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Understanding the Leveraged Life Cycle Investment Strategy for Defined-Contribution Plan Investors

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Correlation Matrix

US Stocks Bonds
Stocks 1 0.067
Bonds 0.067 1

Descriptive Statistics for the US Nominal Returns Data (1900-2011)

Stocks Bonds Bills
Geometric Mean (%) 9.30 5.00 3.90
Arithmetic Mean (%) 11.27 5.38 3.95
Median (%) 13.78 3.67 4.07
Maximum (%) 57.09 40.36 14.71
Minimum (%) -43.54 -14.90 -0.02
Standard Deviation (%) 19.97 8.87 2.82
Skewness -0.37 1.22 0.73
Kurtosis 2.84 5.40 4.02
Jarque-Bera Statistic 2.62 54.55* 14.72*

Investment Strategies

Investment Strategy Symbol Description
Lifestyle strategy

100 stocks

100 bonds


100% stocks allocation

100% bonds allocation

60% stocks and 40% bonds allocation

LC90 Modelled after Vanguard Target Retirement Funds. Start with 90% stocks, 10% bonds allocation for the first 20 years, and then decrease the stock weights 2% annually in a linear pattern to reach an allocation of 50% stocks and 50% bonds at retirement.
LC95 Modelled after Principle Funds. Start with 95% stocks, 5% bonds allocation, and experience a gradual decline 1% annually away from stocks to reach an allocation of 56% stocks and 49% bonds at retirement.
DLC2020 Start with 100% stocks for the first 20 years. At the end of 20 years, if the target is achieved, the assets are switched to a portfolio comprising of 80% stocks and 20% fixed income; otherwise, remain invested in 100% stocks. This process is also carried out for the next 10 years. In the last 10 years, the assets are switched to a portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% fixed income if the target is achieved. Otherwise, remain invested in 100% stocks.
DLC3010 Similar to above, except that it starts with 100% stocks for the first 30 years. This process is carried out for the next 5 years. In the last 5 years, the assets are switched to a portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% fixed income if the target is achieved. Otherwise, remain invested in 100% stocks.
Leveraged life cycle strategy LLC100 Start with leverage at 2:1 and fully invested in stocks. When the current savings exceed 20% of discount lifetime savings; investors start to deleverage as savings continue to rise, until the current savings hit the 50% stock allocation. After that, investors maintain the market exposure. Risk-free rate plus 100 basis points is used as the margin rate.
LLC200 Similar to above, except that, instead of using risk-free rate plus 100 basis points as the margin rate, it uses a risk-free rate plus 200 basis points as the margin rate.

Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) Estimates for Different Investment Strategies

Investment strategy VaR at different confidence levels ES at 95% confidence level
99% 95% 90%
PANEL A (leveraged life cycle versus lifestyle investment strategies)
LLC100 3.03 4.28 5.16 3.52
LLC200 2.98 4.28 5.19 3.50
100 Stocks 2.02 3.36 4.50 2.53
100 Bonds 2.44 2.87 3.16 2.60
Balanced 2.94 4.01 4.85 3.35
LLC200 - Balanced 0.04 0.27 0.34 0.15
PANEL B (leveraged life cycle versus life cycle investment strategies)
LLC100 3.03 4.28 5.16 3.52
LLC200 2.98 4.28 5.19 3.50
LC90 2.82 4.02 4.92 3.29
LC95 2.89 4.06 5.00 3.35
LLC200 – LC90 0.16 0.26 0.27 0.21
LLC200 – LC95 0.09 0.22 0.19 0.15
PANEL C (leveraged life cycle versus dynamic life cycle investment strategies)
LLC100 3.03 4.28 5.16 3.52
LLC200 2.98 4.28 5.19 3.50
DLC3010 2.01 3.38 4.54 2.54
DLC2020 2.04 3.45 4.64 2.58
LLC200 – DLC3010 0.97 0.90 0.65 0.96
LLC200 – DLC2020 0.94 0.83 0.55 0.92

Distribution Parameters of Retirement Wealth Ratio (RWR)

Investment strategy Mean Median 75th Percentile 25th Percentile
PANEL A (leveraged life cycle versus lifestyle investment strategies)
LLC100 12.41 10.50 15.38 7.16
LLC200 12.22 10.31 15.11 7.09
100 Stocks 19.70 13.02 23.52 7.35
100 Bonds 4.86 4.53 5.62 3.74
Balanced 10.81 9.29 13.28 6.65
LLC200 - Balanced 1.41 1.02 1.83 0.44
PANEL B (leveraged life cycle versus life cycle investment strategies)
LLC100 12.41 10.50 15.38 7.16
LLC200 12.22 10.31 15.11 7.09
LC90 13.61 10.69 16.68 7.03
LC95 12.71 10.28 15.62 6.96
LLC200 – LC90 -1.39 -0.38 -1.57 0.06
LLC200 – LC95 -0.49 0.03 -0.51 0.13
PANEL C (leveraged life cycle versus dynamic life cycle investment strategies)
LLC100 12.41 10.50 15.38 7.16
LLC200 12.22 10.31 15.11 7.09
DLC3010 18.31 13.23 22.69 7.54
DLC2020 15.91 13.20 20.18 7.73
LLC200 – DLC3010 -6.09 -2.92 -7.58 -0.45
LLC200 – DLC2020 -3.69 -2.89 -5.07 -0.64

Key Assumptions

Variable Assumption
Starting Balance $0
Starting Salary $25,000
Salary Growth Rate 4% p.a.
Contribution Rate 9% p.a.
Starting Age 25
Retirement Age 65