À propos de cet article


Figure 1.

Scatter plot of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy
Scatter plot of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy

Figure 2.

Bland–Altman plot of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy
Bland–Altman plot of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy

Figure 3.

Histogram of overconfidence in financial literacy
Histogram of overconfidence in financial literacy

Definitions of variables in study

Variable Definition
female dummy variable for gender: 0 indicating male and 1 indicating female
indigenous dummy variable for self-identification of being indigenous Australian: 0 indicating no and 1 indicating yes
above20 dummy variable for being 20 years old or above: 0 indicating no and 1 indicating yes
non_English dummy variable for speaking a language other than English at home: 0 indicating no and 1 indicating yes
paid_work dummy variable for doing paid work: 0 indicating no and 1 indicating yes
study_biz dummy variable for studying business at university: 0 indicating no and 1 indicating yes
self_rate_avg the average self-rating on the level of understanding of eight aspects of financial literacy (i.e., budgeting, saving, managing debt, investing, retirement planning, taxation, insurance, and superannuation) each on a five-band Likert scale (i.e., 1 – very low, 2 – low, 3 – fair, 4 – high, and 5 – very high)
test_overall the total number of correct answers to a panel of 14 quizzes on various aspects of financial literacy
rescaled_test_overall Rescaled test_overall to a range between 1 and 5: rescaled_test_overall = 4 x test_overall / 14 + 1
overconfidence overconfidence in financial literacy: overconfidence = self_rate_avg - rescaled_test_overall

Operationalisation of financial literacy constructs

Constructs Questions Source
Budgeting, saving, managing debt 1. Compound interest Lusardi and Mitchell, 2009
2. Inflation Lusardi and Mitchell, 2009
3. Budgeting Mandell, 2008
4. Borrowing Mandell, 2008
5. Credit card debt Mandell, 2008
Investing 6. Risky assets Lusardi and Mitchell, 2009
7. Long period returns Bateman, et al., 2012
Superannuation, retirement planning, and insurance knowledge 8. Performance indicator ANZ, 2011
9. Concessional tax rate Chardon, 2014
10. Life insurance need Mandell, 2008
11. Car insurance Mandell, 2008
Taxation knowledge 12. Assessable income Chardon, 2014
13. Tax payable Chardon, 2014
14. Negative gearing Chardon, 2014

Numerical summary of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy in sample

Variable N M Mdn SD Skew Kurt Min Max Q1 Q3
self_rate_avg 363 2.68 2.50 .79 .62 .19 1.00 5.00 2.13 3.13
test_overall 316 6.70 7.00 2.75 .02 -.49 .00 13.00 5.00 9.00
Overconfidence 316 -.23 -.25 .80 .35 .15 -2.32 2.09 -.79 .23

Regression coefficient estimates

B β t p
Constant -.504 - -4.090 <.001***
female .139 .071 1.230 .220
Indigenous -.063 -.013 -.222 .824
above20 -.073 -.045 -.792 .429
non-English .466 .184 3.193 .002***
paid_work .187 .111 1.897 .059*
study_biz .080 .035 .612 .541

Seemingly unrelated regressions of self-rated and tested levels of financial literacy

Unconstrained model Constrained model
self_rate_avg p rescaled_test_overall p self_rate_avg p rescaled_test_overall p
female -.454 <.001 -.594 <.001 -.526 <.001 -.526 <.001
indigenous .347 .193 .409 .117 .379 .090 .379 .090
above20 .195 .024 .268 .002 .233 .001 .233 .001
non_English .299 .030 -.168 .214 .268 .052 -.139 .304
study_biz .057 .644 -.023 .849 .016 .880 .016 .880
paid_work .241 .009 .055 .550 .145 .064 .145 .064
constant 2.748 <.001 3.251 <.001 2.86 <.001 3.14 <.001
χ2(d.f.), p 35.37(6) <.001 46.28(6) <.001 55.22(6) <.001 50.67(6) <.001
R-squared .105 .133 .099 .128
residuals r, p .441, <.001 .432, <.001
joint constraints test: χ2(d.f.), p n.a. 7.09(5),.214

Demographics of respondents

Demographics Frequency Per cent % (n=302)
Female 238 79
Indigenous 8 3
20 yrs and above 133 44
Non-English at home 33 11
Paid work 203 67
Studying business 42 14
Living at home 170 56