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Desired work-leisure balance in a partial equilibrium job search model with multiple job holding

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Figure 1

Histograms for working hours in single job.
Histograms for working hours in single job.

Figure 2

Offered wages and reservation wages - Fitted truncated models and histograms.
Offered wages and reservation wages - Fitted truncated models and histograms.

Figure 3

Fitted distributions for working time.
Fitted distributions for working time.

Figure 4

Histogram for the dierences between actual and optimal working hours, Δh.
Histogram for the dierences between actual and optimal working hours, Δh.

Figure 5

Histograms for the preferred hours and actual hours, original data. SD = 0.
Histograms for the preferred hours and actual hours, original data. SD = 0.

Figure 6

Histograms for the preferred hours and actual hours, simulated data. SD = 4.
Histograms for the preferred hours and actual hours, simulated data. SD = 4.

Estimated conditional reservation wages (cent). The proportion of observed accepted wages w′ smaller than the estimated ξ (percent). Estimated offer acceptance rates for single job offers, second job offers, and post-unemployment offers.

q 0.2 0.5 1 2 3 5
Estimated conditional reservation wages, ξ¯ \bar \xi 57 82 113 158 191 231
Pr(w′ < ξ) - in percent 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.6 2.3 3.4
Acceptance probability of single job offers, P1¯ \overline {{P_1}} 0.89 0.87 0.78 0.61 0.41 0.20
Acceptance probability of second job offers, P2¯ \overline {{P_2}} 0.86 0.84 0.76 0.60 0.53 0.24
Acceptance probability of post-unemployment offers, P0¯ \overline {{P_0}} 0.93 0.90 0.85 0.72 0.54 0.20

Observed offered wages and estimated conditional reservation wages for different types of job, measured in cent q = 2.

Job types Observed offered wage Estimated reservation wage

Single Second Post-unemployment Single Second Post-unemployment
Mean 517 434 408 218 154 125
Median 446 355 338 206 139 124
S.D. 268 239 212 121 113 53

Estimated values of leisure a (cent), actual working hours h (weekly hours), estimated optimal working hours h1* h.1^* (weekly hour), and their difference Δh. Different values of q used in quantile regression.

a h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh Pr(h1>h1*) {\bf{Pr(}}{{\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}}{\boldsymbol{ > h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}}{\bf{)}} overworked group underworked group

h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh
q = 0.2 1595 46.6 −7.6 0.36 41.7 32.4 9.3 37.5 54.7 −17.2
q = 0.5 1655 46.6 −7.6 0.36 41.7 32.9 8.8 37.5 54.6 −17.1
q = 1 1655 46.8 −7.8 0.36 41.7 32.6 9.1 37.5 54.7 −17.2
q = 2 1680 46.5 −7.5 0.37 41.5 33.1 8.5 37.5 54.4 −16.9
q = 3 1681 47.5 −8.7 0.34 41.2 33.5 7.8 37.5 54.8 −17.2
q = 5 1693 48.0 −9.2 0.34 41.1 33.8 7.3 37.5 55.2 −17.7

Estimated value of leisure a (cent), wage elasticity of optimal leisure time ɛl,w1 and ɛl,w2, actual working hours h1 (weekly hour), estimated optimal hours h1* h.1^* (weekly hour), working hours mismatches Δh=h1−h1* \Delta h = {h.1} - h.1^* (weekly hour). q = 2. Dierent values of e˜i {\tilde e.i} .

a ɛl,w1 ɛl,w2 h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh Pr(h1>h1*) {\bf{Pr(}}{{\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}}{\boldsymbol{ > h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}}{\bf{)}} overwork underwork

Δh Δh
e˜i=168 {\tilde e_i} = 168 1680 −0.26 −0.40 39.0 46.5 8.5 −16.9
e˜i=140 {\tilde e_i} = 140 1508 −0.28 −0.51 39.0 42.1 9.0 −13.7
e˜i=126 {\tilde e_i} = 126 1485 −0.32 −0.59 39.0 38.3 0.6 0.53 9.9 −10.1

Descriptive statistics.

Variables Mean SD min max
Real wage (cent) in current job 452 261 1 1858
Real wage (cent) in new single job offer 517 267 9 1636
Real wage (cent) in new second job offer 434 239 39 1623
Real wage (cent) in post unemployment job offer 409 212 67 1644
Weekly working hours in current job (one job) 36.6 11.7 0 168
Weekly working hours in current jobs (two jobs) 62.1 19.5 0 168
Weekly working hours in new single job 39.1 8.77 1 168
Weekly working hours in new second job 29.8 13.7 1 140
Weekly working hours in post unemployment job 35.0 11.0 1 144
Weekly leisure hours 127 16.0 0 168
Duration (week) for employment spell (one job) 106 133 1 1346
Duration (week) for employment spell (two jobs) 34.2 47.1 1 630
Duration (week) for unemployment spell 49.5 65.6 1 631
Previous work experience (week) 391 197 1 1646
Number of jobs held prior to change in job status 7.25 4.67 1 36
Age 29.2 3.13 25 35
Female (dummy) 0.50 0.50 0 1
White (dummy) 0.51 0.50 0 1
Black (dummy) 0.28 0.45 0 1
Married (dummy) 0.32 0.47 0 1
Parenthood (dummy) 0.72 0.45 0 4
Net worth (thousand dollars) 61 136 −300 600
Non high school qualification or lower (dummy) 0.15 0.35 0 1
Industry - public sector (dummy) 0.22 0.41 0 1
Industry- professional services (dummy) 0.21 0.41 0 1
Real interest rate (percent) 1.80 1.90 0.50 6.02

Estimated job offer rates λj, separation rates δj, and acceptance rates Pj in percent.

Job types Job offer rates, λj Job separation rates, δj Job acceptance rates, Pj

Single Second Post-unemp Job 1 Job 2 Single Second Post-unemp
Mean 0.78 0.55 2.18 1.24 1.71 61.0 59.8 72.4
1 percentile 0.18 0.10 1.16 0.14 0.40 5.58 7.02 21.6
99 percentile 7.36 5.86 7.62 14.1 5.31 98.9 98.9 99.7

Wage rate w1 (cent), estimated value of leisure a (cent), adjustment factor B and E, wage elasticity of optimal leisure time ɛl,w1 and ɛl,w2, actual working hours h1 (weekly hour), estimated optimal working hours h1* h.1^* (weekly hour), and the difference between h1 and h1* h.1^* (weekly hour).

w1 a B E ɛl,w1 ɛl,w2 h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} h1h1* {{\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}} - {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}}
Mean 445 1680 1.02 0.67 −0.26 −0.40 39.0 46.5 −7.50
S.D. 239 410 0.01 0.11 0.12 0.22 8.39 17.4 17.7
1 percentile 126 1101 1.00 0.40 −0.71 −1.27 12 14.4 −57.9
99 percentile 1345 3152 1.08 0.92 −0.08 −0.10 65 97.1 27.7

Actual working hours h1 (weekly hour), estimated optimal hours h1* h.1^* (weekly hour), Δh=h1−h1* \Delta h = {h.1} - h.1^* (weekly hour). q = 2. Different SD.

h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh Pr(h1>h1*) {\bf{Pr(}}{{\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}}{\boldsymbol{ > h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}}{\bf{)}} overwork group underwork group

h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh h1 h1* {\boldsymbol{h}}_{\bf{1}}^{\bf{*}} Δh
SD = 0 39.0 46.5 −7.5 0.37 41.5 33.1 8.5 37.5 54.4 −16.9
SD = 2 39.8 46.5 −7.1 0.37 40.5 33.3 7.2 38.8 54.3 −15.6
SD = 4 39.8 46.5 −6.7 0.38 40.5 34.0 6.4 39.4 54.0 −14.5
SD = 8 40.7 46.5 −5.8 0.38 42.8 36.2 6.6 39.3 52.8 −13.5

Estimated parameter for the value of leisure (measured in e−6), the estimated partial effect ai2αk a.i^2{\alpha .k} - mean, minimum and maximum (measured in cent).

Variables αk The partial effect ai2αk {\boldsymbol{a}}_{\boldsymbol{i}}^{\bf{2}}{{\bf{\alpha }}_{\boldsymbol{k}}}

mean min max
Constant −857** −2594 −30665 −793
Previous work experience (weeks) 0.06 0.19 0.06 2.31
Number of previous jobs held −8.90** −27.0 −318 −8.23
Age (years) 10.5** 31.8 9.69 375
Female (dummy) −27.4* −83.1 −980 −25.3
White (dummy) 17.7 53.6 16.3 632
Black (dummy) −69.5** −210 −2486 −64.3
Married (dummy) 4.76 14.4 4.40 170
Parenthood (dummy) −17.2* −52.2 −615 −15.9
Net worth (thousands dollar) 0.30** 0.92 0.28 10.8
Non high school qualification or lower (dummy) −146** −440 −5202 −134
Industry - public sector (dummy) 115** 348 106 4124
Industry- professional services (dummy) 63.2** 191 58.4 2258