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Assessment of tree vitality as an indicator of monitoring the health condition of community forest in agroforestry patterns

À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Design of FHM cluster plot (USDA-FS 1999)
Design of FHM cluster plot (USDA-FS 1999)

Figure 2

Graph of the percentage (%) each type of tree damage
Graph of the percentage (%) each type of tree damage

Figure 3

Types of damage: A – damaged foliage on teak trees (Tectona grandis); B – broken branch on jengkol trees (Achidendron pauciflorum); C – open wounds on petai trees (Parkia speciosa)
Types of damage: A – damaged foliage on teak trees (Tectona grandis); B – broken branch on jengkol trees (Achidendron pauciflorum); C – open wounds on petai trees (Parkia speciosa)

Code, tree damage location, type of tree damage, and serious illness

Code Tree Damage Location Code Type of Tree Damage Code Severity (%)
0 No damage 01 Cancer 1 10
1 Roots (exposed) and “stump” 02 Conks 2 20
2 Roots and lower bole 03 Open wounds 3 30
3 Lower bole 04 Resinosis/gummosis 4 40
4 Lower and upper boles 05 Broken branch 5 50
5 Upper bole 06 Termite nests 6 60
6 Crown stems 11 Broken bole/roots 7 70
7 Branches 12 Brooms on roots/bole 8 80
8 Buds and shoots 13 Broken/dead roots 9 90
9 Foliage 20 Liana (choker plant/vines in crown)
21 Loos of apical dominance, dead terminal
22 Broken/dead
23 Excessive branching/brooms
24 Damaged foliage/shoots
25 Discoloration of foliage
26 Puru/tumor rust
31 Other

Tree individual VCR values

VCR Value Criteria
4 (High) All header condition parameters are 3, or only 1 parameter has a value of 2, none parameter that is worth 1
3 (Currently) More combinations of values 3 and 2 in header parameter, or all value 2, but not there is a parameter that is worth 1
2 (Low) At least 1 parameter is worth 1, but not all parameters
1 (Very low) All header condition parameters are 1

The VCR values for each of cluster plot FHM

Cluster plot FHM VCR Category
1 2.84 low
2 3.14 moderate
3 2.77 low
4 3.36 high
5 3.37 high
6 3.32 high
7 3.21 moderate

The species and number of damaged trees

Tree Species Many Trees are Damaged
Avocado/Alpukat (Persea americana) 2
Bayur/Bayur (Pterospermum javanicum) 2
Pecan/Kemiri (Aleurites moluccanus) 3
Rubber/Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) 2
Jengkol/Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) 1
Medang/Medang (Dehaasia cuenata) 4
Jackfruit/Nangka (Artocarpus heterophylla) 3
Mango/Mangga (Mangifera indica) 1
Noni/Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) 2
Sengon Buto/Sengon Buto (Entorolobium cyclocarpum) 1
Melinjo/Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) 1
Wareng/Wareng (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) 8
Teak/Jati (Tectona grandis) 1
Petai/Petai (Parkia speciosa) 4
Total Number of Trees 35

The CLI value for each cluster plot FHM

Cluster plot FHM CLI Category
1 2.84 moderate
2 3.32 high
3 3.60 high
4 2.22 low
5 2.93 moderate
6 2.71 moderate
7 2.64 low
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine