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Improving energy efficiency and building a low-emission economy based on example of Lesser Poland Voivodeship

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The Sustainable Development Number [The United Nations, 2015]

1No povertyEliminate poverty in all its forms around the world
2Zero hungerEliminate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
3Good health and well-beingEnsure healthy lives for all people of all ages and promote well-being
4Quality educationEnsure high-quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
5Gender equalityAchieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
6Clean water and sanitationEnsure access to water and sanitation for all through sustainable water management
7Affordable and clean energyEnsure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all people
8Decent work and economic growthPromote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
9Industry, innovation, and infrastructureBuild stable infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and support innovation
10Reduced inequalitiesReduce inequality within and among countries
11Sustainable communities cities andMake cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, stable, and sustainable
12Responsible and production consumptionEnsure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13Climate actionTake urgent action to combat climate change and its consequences
14Life below waterProtect the oceans, seas, and marine resources and use them in a sustainable way
Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, ensure
15Life on landsustainable forest management, combat desertification, restrain and reverse land
degradation, and halt the biodiversity loss
16Peace, justice, and strong institutionsPromote peaceful and inclusive societies, ensure access to justice for all people, as well as build effective and accountable, inclusive institutions at all levels
17Partnership for the goalsStrengthen implementation measures and revive global partnership for sustainable development

Programs implemented in Małopolska in the field of improving air quality

ProgramYearsFundsImpact of the program on improving air quality
The Regional Operational Program for the Małopolska Region for 2007–2013 []2007–2013129.4 million euros

Reduction of energy demand in thermomodernized buildings;

reduction of emission of harmful compounds into the atmosphere by replacing inefficient heating sources with renewable energy sources;

reduced emission of pollutants from the transport sector by introducing a low-emission bus fleet

Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment []2007–20131.92 billion euros

Creation of the Low-emission Economy Program for the City of Krakow,

reduction of pollutant emissions from the transport sector by increasing the number of routes, improving the capacity on existing routes, and creating parking lots at transport nodes

LIFE Program []2014-202070 million PLNImprovement of public awareness, and raising funds for activities aimed at improving air quality through the creation of a network of ecoadvisors in municipalities located in the Małopolska region.
Limitation of Low Emission Program (PONE) []2012–20182012–2015: 44 million PLN;

2016: 10 million PLN;

2017: 5 million PLN;

2018: 10 million PLN

Reduction of pollution emitted to the atmosphere from the municipal and household sector through cofinancing for the elimination of inefficient heating sources and the installation of boilers that meet environmental requirements
KAWKA Program []2014–201558.6 million PLN

Reduction of PM10 dust emission by about 123.763 Mg/year;

reduction of dust emission PM2.5 by approximately 123.458 Mg/year;

CO2 emission reduction by approximately 20,981.903 Mg/year.

Operational Program – Saving Energy and Promoting Renewable Energy Sources2013–201612.6 million eurosIncreased share of RESs; reduction of both energy consumption and emission of pollutants through thermal modernization of public buildings
SOWA Program2013–2015356 million PLNReduction of pollutant emissions by improving the energy efficiency of street lighting
Swiss–Polish Cooperation Program (SPPW) []2007–2017489 million CHF

Increase in the share of RESs by installing solar installations for >25,000 buildings;

reduction of energy consumption through thermal modernization of public buildings

EEA GRANTS []2004–2009; 2009–2014324 million euros; 578 million eurosImprovement of social awareness in the field of air protection through the implementation of a project concerning the collection, modeling, and sharing of spatial data
Rural Development Program []2007–201313.2 billion eurosIncrease in the share of RESs by installing solar installations on residential buildings

RES installations in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship in 2017 [URE - Urząd Regulacji Energetyki, 2017]

InstallationNumber of installationsCapacity, MW
Produced from biogas from wastewater treatment plants104.9
Produced from landfill biogas53.2
Producing from agricultural biogas21.2
Produced from mixed biomass13.2
Manufacture from biomass from solid municipal waste, among others from sewage treatment plants116.9
Wind farms on land136.7
Production from solar radiation539.2
Hydroelectric power plants up to 0.3 MW322.8
Hydroelectric power plants up to 1 MW95.5
Hydroelectric power plants up to 5 MW1027.4
Hydroelectric power plants up to 10 MW18
Hydroelectric power plants >10 MW156
Pumped or hydroelectric power plants with a pump member192.5