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Dietary adherence and the associated factors among Indonesian patients with type 2 diabetes: what should we be concerned about?

À propos de cet article


Figure 1.

The scores of dietary adherence.
The scores of dietary adherence.

The dietary adherence and the associated factors.

Variables f (%) Dietary adherence (M ± SD) F/r/P value
Age (years) r = 0.111, P = nsa; F = 0.363, P = nsb
  35–44 2 (2.4) 28 ± 4.24
  45–54 23 (27.0) 29.57 ± 10.05
  55–64 31 (36.5) 29.55 ± 8.95
  >65 29 (34.1) 30.52 ± 8.87
Gender rpb = -0.095, P = nsc
  Male 20 (23.5) 28.2 ± 9.21
  Female 65 (76.5) 30.16 ± 7.55
Employment status rpb = 0.002, P = nsc
  Active working 32 (37.6) 30.08 ± 8.66
  Unemployment 53 (62.4) 29.56 ± 9.24
Married status rpb = -0.002, P = nsc
  Married 67 (78.8) 30.15 ± 8.83
  Single 18 (21.2) 28.94 ± 9.72
Comorbidities rpb = -0.208, P = 0.056c
  No comorbidity 39 (45.9) 31.47 ± 8.12
  Comorbid others 46 (54.1) 28.02 ± 9.16
Living with DM (years) r = 0.094, P = nsa; rpb = -0.219, P = 0.044c
  >10 16 (18.8) 31.12 ± 9.17
  <10 69 (81.2) 29.55 ± 8.97
BMI (kg/m2) (N = 63) r = -0.008, P = nsa; F = 0.150, P = nsb
  18.5-22.9 18 (21.3) 30 ± 9.20
  23-24.9 13 (15.3) 31 ± 9.29
  >25 32 (37.6) 29.40 ± 8.54
Random blood glucose (mg/dL) (N = 78) r = 0.016, P = nsa; rpb = 0.010, P = nsc
  <200 51 (60.0) 29.39 ± 9.07
  >200 27 (31.8) 29.75 ± 8.87
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dL) (N = 12) r = -0.055, P = nsa; rpb = 0.268, P = nsc
  <125 6 (50) 26 ± 8.85
  >125 6 (50) 32.83 ± 12.30

Characteristics of respondents (n = 85).

Variables n % Mean (SD)
Age (years) 60.2 (8.48)
  35-44 2 0.024
  45-54 23 0.270
  55-64 31 0.365
  ≥65 29 0.341
Living with diabetes (years) 7.3 (6.85)
  ≤10 69 0.812
  >10 16 0.188
Random blood glucose (mg/dL), N=78 187.6 (91.60)
  <200 51 0.600
  ≥200 27 0.318
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dL), N=12 124.6 (35.56)
  <125 6 0.500
  ≥125 6 0.500
BMI (kg/m2), N=63 25.8 (4.48)
  18.5–22.9 18 0.213
  23–24.9 13 0.153
  ≥25 32 0.376
  Male 20 0.235
  Female 65 0.763
Married status 0.788
  Married 67 0.212
  Single 18
Employment status
  Active working 32 0.376
  Unemployed 53 0.624
  None 39 0.459
  Comorbid 46 0.541

The score of PDAQ instrument.

No. Variable Mean ± SD
1 Adherence to healthy diet suitable for diabetic patient 4.50 ± 2.84
2 Adherence to consume fruits and vegetables 4.60 ± 2.30
3 Adherence to consume low-sugar carbohydrates 2.08 ± 2.40
4 Adherence to limit high-sugar diets 4.41 ± 2.26
5 Adherence to consume high-fibre diets 2.25 ± 2.43
6 Adherence to put an interval in daily carbohydrates intake 4.05 ± 3.23
7 Adherence to consume fish and other diets with high omega-3 2.82 ± 1.86
8 Adherence to fried foods with olive/organic oil 0.72 ± 1.89
9 Adherence to limit high-fat diets 4.28 ± 2.45
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing