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Analogous electrical model which equates biological tissue components to passive electrical elements. Re is a resistor which mimics extra-cellular fluids together with some connective tissue elements and is parallel to Ri which mimics resistance of intracellular fluids and is serially connected to the capacitor Cm representing electrical charges separated by the cell membranes. When the alternate current generator Gca is connected to the circuit at its ends, it generates a difference of electrical potential ∆V which induces the current I to flow in the two parallel branches of the circuit.
Analogous electrical model which equates biological tissue components to passive electrical elements. Re is a resistor which mimics extra-cellular fluids together with some connective tissue elements and is parallel to Ri which mimics resistance of intracellular fluids and is serially connected to the capacitor Cm representing electrical charges separated by the cell membranes. When the alternate current generator Gca is connected to the circuit at its ends, it generates a difference of electrical potential ∆V which induces the current I to flow in the two parallel branches of the circuit.


The block diagram is a schematic representation of the electrical components in the device ZMeat.
The block diagram is a schematic representation of the electrical components in the device ZMeat.


The picture shows the trimmed portion of a right longissimus dorsi muscle from one of the considered animals (285 kg in weight), which was freed from other muscular structures adjacent to it, and was oriented with its rostral head to the upper right. The two external wires are the current injection electrodes and the two internal wires are the electrodes to detect the voltage difference during test number 1 undertaken at the 2nd day post-slaughter.
The picture shows the trimmed portion of a right longissimus dorsi muscle from one of the considered animals (285 kg in weight), which was freed from other muscular structures adjacent to it, and was oriented with its rostral head to the upper right. The two external wires are the current injection electrodes and the two internal wires are the electrodes to detect the voltage difference during test number 1 undertaken at the 2nd day post-slaughter.


Schematic diagram of the ZMeat measures of the beef samples of longissimus dorsi muscles.
Schematic diagram of the ZMeat measures of the beef samples of longissimus dorsi muscles.


The experimental data obtained from one of the four studied animals and concerning the electrical impedance values (Zm) of the slaughtered meat in the base condition (ZmB), non-frozen (ZmNF) and frozen and thawed (ZmF) conditions, are represented as box and whiskers diagrams with markers (empty symbols) that reveal the distribution of each measurement. With respect to ZmF: (*) P = 0.004; (**) P = 0.004.
The experimental data obtained from one of the four studied animals and concerning the electrical impedance values (Zm) of the slaughtered meat in the base condition (ZmB), non-frozen (ZmNF) and frozen and thawed (ZmF) conditions, are represented as box and whiskers diagrams with markers (empty symbols) that reveal the distribution of each measurement. With respect to ZmF: (*) P = 0.004; (**) P = 0.004.

Distance between electrodes.

Test number Inj-Det electrodes1 [cm] Det-Det electrodes2 [cm]
1 2.0 17.0
2 4.0 12.5
3 6.0 9.5
4 8.0 5.5
5 9.0 3.5
6 7.5 4.0
7 5.0 5.0
8 2.5 6.0
9 2.0 9.0

Mean impedance values among the tested beefs.

ZmB [Ω/cm] ZmNF [Ω/cm] ZmF [Ω/cm]
N Mean ±SD N Mean ±SD N Mean ±SD
72 6.24 0.14 36 5.51* 0.35 36 3.81* 1.41