in Wisconsin from 1998 to 2021

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Figure 1:

Map of Wisconsin showing counties colored according to their representation (number of bienniums) in the survey data: green = seven; dark blue = six; light blue = five; purple = four; orange = three; yellow = two; red = one; white = not included. The star symbol indicates counties with soybean planted on more than 15,000 ha in 2021. Nine agricultural districts are outlined in bold.
Map of Wisconsin showing counties colored according to their representation (number of bienniums) in the survey data: green = seven; dark blue = six; light blue = five; purple = four; orange = three; yellow = two; red = one; white = not included. The star symbol indicates counties with soybean planted on more than 15,000 ha in 2021. Nine agricultural districts are outlined in bold.

Prevalence of pest nematodes in samples shown by the crop sampled.

crop n Pratylenchus Spiral Xiphinema Hoplolaimus stunt stubby-root ring Longidorus cyst
soybean 3309 84 73 31 3 16 5 2 0 29
corn 2188 84 67* 37* 6* 18* 5 2 1 20*
wheat 75 89 83 23 5 31* 5 3 1 27
alfalfa 32 81 69 41 3 44* 0 6 0 3*
vegetables 38 76 58 8 0 37* 8 3 0 21
Chi Square 4 27 37 31 45 3 3 15 64
p 0.48 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0001 <0.0001 0.64 0.53 0.03 <0.0001

Program information and prevalence of cyst nematodes for all samples and every farm that was assayed for cyst nematodes.

Biennium Number of counties sampled Number of samples Number of farms sampleda % samples positive for cyst nematodes % farms positive for cyst nematodesb Odds Ratio current biennium vs 1998–1999
1998 – 1999 42 659 427 16 16
2010 – 2011 38 379 150 22* 23* 1.84*
2012 – 2013 51 1121 377 22 31*(p = 0.06) 2.59***
2014 – 2015 54 1268 413 22 30 2.63***
2016 – 2017 49 1132 299 26* 40** 3.87***
2018 – 2019 49 1588 334 29* 43 4.86***
2020 – 2021 51 1862 320 27 39 3.75***

Prevalence of all pest nematode from 2012 to 2021 at the sample and farm scale.

Pest nematodesa samples (6971) farms (n = 1743) Odds ratioc

% positive % positive (p < 0.0001)
Pratylenchus spp. 84 92 21.27
Spiral nematodes 70 78 6.33
Xiphinema spp. 33 46 1.52
Cyst nematodes 26 36 reference
Stunt nematodes 18 28 0.68
Stubby Root nematodes 6 9 0.17
Hoplolaimus spp. 5 7 0.13
Ring nematodes 3 6 0.12
Longidorus spp. 1 2 0.03
Chi Square statisticb 6,805 26,257
P < 0.0001 < 0.0001

Population densities of Pratylenchus spp. or spiral nematodes and cyst-forming species in the presence (+) and absence (−) of each other in samples collected from soybean fields in Wisconsin from 2012 to 2021.

Comparison Samples Nematodes per 100 cm3 soila Kruskal Wallis

n Mean (Maximum) Chi Square p
Pratylenchus / − Cyst 2349 121 (4960)
Pratylenchus / + Cyst 960 71 (1508) 90.63 < 0.0001
Cyst / − Pratylenchus 518 1144 (44364)
Cyst / + Pratylenchus 2791 452 (49494) 30.41 < 0.0001

Pratylenchus species identified from 100 soil samples submitted to a nematode testing program in Wisconsin.

Species Assignment Male-Positive Samples (n = 61) Male - Negative Samples (n = 39)

No. of Samples No. of Counties No. of Samples No. of Counties
Pratylenchus fallax 3 3 0 0
Pratylenchus dakotaensis 3 3 1 1
Pratylenchus alleni 7 7 0 0
Pratylenchus penetrans 49 35 2 2
Pratylenchus scribneri 0 0 5 5
Pratylenchus crenatus 1 1 19 18
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, other