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The role of labour market experiences in the social and political integration of first and second-generation Non-Western and Eastern European immigrants in Ireland

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Figure 1

Labour market experiences, immigrants and political assimilation
Labour market experiences, immigrants and political assimilation

Impact of origin on political and social measures controlling for LM characteristics, gender, age and educationa: Standardised coefficients reported: (T-values in parentheses)

Mean generalised trust Mean trust in politicians Mean satisfaction with democracy
1st Generation ns (−.9) 0.11** (10.8) 0.18** (17.3)
2nd Generation ns (2.1) ns (1.8) ns (−0.2)
Reference category: Natives
Labour market characteristics
Higher manual ns (1.9) ns (0.7) ns (0.6)
Routine WC ns (1.5) 0.06** (4.4) ns (2.3)
Higher WC 0.07** (4.7) 0.06** (4.3) ns (2.3)
Reference category: Lower manual
2. Difficult 0.11** (6.4) 0.09** (5.2) ns (1.3)
3. Coping 0.24** (11.8) 0.21** (10.2) 0.1** (5.0)
4. Comfortable 0.31** (16.0) 0.3** (14.7) 0.19** (9.2)
Reference category: Very difficult
Unemployed −0.04** (3.3) −0.08** (7.7) −0.08** (7.3)
Discriminated against −0.04** (4.1) −0.08** (7.7) −0.08** (7.7)
Gender/male ns (1.0) 0.06** (5.4) 0.09** (7.9)
Over 45 age ns (2.0) 0.07** (6.4) 0.07** (6.1)
Under 13 years of Education −0.08** (7.2) −0.07** (6.0) −0.1** (8.7)
R2 0.07 0.09 0.09
F score 55** 70** 67**
N 9401 9028 9048

Means and significant differences between Non-Western and Eastern European immigrants

Non-Western immigrants Eastern European immigrants Two-tailed T-test Significance N
Satisfaction with democracy 6.2 6.47 .12 ns 673
Trust in state institutions 5.0 4.9 .14 ns 599
Generalised trust in people 5.4 5.6 .87 ns 730

Impact of LM characteristics on political and social measures by ethnic origin (Standardised beta coefficients reported: T-values in parentheses)

Generalised trust in people Trust political institutions Satisfaction with democracy
Natives 1st Gen 2nd Gen Natives 1st Gen 2nd Gen Natives 1st Gen 2nd Gen
Higher managerial ns(1.7) ns(1.0) ns(−.3) ns(0.2) ns(1.6) ns(0.8) ns(0.2) ns(1.6) ns(1.1)
Routine white collar ns(1.0) ns(1.3) ns(0.5) 0.06**(4.1) ns(1.4) ns(1.3) ns(2.4) ns(0.3) ns(0.8)
Higher white collar 0.06**(4.1) ns(2.5) ns(0.1) 0.06**(3.8) ns(1.4) ns(1.9) ns(2.4) ns(0.2) ns(0.7)
Ref cat.: lower manual
Difficult 0.11**(6.3) ns(1.1) ns(1.3) 0.09**(4.9) ns(1.4) ns(0.2) ns(1.0) ns(1.1) ns(0.4)
Coping 0.26**(11.9) ns(1.6) ns(1.8) 0.22**(10.0) ns(1.4) ns(1.3) 0.12**(5.2) ns(0.3) ns(0.1)
Comfortable 0.34**(16.0) ns(1.0) 0.46*(3) 0.31**(14.4) ns(1.6) ns(2.1) 0.2**(9.0) ns(1.4) ns(1.7)
Ref. cat.: Very difficult
Unemployed −0.03*(2.7) −0.12**(2.8) ns(1.7) −0.09**(8.2) ns(0.6) ns(0.9) −0.08**(7.2) ns(−1.3) ns(0.8)
Feel discriminated against −0.04**(3.8) −0.11**(2.6) ns(0.8) −0.08**(7.8) ns(−0.5) −0.28** (3.5) −0.1**(8.8) ns(0.5) ns(−2.2)

Ethnic origin and LM characteristics (means and Anovas reported)

Occupational level Income Unemployed Discrimination
Native Irish 2.8 2.94 0.26** (2 & 3) 0.04
First generation immigrants 2.55** (1 & 3) 2.66** (1 & 3) 0.43 0.17** (1 & 3)
Second generation immigrants 2.97 2.95 0.36 0.07

Description of measures

Dependent social and political measures Alpha reliability score
Trust in democratic institutions
Trust in politics and state institutions Composed of 5 items: How much do you personally trust each of the following: 1. country's parliament? 2. Politicians? 3. Political parties. 4. The legal system? 5. The police?Scored 0=no trust al all to 10=complete trust. Overall score is divided by 5 to retain the range between 0 and 10. 0.84
Satisfaction with democracy
On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in this country? Scored 0=Extremely dissatisfied to 10=Extremely satisfied. /
Sustaining a democratic culture
Generalised trust in people Composed of 3 items: Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?; Do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, or would they try to be fair?; Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful or that they are mostly looking out for themselves? Scored 0=No trust 10=High trust. Overall score is divided by 3 to retain the range between 0 and 10. 0.76
Labour market measures
Occupation Occupations are categorised as follows: 1=Lower manual; 2=Higher manual (skilled); 3=Routine white collar; 4=Higher white collar/professional. /
Income Satisfaction with income scored 1=Very difficult to cope; 2=Difficult to cope; 3=Coping; 4=Coping comfortably. /
Unemployment periods Were you ever unemployed and seeking work for more than three months. Scored 1=Yes; 0=No. /
Discriminated against Would you describe yourself as being a member of a group that is discriminated against in this country? Scored 1=Yes; 0=No. /
Gender Scored 1=Males; 0=Females /
Education Scored 1 =Up to 13 years of education; 0=More than 13 years /
Age Scored 1=over 45; 0=less than 45 /

Ethnic origin and political and social measures

Generalised trust in people Trust in politicians Satisfaction with democracy N
Native Irish 5.68 4.35 4.96 9561–9959
First generation immigrants 5.45** (1&3) 4.96** (1) 6.3** (1&3) 499–755
Second generation immigrants 6.0 4.6 4.91 155–165