À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Modeling grey-rhino
Modeling grey-rhino

Figure 2

EB technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level
EB technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level

Figure 3

MIT technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level
MIT technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level

Figure 4

MAN technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level
MAN technologies: (a) high-level; (b) low-level

Figure 5

Average value trend: (a) high-level: grey-rhino; (b) high-level: non-grey-rhino; (c) low-level: grey-rhino; (d) low-level: non-grey-rhino
Average value trend: (a) high-level: grey-rhino; (b) high-level: non-grey-rhino; (c) low-level: grey-rhino; (d) low-level: non-grey-rhino

The Mann-Whitney U test between two groups in different stages

Sig. High-level Low-level

1 2 3 1 2 3 4
Asymp. Sig. 0.000 0.002 0.721 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.026
Exact Sig. 0.000 0.001 0.757 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.027

The basic statistics of SP and ST in two groups

Types Min. Q1 Med. Q3 Max. Avg. Std. Mann-Whitney U

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig.
SP Y: high 24 284 404 1631 11,272 2,417.364 4,263.708 0.236 0.247
N: high 5 191.500 3,401 8,794.500 25,318 5,655.760 6,864.649
Y: low 32 258 1,605 14,646.500 170,403 13,542.091 30,785.932 0.423 0.427
N: low 3 148 1,870 7,860.500 271,445 16,956.970 52,020.530
ST Y: high 5 27 51 131 1,913 318.000 626.277 0.354 0.364
N: high 0 25 231 576.500 2,421 458.440 636.046
Y: low 2 16 96 747.500 5,817 691 1,235.256 0.040 0.040
N: low 0 2.500 54 174 9,937 651.636 2,063.485

Basic statistics in three datasets

Types EB technologies MIT technologies MAN technologies

Number Ratio (%) Number Ratio (%) Number Ratio (%)
Y: high 8 23.53 2 5.88 1 2.94
Y: low 14 41.18 15 44.12 4 11.76
Y: total 22 64.71 17 50.00 5 14.71
N: high 4 11.76 5 14.71 16 47.06
N: low 8 23.52 12 35.29 13 38.24
N: total 12 35.29 17 50.00 29 85.29
Total 34 100 34 100 34 100