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Methodology for the assessment of damage and economic losses from harm to forest ecosystems as a result of armed aggression

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Estimation of capital expenditures for the restoration of disturbed ecosystems.

Indicators Quantity Price, tax, UAH Amount, UAH
Expenditures for clearing lands damaged as a result of hostilities (pollution with fuel and lubricants and other chemicals, radiation, solid waste (including remnants of military equipment, ammunition); burial of bodies of people and animals that died), thousand hectares
Expenditures for land reclamation, which were violated as a result of hostilities, thousand hectares
Costs for planting forests, thousand hectares
Costs for the restoration of planting material, thousand hectares
Costs for the construction, arrangement, and maintenance of engineering structures, units for each type
Costs for the renewal of forest infrastructure, units for each species
Costs for the restoration of forest flora, units for each species or thousands of hectares
Costs for the restoration of forest fauna, units for each species
Costs for the restoration of mycelium, thousand hectares
Costs for the restoration of forest protection strips, thousand hectares
Demining costs, units
Expenses for the implementation of hydraulic measures, including (if necessary) the clearing of rivers or other water bodies

Compensation for loss of cultural, aesthetic, recreational, landscape components of forest ecosystems and related indicators.

Source / Service Indicator / Criterion Gain Price, tax, UAH
Natural landscapes of biodiversity, processes, and phenomena in ecosystems / Recreation and spiritual enrichment services Health properties and sensory information: attractive landscapes, favorable climatic conditions, microclimate, phenology, clean air, no negative anthropogenic impacts Opportunities for physical recreation, medical or psychological rehabilitation. Opportunities for aesthetic pleasure, spiritual enrichment, spiritual practices Equivalent to the health effect (including avoidance of medical expenses and time spent on treatment). The equivalent of the cost you are willing to pay for transportation to and from natural areas. Economic benefits of communities, organizations, and households
Natural ecosystems of all types / Services of cognition (scientific, educational, upbringing) Possibility of the scientific study of biodiversity and natural processes Production of scientific knowledge (in particular for the needs of medicine, and agriculture) Profit from the introduction of scientific knowledge (in particular for the needs of medicine, and agriculture). Economic benefits from the improvement of methods of agriculture, medicine, and protection of the population. Economic benefits of communities, organizations, households
Natural landscapes / Environment for recreation, tourism, rural green tourism, ecotourism Health properties, and sensory information: attractive landscapes, favorable climatic conditions, microclimate, phenology, clean air, no negative anthropogenic impacts Opportunities for physical recreation, medical or psychological rehabilitation Opportunities for aesthetic pleasure, spiritual enrichment, spiritual practices Equivalent health effect. Economic benefit of communities, organizations, households

Estimation of costs incurred to prevent or reduce losses.

Indicators Amount, UAH
Costs of fire fighting, ha
The cost of partial infrastructure upgrades
Expenditures on intensive patrol of forests
Costs of organizing and conducting stationary and dynamic patrols

An estimate of the lost profits that could have been derived from a saved resource, territory, or object.

Indicators Quantity Price, tax, UAH Amount, UAH
Revenues from the sale of the main types of logging and logging activities
Revenues from the sale of products of processing of secondary forest resources and by-products of forest use
Income from tourist and recreational activities
Income from hunting
Revenues from the sale of planting material
Reporting of forestries for previous years

Estimation of losses due to the lack of opportunities to use natural resources to ensure the living conditions of the population.

Indicators Quantity Price, tax, UAH Amount, UAH
Loss of forestry income due to inability to harvest firewood for the population living within/near the forest, ha
Loss of forestry income due to the impossibility of harvesting peat for the population living within/near the forest, ha
Loss of household income due to inability to harvest mushrooms by the population living within/near the forest, ha
Loss of household income due to the impossibility of harvesting berries by the population of the community living within/near the forest, ha
Loss of household income due to the impossibility of harvesting medicinal plants by the population of the community living within/near the forest, ha

Component (resource) approach to the calculation of damage to forest ecosystems and their natural objects.

Resource type UOM Amount Type of damage The nature of the damage Fee for calculating the amount of damage
Forest soils 1000ha Disturbed soils Burning due to fireCompaction, disturbance of soil structure and cover due to the movement of heavy machinery *App.10.
Removal of soil cover, pollution, and littering of their territories **App. 10
Forest plantations: lists by the degree of maturity and predominant species of stands 1000ha or m3 Destroyed, damaged trees:- to the point of cessation of growth; - to the extent of non-cessation of growth FiresBombingMovement of heavy equipment, military units *App. 1,2
Wood resources m3 Felled trees Aggressors + for defense purposes *App. 1,2
Forest undergrowth 1000ha Destruction of and damage to forest crops, natural growth, self-seeding, seedlings, and saplings FiresBombingMovement of heavy equipment, military units *App. 3
Herbaceous vegetation 1000ha Destruction or damage Same as above *App. 7
Mycelium 1000ha Destruction or damage Same as above
Medicinal plants 1000ha Destruction or damage Same as above *App. 10
Berries 1000ha The same Same as above *App. 10
Animals Units Destruction of wildlife, damage to or destruction of their dwellings and buildings, habitats, and reproduction FiresBombingMovement of heavy equipment, military units.Smoke, noise **App. 7
Birds Units The same Same as above **App. 7
Insects (bees) Units Destruction of habitats and reproduction Same as above **App. 7
Forest infrastructure Units Destruction of or damage to information and security and other signs, drainage ditches, drainage, anti-erosion systems, roads, and other objects FiresBombingMovement of heavy equipment, military units. *App. 6
*App. 8
**App. 12

Estimation of losses due to lack of care options and forest management.

Indicators Quantity Price, tax, UAH Amount, UAH
Forest losses due to the impossibility of forest pathological examinations, ha
Forest losses due to the impossibility of carrying out extermination work in the centers of pests and diseases by land methods, ha
Deterioration of forests due to the impossibility of felling care, sanitary felling
Forest losses due to the impossibility of artificial reforestation on fellings
Forest losses due to the inability to prevent forest fires
Losses due to the impossibility of growing seedlings, new planting material

Assessment of losses of forest regulatory functions and ecosystem maintenance services.

Source / Service Indicator / Criterion Gain Approach to evaluation
Natural vegetation, the presence of moisture, and natural processes in terrestrial ecosystems of all types / Regulation of surface temperature and air Protection of soil with vegetation, transpiration, and evaporation from the surface of reservoirs, soil; preservation of soil structure Maintaining stable climatic conditions, microclimate, providing comfortable living conditions for people, agricultural activities; protection against natural disasters Due to possible losses or compensatory measures (due to loss of crops, the need for air conditioning of living space and storage facilities)
Natural vegetation, moisture, and natural processes in terrestrial ecosystems of all types / Regulation of moisture cycle (regulation of local precipitation, humidity) Processes of transpiration, evaporation from the surface of water bodies, soil, plants. Water-holding capacity of vegetation Preservation of fresh water sources. Maintaining stable climatic conditions, and microclimate, providing comfortable living conditions for people, and agricultural activities; protection against natural disasters The cost of fresh water used for drinking, industrial water supply. The cost of moisture control can also be estimated according to possible losses or compensatory measures: due as crop loss or the need for artificial irrigation
Natural and artificially formed woody vegetation / Regulation of air flows (reduction of wind force and speed, peak gusts) Shielding of air flows by forests and artificial plantings Maintaining stable climatic conditions, microclimate, providing comfortable living conditions for people, agricultural activities; protection against natural disasters The cost of temperature control can be estimated through possible losses or compensatory measures: due to crop loss, destruction of residential, domestic and industrial premises, as well as other ecosystems
Natural vegetation in ecosystems of all types / Regulation of air composition and quality The ability of vegetation to affect the concentration of atmospheric gases, and pollutants in the air, accumulate them in organic matter, and neutralize pollutants Maintaining a stable composition of atmospheric air provides comfortable living conditions for people and agricultural activities Estimating the cost of temperature control due to possible losses or compensatory measures: due to deteriorating health, treatment costs, and reduced life expectancy
Terrestrial ecosystems of all types, as well as artificial plantations with closed vegetation / Replenishment of groundwater Infiltration of precipitation (including snow retention), their cleaning, and transportation to soil horizons Water supply, increase in yield The cost of water consumed from groundwater horizons, and surface water originating from underground sources. When groundwater has healing and health properties, evaluate the equivalent of the health effect
Natural vegetation in terrestrial ecosystems of all types. Artificial plantings (forest strips, reclaimed lands, buffer strips, fallows) / Soil formation Presence of soil organisms and natural grassy vegetation, rhizosphere. Reduction of vegetation strength and power in surface runoff, reduction of wind speed Soil fertility, and the possibility of growing crops The cost of products grown using soils
Natural vegetation in terrestrial ecosystems of all types / Protection of soils from erosion The presence of natural vegetation protects soils from drying out, wind and water erosion, and ultraviolet light; affecting the level of the albedo of the earth’s surface Soil fertility, the possibility of growing agricultural crops. No costs for the use of fertilizers and the cost of surface water quality The cost of products grown using soils. Biodiversity conservation
Coastal ecosystems of watercourses and reservoirs / Protection against natural disasters, mitigation of adverse climatic conditions. Shore protection Natural properties of coastal vegetation to resist the kinetic processes of shoreline abrasion Protection of settlements and agricultural lands from the destructive effects of floods It is possible to estimate the cost of shore protection through possible losses or compensatory measures: due to the loss of crops, destruction of residential, domestic, industrial premises, and other ecosystems
Vegetation / Primary productivity of ecosystems and greenhouse gas deposits The cycle of matter and energy, the formation of primary biomass through photosynthesis. Removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and accumulation in biomass of living plants (wood) and their dead parts Formation of stable climatic conditions. Avoiding the effects of droughts, rapid climate fluctuations, and natural disasters Calculation of the value of greenhouse gas emission allowances. The damage from climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions should also be taken into account.
Ecosystems of all types / Biodiversity Natural processes in ecosystems Formation of genetic and species diversity of living organisms; creation of permanent interspecific groups; formation of natural balance in ecosystems with the highest bio-productivity and resistance to fluctuations in environmental conditions The basis for the future economic development of the community and improvement of people’s living standards
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Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Ecology, other