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Observations on the biology of Postharmostomum ntowi Hodasi, 1967 (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) based on intermediate and definitive hosts found in Nigeria

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In a survey of the helminth parasites of anurans from Ase, a location in the freshwater creeks of the Niger Delta of Nigeria, Aisien et al. (2017) recorded the metacercariae of a brachylaimid trematode in the rectum of Amnirana galamensis. Since the stage recovered was the metacercaria, it was doubtful if the frog was the definitive host of the trematode. Previous reports of brachylaimids in the West African sub-region have been in avian hosts. Postharmostomum ntowi, a parasite of the gastrointestinal tract of domestic chickens and guinea fowl was described by Hodasi (1967, 1976) in Ghana. Okon and Enyenihi (1980) reported an unnamed Postharmostomum sp. in the caecum of domestic chicken in Oron, Cross River State of Nigeria. Awharitoma et al. (2003) found metacercariae of a bachylaimid in the land snail Limicolaria aurora collected from locations in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. In vivo cultivation of the metacercariae in domestic chicks yielded adults of Brachylaima fuscatum.

In order to determine the snail intermediate host(s) of the meta-cercariae we recovered from A. galamensis, we examined various land snails found in Ase for the presence of larval brachylaimids, with a view to establishing the roles these snails play in the life cycle of the parasite. We also infected 14 days old chicks of Gallus gallus domesticus with metacercariae recovered from Limicolaria aurora and Archachatina papyracea, to determine whether it was a susceptible host to this trematode. In this paper, we report on the larval stages recovered from the snail intermediate hosts and the adult recovered from experimental hosts and natural infections in free range Gallus gallus domesticus from the study areas.

Materials and Methods
Snail hosts

The snails examined (Archachatina marginata, A. papyracea, Limicolaria aurora, Limicolaria sp. and the semi-slug Thapsia oscitans were collected from their natural habitats at two locations: Ase (05°20′N 006°19′E) in Delta State and Tombia (05°00′; 006°15′E) in Bayelsa State, both in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. While A. marginata, A. papyracea, L. aurora and T. oscitans were collected from Ase, the unidentified Limicolaria sp. was collected from Tombia.

Laboratory maintenance and examination of snails

In the laboratory, snails from the two sites were transferred into plastic containers with perforated lids. The perforations were screened with fine nettings to protect the snails from flies. The snails were fed on cabbage leaves ad libitum until examined. The containers were cleaned out and fresh cabbage provided every other day.

Snails were cracked and dissected to isolate the digestive gland (hepato-pancreas), kidney, heart and surrounding pericardium. Each part was teased open in a Petri dish containing normal saline (0.85 % NaCl) and examined under a dissecting microscope. Parasite stages recovered were identified, counted and preserved. Sporocysts and cercariae were fixed and preserved in 70 % alcohol; metacercariae were flattened under cover slip pressure, fixed and preserved in 5 % formol-saline.

Infection experiments

Day-old chicks of Gallus gallus domesticus were ordered from a local hatchery, raised for 14 days in experimental cages, under hygienic conditions in the laboratory. Prior to experimental infection, the birds were weighed, starved of food and water for 6 hours and then anaesthetized by injection of Euthapent (Sodium pentabarbitone) to the thigh (30 μg/g body weight), to decrease the urge to defecate. Each bird was thereafter infected with 50 live metacercariae by cloacal drop infection method (Herman & Bacha, 1978). If a chick defecated immediately after infection, it was assumed that the metacercariae were discharged with the stool and was re-infected with another dose of 50 metacercariae. Following full recovery from the effects of the anaesthesia, the birds were first provided with water containing glucose (0.9 g/l) and subsequently fed chick mash ad libitum. Control birds were administered 0.2 ml of 0.85 % NaCl solution without metacercariae. Eight chicks were each infected with 50 metacercariae recovered from Limicolaria aurora. Two additional chicks were infected each with 50 metacercariae obtained from Archachatina papyracea collected from Ase.

Recovery of parasites from infected birds

In order to recover developing parasites, a pair of the infected birds was sacrificed on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day post-infection. The gastro-intestinal tract (small intestine, large intestine, the intestinal caecae and rectum) was examined under a dissecting microscope for sub-adult and adult worms. The site of recovery was recorded and the number of worms recovered from each bird was counted and the percentage recovery calculated for each pair.

Natural infection in free-range domestic chicken

Following the successful recovery of sub-adult and adult parasites from the experimental birds, two hens and one cock were purchased from Ase while two other hens were purchased from Tombia. The gastro-intestinal tracts of these birds were examined for natural infection with brachylaimids.

Preservation of parasites

Larval brachylaimids (sporocysts and cercariae) recovered from first snail intermediate hosts were fixed and preserved in 70 % ethanol; metacercariae from the snail intermediate hosts, sub-adults and adults from experimental hosts were flattened under cover slip pressure and fixed with 5 % formol-saline. Adult worms from naturally infected free range birds were also fixed and preserved following the procedure used for worms from the experimental birds.

Examination of parasites

Larval stages (sporocysts, cercariae and metacercariae) were examined as temporary mounts in lactophenol. Sub-adult and adult parasites were washed free of preservative (formol-saline) in four changes of tap water, over four hours, stained overnight in a dilute solution of acetocarmine and thereafter dehydrated in alcohol series, cleared in xylene before they were permanently mounted in Canada balsam.


Photomicrographs of the different parasite stages were taken with a Digital Camera, (DFK MKU 130-10 × 22, Imaging Source, Germany) attached to a binocular microscope.

Ethical Approval and/or Informed Consent

No ethical approval was required nevertheless we followed the guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Non-human Animals in Research by the American Psychological Association.


As shown in Table 1, a total of 62 snail specimens were examined for infection with larval brachylaimids, 40 from Ase and 22 from Tombia. The snails examined consisted of A. marginata (n=4), A. papyracea (n=4), L. aurora (n=30), Limicolaria sp. (22) and T. oscitans (2). The prevalence and mean intensity of infection are also shown on Table 1. Of the five land snails examined, all except the semi slug T. oscitans harboured larval brachylaimids. Larval stages encountered included branched sporocysts with cercaria (Figs. 1A and 1B) brevicaudate cercariae (Fig. 1C) and metacercariae (Fig. 1D). Sporocysts were recovered in only three specimens (6.38 %) of Limicolaria spp. (one specimen of L. aurora from Ase and two specimens of Limicolaria sp. from Tombia). While all three larval stages occurred in the Limicolaria spp. only metacercariae were recorded in A. marginata and A. papyracea.

Snail hosts examined for larval brachylaimid infections from Ase and Tombia (Metacercariae in Archachatina spp.; cercariae and metacercariae combined in Limicolaria sp.; details given under results)

Host Ase Tombia Total No examined No. infected Prevalence (%) Mean Intensity
A. marginata 04 - 04 3 75.0 4.33
A. papyracea 04 - 04 2 50.0 120.8
L. aurora 30 - 30 25 83.3 98.6±47.3
Limicolaria sp. - 22 22 22 100 39.9±9.1
T. oscitans 02 - 02 - - -

Measurement of metacercariae of Postharmostomum ntowi from Limicolaria aurora collected from Ase, Delta State, Nigeria.

Characters Ase

Mean±SD Range
Body Length (BL) 1387.6±271 938–2157
Greatest width 613.1 ± 85.8 938–2157
Forebody length (FBL) 563.5 ± 102.9 375–830.8
FBL as % t age of BL 40.8 ± 3.1 34.6–47.1
Oral sucker length (OSL) 253.3 ± 43.7 147.4–294.8
Oral sucker width (OSW) 260.0 ± 43.6 160.8–335.0
Ventral sucker length 167.2 ± 24.9 107.2–207.7
Ventral sucker width 170.5 ± 20.8 120.6–214.4
OSW/VSW ratio 1.5 ± 0.1 1.2–1.8
DBS 298.8 ± 90.2 174.2–522.6
Pharynx length 130 ± 22.2 80.4–160.8
Pharynx width 126.3 ± 20.8 80.4–160.8

Fig. 1.

A - Branched cercariogenous sporocysts of P. ntowi from L. aurora; B - Cercariae within a sporocyst; C.Cercaria; D. Metacercaria. Scale Bar: A, B = 0.5mm; C= 0.1 mm; D = 0.05 mm

Mean measurement ±SD of the larval stages is given in micrometer (μm), followed by the range in parenthesis.


The brevicaudate cercariae recovered from L. aurora measured 366 ± 30 (310 – 416) × 118 ± 10 (102 – 135) with the tail lengths ranging from 40 – 86. The oral sucker is longer than wide, 83 ± 5 (76 – 96) × 76 ± 4 (66 – 83), while the acetabulum is slightly wider than long, 72 ± 6 (63 – 83) × 74 ± 5 (63 – 84).


The morphometric measurements of metacercariae (n=20) recovered from L. aurora collected from Ase are presented as follows: Body length 1388 ± 271 (938 – 2157); Greatest width, 613 ± 86 (429 – 737); Forebody length (FBL) 564 ± 103 (375 – 831); FBL as percentage of body length 41 ± 3 % (35 % – 47 %); Oral sucker length 253 ± 44 (147 – 295; Oral sucker width (OSW) 260 ± 44 (161 – 335); Ventral sucker length 167 ± 25 (107 – 208); Ventral sucker width (VSW) 171 ± 21 (121 – 214); OSW/VSW ratio 1.5 ± 0.1 (1.2 – 1.8); Distance between suckers 299 ± 90 (174 – 523); Pharynx length 130 ± 22 (80 – 161); Pharynx width 126 ± 21 (80 – 161).

Metacercariae recovered from the Limicolaria sp. from Tombia measured as follows: Body length (BL) 1352 ± 232 (1045 – 1929); Greatest width 660 ± 57 (536 – 737); Forebody length (FBL) 579 ± 98 (442 – 831); FBL as percentage of BL 43 ± 4 (31 – 48); Oral sucker length (OSL) 290 ± 26 (241 – 335; Oral sucker width (OSW) 304 ± 24 (268 – 348); Ventral sucker length (VSL) 182 ± 18 (147 – 214); Ventral sucker width (VSW) 188 ± 14 (161 – 214); OSW/VSW ratio 1.6 ± 0.1 (1.5 – 1.9); Distance between suckers DBS 263 ± 81(161 – 442); Pharynx length 149 ± 20 (121 – 188); Pharynx width 146 ± 17 (121 – 174).

Parasites recovery 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-infection

A pair of chicks infected with metacercariae recovered from L. aurora was sacrificed on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day post-infection, respectively, and the developing, mature or gravid parasites recovered. The respective numbers of parasites recovered from the infected chicks are shown in Table 3. All parasites whether juveniles, mature or gravid adults were recovered from the caecum. The recovery rate (RR) ranged from 8 to 19 %.

Parasite recovery from infected chicks 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-infection.

Chicks Parasite recovery days post-infection Total Recovery rate (%)

7th day 14th 21st 28th
Set 1 1 15 - - - - - - 16 16
Set 2 - - 1 7 - - - - 8 8
Set 3 - - - - 2 15 - - 17 17
Set 4 - - - - - - 7 12 19 19

The pair of chicks infected with metacercariae from A. papyracea was also sacrificed on the 28th day post-infection. Five gravid parasites were recovered from the first chick and one from the second (RR, 6 %). No parasites were recovered from the control birds. The measurements of the parasites recovered are shown in Table 4.

Morphometric measurement of Postharmostomum ntowifrom experimental hosts and hosts with natural infections.

Parameters 7 days (n=5 14 days (n=7) 21 days (n=7) 28 days (n=8) Natural infections (n=11)

Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range
Body Length (BL) 2458±202 2164–273 3510±389 2930–4029 5865±1010 4562–7192 6639±865 5561–7726 8639.8±927 7060–10089
Body width 729±45 683–799 899±94.2 766–1032 1517±270 1199–1864 1640±229 1432–2098 2183±363 1765–2731
Forebody length (FBL) 1026±119 866–1199 1246±88 1132–-1365 1755±286 1399–2231 1944±123 1764–2098 2546±219. 2098–2930
FBL as %tage of BL 41.6±1.44 40.0–43.9 35.7±2.59 32.2–39.0 30.1±1.79 26.7–32.1 29.6±2.9 25.9–34.5 29.7±3.0 25.7–34.5
Oral sucker length 446.2±44.7 399.6–499.5 528.0±30.0 466.2–566.1 675.5±65.8 599.4–765.9 720.1±90.7 599.4–832.5 1044.4±60.1 965.7–1165.5
Oral sucker width 456.2±49.4 383.0–499.5 551.8±24.4 532.8–599.4 761.1±107.8 632.7–932.4 786.7±115.3 566.1–932.4 1135.2±113.9 990.0–1365.3
Ventral sucker length 273.4±15.3 254.6–294.8 423.2±210.1 335.0–899.1 480.5±68.9 399.6–566.1 553.6±35.3 499.5–599.4 678.1±84.6 566.1–832.5
Ventra sucker width 273.4±26.1 227.8–294.8 358.0±27.6 321.6–388.6 518.5±76.6 399.6–599.4 545.3±81.4 466.2–732.6 687.2±96.8 532.8–832.5
OSW/VSW ratio 1.7±0.2 1.3–1.9 1.6±0.1 1.4–1.7 1.5±0.1 1.3–1.6 1.5±0.2 1.1–1.7 1.7±0.3 1.4–2.6
Pharynx length 203.7±27.5 174.2–227.8 260.3±24.3 214.4–281.4 399.6±19.2 366.3–432.9 407.9±42.7 366.3–466.2 560.0±66.3 466.2–666.0
Pharynx width 243.9±25.8 214.4–281.4 279.5±27.3 254.6–321.6 383.0±31.9 333.0–432.9 403.8±41.5 333.0–466.6 469.2±54.6 366.6–566.1
Distance between suckers 576.1±87.8 466.2–699.3 718.3±74.1 632.7–832.5 980.0±186.3 765.9–1265.4 1111.4±188.3 799.2–1332.0 1416.±186.2 1065.6–1665.0
Oesophagus length 48.2±20.3 26.8–80.4 38.0±15.7 26.8–67.0 85.6±26.2 66.6–133.2 86.6±38.0 33.3–133.2 92.3±25.1 66.6–133.2
Cirrus length - - - - 507.8±106.6 399.6–599.4 627.±38.9 566.1–666.0 812.5±137.0 566.1–1032.3
Cirrus width - - - - 591.1±147.4 432.9–732.6 638.3±53.3 532.8–666.0 865.8±194.2 566.1–1298.7
Anterior testis length - - - - 541.1±116.6 399.6–666.0 521.7±80.7 432.9–632.7 716.0±160.3 499.5–999.0
Anterior testis width - - - - 582.8±79.3 499.5–666.0 510.6±71.9 399.6–599.4 899.1±201.6 699.3–1398.6
Posterior testis length - - - - 557.8±187.1 399.6–765.9 471.8±74.2 399.6–599.4 722.6±115.4 532.8–832.5
Posterior testis width - - - - 757±298.3 499.5–1032.3 782.6±151.5 499.5–899.1 1115.6±235..6 732.6–1565.1
Ovary length - - - - 416.3±69.3 333.0–499.5 399.6±75.9 333.0–532.8 559.4±96.5 432.9–732.6
Ovary width - - - - 474.5±50.0 432.9–532.8 394.1±32.7 366.3–432.9 462.9±90.8 299.7–566.1
Egg length - - - - - - - - 30.5±2.5 26.8–34.8
Egg width - - - - - - - - 17.2±2.3 13.4–20.1

The prominent features in the parasites recovered 7 days post-infection were the oral sucker, the pharynx, intestinal caecae and the acetabulum. The primordia of the genital organs were present but not measureable at this stage (Fig. 2A). The parasites recovered 14 days post-infection were morphologically similar to the preceding stage (7 days), except that they were larger and the primordia of the reproductive organs were clearly visible and measureable (Fig. 2B). At 21 days post-infection, the testes and the ovary were clearly differentiated; the uterus (without eggs) and the vitellaria were also visible (Fig. 2C). The parasites recovered 28 days post-infection were gravid and the vitellaria which were restricted to the lateral fields in the parasites from 21 days post-infection now filled both the extra-caecal and intra-caecal spaces (Fig. 2D).

Fig. 2.

Developing stages of Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from the experimental host (Gallus gallus domesticus) after: A - 7days; B - 14 days; C - 21 days and D - 28 days post-infection. Scale bars: A= 0.5 mm; B-D = 1mm

Brachylaimid infections in free range Gallus gallus domesticus from Ase and Tombia

Adult birds purchased from Ase and Tombia were killed and their intestinal tracts examined for brachylaimid infection. The three birds purchased from Ase were all infected (prevalence, 100 %) with 8, 19 and 6 adult (gravid) parasites (Fig. 3), respectively. Of the 19 worms recovered from chicken number 2, 17 were from the caecum while two were from the rectum. Parasites from hen 1 and the cock were all recovered from the rectum. Measurements for the gravid parasites from Ase are also presented in Table 4.

Fig. 3.

Adult Postharmostomum ntowi recovered from naturally infected Gallus gallus domesticus purchased from Ase, Delta State, Nigeria. Scale bar: 1 mm

Of the two hens purchased from Tombia, only one was infected with two (2) gravid worms.


The long and complex history of the genus Postharmostomum was summarized by Valadão et al. (2018). The account showed that Postharmostomum was first reported from a young chicken from Italy by Wagener (1852), who misidentified it as Distoma dimorphum Diesing, 1850. The error was corrected six years later by Diesing (1858) who described the parasite found by Wagener (1852) as a new species and named it Distoma commutatum. Thereafter, several reports of the occurrence of the parasite were published in Europe and Africa. Witenberg (1923) described a caecal fluke which was assigned to a new genus and species with the name Postharmostomum gallinum from parasites found in chicken from Turkestan in Central Asia. The parasite was differentiated from D. commutatum on account of the shape of the oral sucker, position of the genital pore and most especially, the anterior extent of the vitellaria, which reach the pharynx in P. commutatum but did not exceed the ventral sucker in P. gallinum. Shortly after its description, P. gallinum was synonymised with P. commutatum as it was believed that Wagener (1852) mischaracterized the vitellaria of P. commutatum, especially as no parasites with vitellaria extending anteriorly to caecal bifurcation were found in the caeca of chickens world-wide, even in areas where P. commutatum was originally described (Pereira & Cuocolo, 1939; Deiana & Arru, 1963). The morphological characteristics of the trematode recovered in this study shows it clearly belongs to the genus Postharmostomum (Brachylaimidae).

From the results obtained in this study, it has been established that Amnirana galamensis was an accidental host of the metacercariae found in its gut, since no further development occurred in this host. Similar accidental infections with brachylaimid metacercariae have been reported in Osteolaemus tetrapsis, the African dwarf crocodile (Enabulele et al., 2013) and the fresh water turtle Pelusios castaneus (Adebayo, 2021). The infection in A. galamensis may have arisen from the consumption of an infected snail intermediate host. Of the five land snails investigated, it was only the semi-slug T. oscitans that did not harbour larval brachylaimids. Even this observation needs further investigation since other slugs have been reported to serve as intermediate hosts of brachylaimid parasites in Africa (Canaris, 1963; Sirgel et al., 2012) and elsewhere (Thiengo & Amato, 1995; Valente et al., 2016). Therefore, despite the negative result recorded in this study, the role of slugs in the transmission of brachylaimids cannot be overlooked. It is either that T. oscitans is not susceptible to the brachylaimid under study or that the number of specimens of this slug examined was too few.

Brachylaimids use two land snails as first and second intermediate hosts, respectively (Lewis, 1969; Mas-Coma & Montoliu, 1986; Lewin, 1992; Cribb & Barton, 1991; Gibson & Bray, 1994). The first snail host according to Mas-Coma and Montoliu (1986, 1987, 1995) is very specific, as brachylaimid species use only one or a very small number of closely related mollusc species inhabiting the local area. Since the cercariogenous sporocysts occurred only in Limicolaria spp. (L. aurora and Limicolaria sp.), these snails must be the first intermediate hosts of the brachylaimid occurring in them. Limicolaria spp. are also known to play this role for other brachylaimids in Africa. For example, Canaris (1963) reported that L. martensiana served as first intermediate host for an undetermined Postharmostomum sp. in Uganda while Awharitoma et al. (2003) reported the occurrence of the sporocysts of Brachylaima fuscatum in L. aurora from Nigeria. The recovery of sporocysts from the digestive glands (hepatopancreas) of Limicolaria is in agreement with observations in other studies (Robinson, 1949; Mas-Coma & Montoliu, 1987; Butcher & Grove, 2001; Gracenea & Gonzalez-Moreno, 2002; Awharitoma et al., 2003; Gonzalez-Moreno & Gracenea, 2006; Segade et al., 2011).

The fact that only three specimens of the 62 snails examined harboured sporocysts confirms the earlier observations by Mas-Coma and Montoliu (1986, 1987, 1995) that in brachylaimid species, the prevalence of cercariogenous sporocysts in the first intermediate host is remarkably low. In brachylaimid life cycles, the first intermediate host can also serve as second intermediate host. We believe that L. aurora from Ase and the Limicolaria sp. from Tombia also serve as second intermediate hosts judging by the high prevalence of metacercaria in these snails (see Table 1). Archachatina spp. (A. marginata and A. papyracea) most probably serve only as second intermediate hosts. The similarity in the size range and morphology of the metacercariae from L. aurora and the unidentified Limicolaria sp. is an indication that they belong to the same species.

It needs to be mentioned here that the larval stages of P. commutatum and P. ntowi share some similarities but also have some differences. Both parasites have branched cercariogenous sporocysts harbouring brevicaudate cercariae. In both species the oesophagus is absent, the caeca is saccular and lateral. However, the cercariae of P. ntowi have longer body size (310 – 415) as against 186 – 193 μm for P. commutatum (Alicata 1940); the cercariae of P. ntowi lack the body spines that occur in P. commutatum; the genital primordia which are visible in the cercaria of P. commutatum (Alicata, 1940) are not detectable at this stage of P. ntowi. Again, except for the differences in body size, metacercariae of both parasites are quite similar: have sinuous intestinal caeca which extend to the posterior of the body; both genital structures are present but not well defined. As remarked by Valadão et al. (2018), who conducted a molecular phylogenetic study of P. commutatum (= P. gallinum), DNA sequences from other isolates of Postharmostomum, (including the one studied here), may yet confirm the cosmopolitan distribution of P. commutatum or reveal a hidden diversity related to this genus of avian trematodes.

The progressive development of the metacercariae of the studied brachylaimid from juveniles to mature adults and finally to gravid worms in Gallus gallus domesticus (Figs. 2 A–D) is an indication that the domestic chick is a susceptible experimental host. However, the recovery of gravid adults from free range Gallus gallus domesticus from Ase and Tombia confirms that these birds are the definitive host of this brachylaimid. Moreover, the infection prevalence in both experimental and naturally infected hosts is very similar.

Results obtained in this study have shown that the parasite recovered from Limicolaria spp. and Archachatina spp. is not B. fuscatum previously recorded by Awharitoma et al. (2003). In contrast, the brachylaimid parasites recovered from experimental and naturally infected domestic chicken from Ase and Tombia is Postharmostomum ntowi described by Hodasi (1967) from domestic chicken and the Guinea fowl in Ghana (Hodasi, 1976). Okon and Enyenihi (1980) provided neither measurements nor illustrations for the Postharmostomum sp. they reported from chickens in Oron, Nigeria but judging from the infection site reported (the caeca), it is likely that this parasite was also P. ntowi. The similarities shared by the two parasite populations from Ghana and Nigeria, respectively, include: elongated body lengths that are in the same size range (see Table 5), intestinal caeca that is continuously sinuous down to the posterior extremity as well as the testes and ovary arrangement (the testes are obliquely tandem while the ovary is opposite the anterior testis). Another shared feature is the anterior reach of the uterus which terminates close to the posterior end of the pharynx. As in the type specimens of P. ntowi, the vitelline follicles are both extra-caecal and intra-caecal, extending anteriorly to a point behind the posterior edge of the ventral sucker and posteriorly to the anterior regions of the ovary and the anterior testis (Fig. 2D and Fig. 3). This finding has shown that P. ntowi is not restricted to Ghana but may be widespread in the West African sub-region. Okon and Enyenihi (1980) remarked that humid climate (as in coastal area of Ghana and Oron in Cross River State of Nigeria), may be a factor in the development and transmission of the parasite. This may be so as Ase, where we recorded this parasite is located in a freshwater creek environment where it rains most of the year. It should therefore be expected that this brachylaimid may be a common parasite of domestic chicken in the humid coastal communities of southern Nigeria.

Comparison of the morphometrics of P. ntowi from experimental and natural infections in Nigeria with the Ghanian specimens.

Parameters Natural infections (Ghana) 28th day post-infection in chicks (Nigeria) Natural infection (Nigeria) (this study)

Range Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD
Body length (BL) 6300–11100 5600–700 6600±800 7100–10000 8600±900
Maximum width 1700–3100 1400–2100 1600±230 1800–2700 2200±400
Oral sucker length 840–1130 600–830 720±90 1000–1200 1000±60
Oral sucker width 780–1070 570–930 790-±120 1000–1400 1100±100
Ventral sucker length 560–880 500–600 550±40 600–800 700±80
Ventral sucker width 533–780 470–730 550±80 530–830 700±100
OSW/VSV ratio - 1100–1700 1500±200 1400–2600 1700±300
Distance between suckers - 800–1330 1110±190 1100–1700 1400±200
Forebody length (FBL) - 1770–2100 1940±120 2100–2900 2500±200
FBL as percentage of BL - 25.9–34.5 29.6±2.9 25.7–34.5 29.7±3.0
Pharynx length 400–630 370–470 410±40 500–700 600±70
Pharyx width 400–590 330–470 400±41 400–600 500±50
Oesophagus length - 30–130 90±40 70–130 90±3
Anterior testis length 470–1180 430–630 520±80 500–1000 700±200
Anterior testis width 440–1000 400–600 510±70 330–730 900±200
Posterior testis length 810–1380 400–600 470±70 500–800 700±120
Posterior testis width 560–1030 500–900 780±15 700–1600 1100±240
Cirrus pouch length 350–740 570–670 630±38 600–1030 800±140
Cirrus pouch width 290–590 530–670 640±53 600–1300 900±200
Ovary length 400–650 330–530 400±76 400–700 600±100
Ovary width 300–520 370–430 390±32 300–600 500±100
Egg length 23–33 - - 30–35 30±3
Egg width 15–19 - - 13–20 17±2

In conclusion, this study has unravelled the life cycle of P. ntowi and has shown that Limicolaria aurora and the unidentified Limicolaria sp. are the first intermediate host of P. ntowi in Ase and Tombia. The two Limicolaria spp. along with A. marginata and A. payracea serve as second intermediate host for this parasite. Thapsia oscitans is apparently the exception as no infection with larval stages of P. ntowi was recorded in this snail. It has also been shown that the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is not only a susceptible experimental host for P. ntowi, but the definitive host for this parasite with the record of natural infections in free-range birds. Full maturity is attained in about 28 days under experimental conditions with recovery rates ranging from 8 to 19 %. The confirmation of P. ntowi infection in Gallus gallus domesticus in Nigeria extends the geographical range of the parasite. Since according to Hodasi (1976) P. ntowi infection is not restricted to domestic chicken in Ghana, it will be necessary to investigate the host range of this parasite in Nigeria.
