À propos de cet article


All sources sorted by the TC value

Rank Sources TP TC TC/TP
1 Business Horizons 2 125 62.50
2 Innovation Policy and The Economy 1 68 68.00
3 Journal of Applied Business Research 2 33 16.50
4 Research Policy 1 32 32.00
5 Journal of Business Venturing 1 25 25.00
6 Journal of Technology Transfer 2 24 12.00
7 Journal of Corporate Finance 1 24 24.00
8 Journal of Business Strategy 2 21 10.50
9 Creativity and Innovation Management 1 18 18.00
10 Technovation 1 18 18.00
11 European Planning Studies 1 17 17.00
12 International Journal of Innovation Management 2 15 7.50
13 Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2 14 7.00
14 Asia Pacific Business Review 1 14 14.00
15 Management Review Quarterly 1 13 13.00
16 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2 10 5.00
17 Journal of Business Research 1 9 9.00
18 Journal of Service Management 1 9 9.00
19 Research Technology Management 1 7 7.00
20 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1 7 7.00
21 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 1 6 6.00
22 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2 5 2.50
23 CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1 4 4.00
24 International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 1 4 4.00
25 Learning, Media and Technology 1 4 4.00
26 Problems and Perspectives in Management 1 4 4.00
27 Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie 1 4 4.00
28 California Management Review 1 3 3.00
29 International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1 3 3.00
30 Proceedings of SPIE – the International Society for Optical Engineering 1 3 3.00
31 Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 1 3 3.00
32 Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 1 3 3.00
33 International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 2 2 1.00
34 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2 2 1.00
35 Journal of Business Economics 1 2 2.00
36 R and D Management 1 2 2.00
37 Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership: Preparing for a Digital Future 1 1 1.00
38 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 1 1 1.00
39 European Journal of Management and Business Economics 1 1 1.00
40 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 1 1 1.00
41 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1 1 1.00
42 Proceedings of International Design Conference, Design 1 1 1.00
43 Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 1 1 1.00
44 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2 0 0.00
45 FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2 0 0.00
46 Academic Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement: Scholarship in Action and the Syracuse Miracle 1 0 0.00
47 Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 1 0 0.00
48 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 1 0 0.00
49 Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium 1 0 0.00
50 Automotive Industries AI 1 0 0.00
51 CIRIEC-Espana Revista De Economia Publica, Social Y Cooperativa 1 0 0.00
52 Economics of Innovation and New Technology 1 0 0.00
53 Fundamentals of Software Startups: Essential Engineering and Business Aspects 1 0 0.00
54 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 1 0 0.00
55 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1 0 0.00
56 Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 1 0 0.00
57 Journal of Organizational Change Management 1 0 0.00
58 Journal of Private Equity 1 0 0.00
59 Proceedings – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC 2020 1 0 0.00
60 Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 1 0 0.00
61 Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit 1 0 0.00
62 Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress 1 0 0.00
63 Revista Del Ministerio De Empleo Y Seguridad Social 1 0 0.00
64 Sustainability (Switzerland) 1 0 0.00

Number of publications per year

Years Publications
1. 2011 1
2. 2012 1
3. 2013 1
4. 2014 4
5. 2015 1
6. 2016 5
7. 2017 9
8. 2018 10
9. 2019 20
10. 2020 12
11. 2021 12

Sum 76

All research centers sorted by the TC value

Rank Research centers TP TC TC/TP Rank Research centers TP TC TC/TP
1 Universität Innsbruck 2 111 55.5 56 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 1 3 3
2 Hawaii Pacific University 1 111 111 57 Universitat de València 3 2 0.667
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 3 78 26 58 Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena 2 2 1
4 Rice University 1 68 68 59 Technische Universität Graz 3 2 0.667
5 Handelshochschule Leipzig 6 40 6.667 60 American University 1 2 2
6 Edith Cowan University 4 40 10 61 IESE Business School 1 2 2
7 MIT and NBER 1 30 30 62 Kogod School of Business 1 2 2
8 MIT Sloan and NBER 1 30 30 63 Universidade do Algarve 1 2 2
9 University of Southern California 1 30 30 64 Imperial College Business School 1 1 1
10 University of Georgia 1 30 30 65 School of Business and Law 1 1 1
11 Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society 3 26 8.667 66 HIIG 1 1 1
12 University of Colorado Boulder 1 24 24 67 Open Innovation in Science Center 1 1 1
13 Illinois Institute of Technology 1 24 24 68 Zeppelin University 1 1 1
14 Allianz 1 20 20 69 Copenhagen Business School 1 1 1
15 ESCP Europe Business School, Paris 1 20 20 70 Aarhus Universitet 1 1 1
16 Sonoma State University 1 18 18 71 NOFIMA 1 1 1
17 Grenoble Ecole de Management 1 18 18 72 Cracow University of Economics 1 1 1
18 Chalmers University of Technology 1 17 17 73 NOVA School of Science and Technology 2 1 0.5
19 London School of Economics and Political Science 1 16 16 74 Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2 1 0.5
20 University of St Andrews 1 16 16 75 Universidade de Vigo 1 1 1
21 University of Stirling 1 16 16 76 BluSpecs 1 1 1
22 School of Management 1 16 16 77 American University in Cairo 1 1 1
23 Community Living Australia 1 14 14 78 Seoul National University 1 1 1
24 The University of Adelaide 1 14 14 79 Isfahan University of Technology 1 1 1
25 Flinders University 1 14 14 80 Institute for Industrial Systems Innovation 1 1 1
26 The College of Business, Government and Law 1 14 14 81 WeXelerate GmbH 1 0 0
27 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 1 13 13 82 Rocket Lab 1 0 0
28 University of Notre Dame 1 13 13 83 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1 0 0
29 Nord Universitet 1 13 13 84 California Institute of Technology 1 0 0
30 City University of New York 1 13 13 85 Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences 1 0 0
31 Baruch College 1 13 13 86 Uniwersytet Warszawski 1 0 0
32 Michigan State University 1 13 13 87 Kozminski University 1 0 0
33 ETH Zürich 2 11 5.5 88 Düzce Üniversitesi 2 0 0
34 Singapore University of Technology and Design 1 10 10 89 Universitat Salzburg 1 0 0
35 Roskilde Universitet 1 9 9 90 Kookmin University 1 0 0
36 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 1 9 9 91 Hoseo University 1 0 0
37 Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez 1 9 9 92 Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship 1 0 0
38 École des hautes études commerciales de Paris 1 8 8 93 Hochschule München 1 0 0
39 Hamburg University of Technology 1 8 8 94 FERCHAU Engineering GmbH 1 0 0
40 Stanford University 1 7 7 95 Universidad Europea de Madrid 1 0 0
41 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 1 7 7 96 BIC 1 0 0
42 Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai 1 6 6 97 Carnegie Mellon University 1 0 0
43 University of Rochester 1 6 6 98 University of San Francisco 1 0 0
44 The University of Edinburgh 1 6 6 99 Tepper School of Business 1 0 0
45 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 1 5 5 100 Thailand National Institute of Development Administration 1 0 0
46 Alltech 1 4 4 101 Khon Kaen University 1 0 0
47 Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus 1 4 4 102 Chungnam National University 1 0 0
48 Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space e.V. 1 4 4 103 Syracuse University 1 0 0
49 ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid 1 4 4 104 University of Colorado Boulder 1 0 0
50 Turun Yliopisto 1 4 4 105 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 1 0 0
51 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 1 3 3 106 Aalto University 1 0 0
52 Università degli Studi dell’Insubria 1 3 3 107 Technical University of Berlin 1 0 0
53 University of California 1 3 3 108 ESCP Europe Business School, Berlin 1 0 0
54 Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics University ITMO 1 3 3 109 Silesian University of Technology 1 0 0
55 ABB Group 1 3 3 110 University of Oulu 1 0 0

Most cited papers in startup accelerator research

Rank Authors Publication title Source title Reference Number of citations Year Type of paper
1 Kohler T. Corporate accelerators: Building bridges between corporations and startups Business Horizons Kohler [2016] 111 2016 Article
2 Hochberg Y.V. Accelerating entrepreneurs and ecosystems: The seed accelerator model Innovation Policy and the Economy Hochberg [2016] 68 2016 Article
3 Kanbach D.K. and Stubner S. Corporate accelerators as recent form of startup engagement: The what, the why, and the how Journal of Applied Business Research Kanbach and Stubner [2016] 33 2016 Article
4 Cohen S. et al. The design of startup accelerators Research Policy Cohen et al. [2019] 30 2019 Article
5 Shankar R.K. and Shepherd D.A. Accelerating strategic fit or venture emergence: Different paths adopted by corporate accelerators Journal of Business Venturing Shankar and Shepherd [2019] 25 2019 Article
6 Kim J.-H. and Wagman L. Portfolio size and information disclosure: An analysis of startup accelerators Journal of Corporate Finance Kim and Wagman [2014] 24 2014 Article
7 Stayton J. and Mangematin V. Seed accelerators and the speed of new venture creation Journal of Technology Transfer Stayton and Mangematin [2019] 18 2019 Article
8 Richter N. et al. Outsourcing creativity: An abductive study of open innovation using corporate accelerators Creativity and Innovation Management Richter et al. [2018b] 18 2018 Article
9 Mansoori Y. et al. The influence of the lean startup methodology on entrepreneur-coach relationships in the context of a startup accelerator Technovation Mansoori et al. [2019] 17 2019 Article
10 Kupp M. et al. Corporate accelerators: fostering innovation while bringing together startups and large firms Journal of Business Strategy Kupp et al. [2017] 17 2017 Article

All countries sorted by the TC value

Rank Country TP TC TC/TP
1 The United States 19 322 16.947
2 Germany 15 120 8.00
3 Australia 4 47 11.75
4 France 3 42 14.00
5 Norway 2 27 13.50
6 The United Kingdom 3 23 7.667
7 Chile 3 20 6.667
8 Switzerland 2 16 8.00
9 Sweden 1 16 16.00
10 Finland 4 12 3.00
11 Denmark 2 10 5.00
12 Spain 8 10 1.25
13 Singapore 1 10 10.00
14 Romania 1 6 6.00
15 Austria 6 4 0.667
16 Bulgaria 1 3 3.00
17 The Russian Federation 1 3 3.00
18 Israel 1 3 3.00
19 Italy 1 3 3.00
20 Portugal 3 2 0.667
21 Egypt 1 1 1.00
22 Poland 3 1 0.333
23 Estonia 1 0 0.00
24 Iran 1 0 0.00
25 South Korea 3 0 0.00
26 The Czech Republic 1 0 0.00
27 Thailand 1 0 0.00
28 Turkey 1 0 0.00

R-Pearson correlation results

ij 1.0000 (p-value = −)
SNIPj 0.5268 (p-value = 0.000) 1.0000 (p-value = −)
SJRj 0.3486 (p-value = 0.019) 0.8693 (p-value = 0.000) 1.0000 (p-value = −)

All authors sorted by the TC value

Rank Author TP TC TC/TP Rank Author TP TC TC/TP
1 Kohler T. 1 111 111.00 85 Hubert M. 1 2 2.00
2 Hochberg Y. V. 2 97 48.50 86 Káganer E. 1 2 2.00
3 Kanbach D. K. 4 38 9.50 87 Prexl K.-M. 1 2 2.00
4 Stubner S. 2 34 17.00 88 Prügl R. 1 2 2.00
5 Jackson P. 3 33 11.00 89 Glinik M. 2 2 1.00
6 Richter N. 3 33 11.00 90 Alonso D. 1 1 1.00
7 Cohen S. 1 29 29.00 91 Carvalho A. C. 1 1 1.00
8 Fehder D. C. 1 29 29.00 92 Castela G. 1 1 1.00
9 Murray F. 1 29 29.00 93 Childs P. R. N. 1 1 1.00
10 Shankar R. K. 1 25 25.00 94 Duréndez A. 1 1 1.00
11 Shepherd D. A. 1 25 25.00 95 Fernandes S. 1 1 1.00
12 Kim J. - H. 1 24 24.00 96 Garcia-Herrera C. 1 1 1.00
13 Wagman L. 1 24 24.00 97 García-Pérez-De-Lema D. 1 1 1.00
14 Schildhauer T. 2 19 9.50 98 Grilo A. 2 1 0.50
15 Gutmann T. 3 18 6.00 99 Iborra A. 1 1 1.00
16 Mangematin V. 1 18 18.00 100 Ismail A. 1 1 1.00
17 Stayton J. 1 18 18.00 101 Maas C. 1 1 1,.00
18 Borchers P. 1 17 17.00 102 Mariño-Garrido T. 1 1 1.00
19 Kupp M. 1 17 17.00 103 Pastor J. A. 1 1 1.00
20 Marval M. 1 17 17.00 104 Perkmann M. 1 1 1.00
21 Brown R. 1 16 16.00 105 Pina J.P. 1 1 1.00
22 Karlsson T. 1 16 16.00 106 Sanchez P. 1 1 1.00
23 Lee N. 1 16 16.00 107 Suarez T. 1 1 1.00
24 Lundqvist M. 1 16 16.00 108 Urbaniec M. 1 1 1.00
25 Mansoori Y. 1 16 16.00 109 Zutshi A. 2 1 0.50
26 Mawson S. 1 16 16.00 110 Żur A. 1 1 1.00
27 Peterson L. 1 16 16.00 111 Ainamo A. 1 0 0.00
28 Kurpjuweit S. 2 16 8.00 112 Ali N. 1 0 0.00
29 Wagner S. M. 2 16 8.00 113 Amornpetchkul T. 1 0 0.00
30 Corral De Zubielqui G. 1 14 14.00 114 D’eredita M.A. 1 0 0.00
31 Jones J. 1 14 14.00 115 Azinheiro M. 1 0 0.00
32 Oppelaar L. 1 14 14.00 116 Baltes G.H. 1 0 0.00
33 Seet P. - S. 1 14 14.00 117 Boni A.A. 1 0 0.00
34 Fink A. A. 1 13 13.00 118 Branagan S. 1 0 0.00
35 Herstatt C. 1 13 13.00 119 Butz H. 1 0 0.00
36 Moschner S. - L. 1 13 13.00 120 Charoontham K. 1 0 0.00
37 Kher R. 1 12 12.00 121 Cwik T. 1 0 0.00
38 Lyons T. S. 1 12 12.00 122 Farelo R.M. 1 0 0.00
39 Yang S. 1 12 12.00 123 French R. 1 0 0.00
40 Luo J. 1 10 10.00 124 Gfrerer A. 1 0 0.00
41 Yin B. 1 10 10.00 125 Gillig H. 1 0 0.00
42 Bustamante C. V. 1 9 9.00 126 Gunn M. 1 0 0.00
43 Fuglsang L. 1 8 8.00 127 Gür U. 1 0 0.00
44 Wallin A. J. 1 8 8.00 128 Gȩbczyńska M. 1 0 0.00
45 Duvert C. 1 7 7.00 129 Ha K.S. 1 0 0.00
46 Esquirol M. 1 7 7.00 130 Harris W.L. 1 0 0.00
47 Katila R. 1 7 7.00 131 Heinz R. 1 0 0.00
48 Leatherbee M. 1 7 7.00 132 Heinzelmann N. 1 0 0.00
49 Mahmoud-Jouini S. B. 1 7 7.00 133 Hilton J. 1 0 0.00
50 Beleiu I. N. 1 6 6.00 134 Hutter K. 1 0 0.00
51 Bordean O. N. 1 6 6.00 135 Hwangbo Y. 1 0 0.00
52 Bunduchi R. 1 6 6.00 136 Jung S. 1 0 0.00
53 Connolly A. J. 1 6 6.00 137 Knight D. 1 0 0.00
54 Crișan E. L. 1 6 6.00 138 Kohlert H. 1 0 0.00
55 Potocki A. D. 1 6 6.00 139 Komarek R. 1 0 0.00
56 Salanță I. I. 1 6 6.00 140 Kotys-Schwartz D.A. 1 0 0.00
57 Turner J. 1 6 6.00 141 Kozlov M. 1 0 0.00
58 Carrilero-Castillo A. 1 4 4.00 142 Kunes M. 1 0 0.00
59 De La Vega M. 1 4 4,.00 143 Kwiotkowska A. 1 0 0.00
60 Gallego-Nicholls J. F. 1 4 4.00 144 Lindner B. 1 0 0.00
61 Guijarro-García M. 1 4 4.00 145 Poandl E.M. 1 0 0.00
62 Hilliger I. 1 4 4.00 146 Mikkelä K. 1 0 0.00
63 Hyrynsalmi S. 1 4 4.00 147 Moon I. 1 0 0.00
64 Ibert O. 1 4 4.00 148 Mrożewski M.J. 1 0 0.00
65 Järvi A. 1 4 4.00 149 Obłój K. 1 0 0.00
66 Kuebart A. 1 4 4.00 150 Oivo M. 1 0 0.00
67 Mendoza C. M. 1 4 4.00 151 Pielken S. 1 0 0.00
68 Mäkilä T. 1 4 4.00 152 Pikas E. 1 0 0.00
69 Pérez-Sanagustín M. 1 4 4.00 153 Pina J.P. 1 0 0.00
70 Seltman S. 1 4 4.00 154 Rasti-Barzoki M. 1 0 0.00
71 Bodrov K. 1 3 3.00 155 Selig C.J. 1 0 0.00
72 Haines J. K. 1 3 3.00 156 Seo W.S. 1 0 0.00
73 Ivashchenko M. 1 3 3.00 157 Sewall E. 1 0 0.00
74 Onetti A. 1 3 3.00 158 Shapiro A. 1 0 0.00
75 Ramiel H. 1 3 3.00 159 Shenkoya T. 1 0 0.00
76 Ruseva R. 1 3 3.00 160 Sota F.G. 1 0 0.00
77 Ruskov P. 1 3 3.00 161 Stephan Y. 1 0 0.00
78 Tolstoba N. 1 3 3.00 162 Tripathi N. 1 0 0.00
79 Cánovas-Saiz L. 3 2 0.67 163 Wierciński S. 1 0 0.00
80 March-Chordà I. 3 2 0.67 164 Wonglimpiyarat J. 1 0 0.00
81 Yagüe-Perales R. M. 3 2 0.67 165 Wójcik P. 1 0 0.00
82 Beck S. 1 2 2.00 166 Wąsowska A. 1 0 0.00
83 Carmel E. 1 2 2.00 167 Zarei H. 1 0 0.00
84 Heiden C. 1 2 2.00

All papers in the research sorted by cp

cp rank Authors Publication title Source title Reference cp yp cpY c_p^Y cpY c_p^Y Type of paper
1 Kohler T. Corporate accelerators: Building bridges between corporations and startups Business Horizons Kohler [2016] 112 2016 18.500 27.750 Article
2 Hochberg Y.V. Accelerating entrepreneurs and ecosystems: The seed accelerator model Innovation Policy and the Economy Hochberg [2016] 68 2016 11.333 17.000 Article
3 Kanbach D.K. and Stubner S. Corporate accelerators as recent form of startup engagement: The what, the why, and the how Journal of Applied Business Research Kanbach and Stubner [2016] 33 2016 5.500 8.250 Article
4 Cohen S. et al. The design of startup accelerators Research Policy Cohen et al. [2019] 30 2019 10.000 30.000 Article
5 Shankar R.K. and Shepherd D.A. Accelerating strategic fit or venture emergence: Different paths adopted by corporate accelerators Journal of Business Venturing Shankar and Shepherd [2019] 25 2019 8.333 25.000 Article
6 Kim J.-H. and Wagman L. Portfolio size and information disclosure: An analysis of startup accelerators Journal of Corporate Finance Kim and Wagman [2014] 24 2014 3.000 4.000 Article
7 Stayton J. and Mangematin V. Seed accelerators and the speed of new venture creation Journal of Technology Transfer Stayton and Mangematin [2019] 18 2019 6.000 18.000 Article
8 Richter N. et al. Outsourcing creativity: An abductive study of open innovation using corporate accelerators Creativity and Innovation Management Richter et al. [2018b] 18 2018 4.500 9.000 Article
9 Mansoori Y. et al. The influence of the lean startup methodology on entrepreneur-coach relationships in the context of a startup accelerator Technovation Mansoori et al. [2019] 17 2019 5.667 17.000 Article
10 Kupp M. et al. Corporate accelerators: Fostering innovation while bringing together startups and large firms Journal of Business Strategy Kupp et al. [2017] 17 2017 3.400 5.667 Article
11 Brown R. et al. Start-up factories, transnational entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems: Unpacking the lure of start-up accelerator programmes European Planning Studies Brown et al. [2019] 16 2019 5.333 16.000 Article
12 Seet P.-S. et al. Beyond “know-what” and “know-how” to “know-who”: Enhancing human capital with social capital in an Australian start-up accelerator Asia Pacific Business Review Seet et al. [2018] 14 2018 3.500 7.000 Article
13 Jackson P. and Richter N. Situational logic: An analysis of open innovation using corporate accelerators International Journal of Innovation Management Jackson and Richter [2017] 14 2017 2.800 4.667 Article
14 Gutmann T. Harmonizing corporate venturing modes: An integrative review and research agenda Management Review Quarterly Gutmann [2019] 13 2019 4.333 13.000 Article
15 Moschner S.-L. et al. Toward a better understanding of corporate accelerator models Business Horizons Moschner et al. [2019] 13 2019 4.333 13.000 Article
16 Yang S. et al. Where do accelerators fit in the venture creation pipeline? Different values brought by different types of accelerators Entrepreneurship Research Journal Yang et al. [2018] 13 2018 3.250 6.500 Article
17 Yin B. and Luo J. How do accelerators select startups? Shifting decision criteria across stages IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Yin and Luo [2018] 10 2018 2.500 5.000 Article
18 Bustamante C.V. Strategic choices: Accelerated startups’ outsourcing decisions Journal of Business Research Bustamante [2019] 9 2019 3.000 9.000 Article
19 Wallin A.J. and Fuglsang L. Service innovations breaking institutionalized rules of health care Journal of Service Management Wallin and Fuglsang [2017] 9 2017 1.800 3.000 Article
20 Leatherbee M. and Katila R. The lean startup method: Early-stage teams and hypothesis-based probing of business ideas Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Leatherbee and Katila [2020] 7 2020 3.500 Division by zero Article
21 Mahmoud-Jouini S.B. et al. Key factors in building a corporate accelerator capability: Developing an effective corporate accelerator requires close attention to the relationships between startups and the sponsoring company Research Technology Management Mahmoud-Jouini et al. [2018] 7 2018 1.750 3.500 Article
22 Crișan E.L. et al. A systematic literature review on accelerators Journal of Technology Transfer Crișan et al. [2021] 6 2021 6.000 6.000 Article
23 Connolly A.J. et al. IGNITE your corporate innovation: Insights from setting up an ag-tech start-up accelerator International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Connolly et al. [2018] 6 2018 1.500 3.000 Article
24 Hilliger I. et al. Does the revision of ABET student outcomes include the competencies required to succeed in start-ups and entrepreneurial companies? ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings Hilliger et al. [2017] 5 2017 1.000 1.667 Conference paper
25 Guijarro-García M. et al. Speeding up ventures – a bibliometric analysis of start-up accelerators International Journal of Intellectual Property Management Guijarro-García et al., 2019] 4 2019 1.333 4.000 Article
26 Gutmann T. et al. Exploring the benefits of corporate accelerators: Investigating the SAP Industry 4.0 Startup program Problems and Perspectives in Management Gutmann et al. [2019] 4 2019 1.333 4.000 Article
27 Kuebart A. and Ibert O. Beyond territorial conceptions of entrepreneurial ecosystems: The dynamic spatiality of knowledge brokering in seed accelerators Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie Kuebart and Ibert [2019] 4 2019 1.333 4.000 Article
28 Järvi A. et al.. Game development accelerator – Initial design and research approach CEUR Workshop Proceedings Järvi et al. [2013] 4 2013 0.444 0.571 Conference paper
29 Onetti A. Turning open innovation into practice: Trends in European corporate Journal of Business Strategy Onetti [2021] 3 2021 3.000 3.000 Article
30 Ramiel H. Edtech disruption logic and policy work: The case of an Israeli edtech unit Learning, Media and Technology Ramiel [2021] 3 2021 3.000 3.000 Article
31 Kurpjuweit S. and Wagner S.M. Startup supplier programs: A new model for managing corporate-startup partnerships California Management Review Kurpjuweit and Wagner [2020] 3 2020 1.500 Division by zero Article
32 Ivashchenko M. et al. Educational area for learning of optics and technologies: Union of open laboratories of ideas, methods and practices (OLIMP) Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering Ivashchenko et al. [2016] 3 2016 0.500 0.750 Conference paper
33 Ruseva R. and Ruskov P. The reverse business-modelling framework: A new approach towards action-oriented entrepreneurship Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE Ruseva and Ruskov [2015] 3 2015 0.429 0.600 Conference paper
34 Haines J.K. Emerging innovation: The global expansion of seed accelerators Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW Haines [2014] 3 2014 0.375 0.500 Conference paper
35 Fernandes S. and Castela G. Start-ups’ accelerators support open innovation in Portugal International Journal of Innovation and Learning Fernandes and Castela [2019] 2 2019 0.667 2.000 Article
36 Glinik M. Gruendungsgarage – A best-practice example of an academic start-up accelerator International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy Glinik [2019b] 2 2019 0.667 2.000 Article
37 Prexl K.-M. et al. Identifying and analysing the drivers of heterogeneity among ecosystem builder accelerators R and D Management Prexl et al. [2019] 2 2019 0.667 2.000 Article
38 Carmel E. and Káganer E. Ayudarum: an Austrian crowdsourcing company in the Startup Chile accelerator program Journal of Business Economics Carmel and Káganer [2014] 2 2014 0.250 0.333 Article
39 Canovas-Saiz L. et al. A quantitative-based model to assess seed accelerators’ performance Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Canovas-Saiz et al. [2021] 1 2021 1.000 1.000 Article
40 Urbaniec M. and Żur A. Business model innovation in corporate entrepreneurship: exploratory insights from corporate accelerators International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Urbaniec and Żur [2021] 1 2021 1.000 1.000 Article
41 Cánovas-Saiz L. et al. New evidence on accelerator performance based on funding and location European Journal of Management and Business Economics Cánovas-Saiz et al. [2020] 1 2020 0.500 Division by zero Article
42 Gutmann T. et al. Startups in a corporate accelerator: What is satisfying, what is relevant and what can corporates improve? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Gutmann et al. [2020] 1 2020 0.500 Division by zero Article
43 Ismail A. A framework for designing business-acceleration programs: A case study from Egypt Entrepreneurship Research Journal Ismail [2020] 1 2020 0.500 Division by zero Article
44 Mariño-Garrido T. et al. Assessment criteria for seed accelerators in entrepreneurial project selections International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Mariño-Garrido et al. [2020] 1 2020 0.500 Division by zero Article
45 Garcia-Herrera C. et al. Industry-led corporate start-up accelerator design: Lessons learned in a maritime port complex Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN Garcia-Herrera et al. [2018] 1 2018 0.250 0.500 Conference paper
46 Richter N. et al. Radical innovation using corporate accelerators: A program approach Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership: Preparing for a Digital Future Richter et al. [2018a] 1 2018 0.250 0.500 Book chapter
47 Carvalho A.C. et al. How business startup accelerators envision their future Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Carvalho et al. [2017] 1 2017 0.200 0.333 Conference paper
48 Iborra A. et al. Beyond traditional entrepreneurship education in engineering promoting IoT start-ups from universities IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics Iborra et al. [2017] 1 2017 0.200 0.333 Conference paper
49 Ainamo A. et al. University ecosystem for student startups: A “platform of trust” perspective Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Ainamo et al. [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Conference paper
50 Boni A.A. and Gunn M. Introductory overview to special edition – “Building and Leveraging the Innovation Ecosystem and Clusters: Universities, Startups, Accelerators, Alliances, and Partnerships” Journal of Commercial Biotechnology Boni and Gunn [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Review
51 Butz H. and Mrożewski M.J. The selection process and criteria of impact accelerators. An exploratory study Sustainability (Switzerland) Butz and Mrożewski [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Article
52 Charoontham K. and Amornpetchkul T. Reputational impact on startup accelerator's information disclosure and performance Economics of Innovation and New Technology Charoontham and Amornpetchkul [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Article
53 Gür U. Absorptive capacity approach to technology transfer at corporate accelerators: A systematic literature review FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship Gür [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Book chapter
54 Hutter K. et al. From popular to profitable: Incumbents’ experiences and challenges with external corporate accelerators International Journal of Innovation Management Hutter et al. [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Article
55 Shenkoya T. A study of startup accelerators in Silicon Valley and some implications for Nigeria African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development Shenkoya [2021] 0 2021 0.000 0.000 Article
56 Cwik T. et al.. Space Startup Accelerator Pilot IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings Cwik et al. [2020] 0 2020 0.000 Division by zero Conference paper
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