À propos de cet article


Fig. 1

(Adapted from [22,23]). Possible mechanisms of amiodarone-induced hypertriglyceridemia and hyperammonemia. Amiodarone is recognized as a potential inhibitor of carnitine-palmityl transferase 1 (CPT1). This will result in a reduced availability of acylcarnitine, with impaired beta-oxidation and acetyl-CoA production. Amiodarone also impairs the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity at the level of complexes I and II. The decrease in acetyl-CoA may also reduce the availability of N-acetyl glutamic acid (NAGA), a substrate for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS1).
(Adapted from [22,23]). Possible mechanisms of amiodarone-induced hypertriglyceridemia and hyperammonemia. Amiodarone is recognized as a potential inhibitor of carnitine-palmityl transferase 1 (CPT1). This will result in a reduced availability of acylcarnitine, with impaired beta-oxidation and acetyl-CoA production. Amiodarone also impairs the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity at the level of complexes I and II. The decrease in acetyl-CoA may also reduce the availability of N-acetyl glutamic acid (NAGA), a substrate for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS1).

List of the medications prescribed over the week preceding amiodarone hydrochloride prescription

Vancomycin (Mylan, Hoeilaart, Belgium)
Ceftazidim (Kefadim®, Eurocept Pharmaceuticals, Ankeeven, The Netherlands)
Piperacillin-tazobactam (Mylan, Hoeilaart, Belgium)
Amoxicillin (Clamoxyl®, Sandoz, Vilvoorde, Belgium)
Metronidazole (B Braun Medical, Diegem, Belgium)
Cefuroxime (Zinacef®, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Wavre, Belgium)
Temocillin (Negaban®, Eumedica SA, Manage, Belgium)
Insulin (Actrapid®, Novo Nordisk, Brussels, Belgium)
Norepinephrine (Aguetant SA/NV, Brussels, Belgium)
Nadroparine (Fraxiparine®, Movianto, Aspen, USA)

Laboratory data before Day 0, and after amiodarone administration

GGT (NV=<40 IU/L)651263057001172164018741507152011601267990
Alkaline phosphatase (NV=35-105 IU/L)125250369540659734736636626560673549
AST (NV=13-35 IU/L)2911480352823242022222117
ALT (NV=7-35 IU/L)151941565750414037353737
Total bilirubin (NV=<1.2 mg/dL)
INR (NV=0.80-1.20)
Ammonaemia (NV=<90 μg/dL)-1791671551391539979978811163
Triglycerides (NV=< 150 mg/dL)--454438498608604-444338303223
Arterial lactate (NV=<2.2 mmol/L)-
Urine creatinine) lactate (NV=<50 mmol/mmol-1190----------
Parenteral nutritionStop-----------
Enteral nutritionNoNo500 mlNo500 ml500 ml500 ml500 ml500 ml500 ml500 ml500 ml
Glucose supplementation-YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes