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Lelliottia nimipressuralis (Carter 1945) Brady et al. 2013 as the causative agent of bacterial wetwood disease of common silver fir (Abies alba mill.)

À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Macro-signs of bacterial wetwood disease in Abies alba:A – cracks and exudate on rhytidome; B – ulcer formed with exposed secondary phloem and wound meristem (callus); C – wet base of the trunk; D1 – dieback of epicormic shoots; D2 – settlement of secondary pathogens
Macro-signs of bacterial wetwood disease in Abies alba:A – cracks and exudate on rhytidome; B – ulcer formed with exposed secondary phloem and wound meristem (callus); C – wet base of the trunk; D1 – dieback of epicormic shoots; D2 – settlement of secondary pathogens

Figure 2

Wet ulcer on the trunk, under the bark of which dark brown affected areas of wood were found against the background of healthy light-coloured wood – A and affected (as if burned) vessels of the sapwood part of the knot – B
Wet ulcer on the trunk, under the bark of which dark brown affected areas of wood were found against the background of healthy light-coloured wood – A and affected (as if burned) vessels of the sapwood part of the knot – B

Figure 3

Bacterial colonies on potato agar isolated from common silver fir
Bacterial colonies on potato agar isolated from common silver fir

Figure 4

Colonies of the collection strain Erwinia nimipressuralis 8791 on potato agar
Colonies of the collection strain Erwinia nimipressuralis 8791 on potato agar

Figure 5

Cells of the causative agent of bacterial wetwood disease of common silver fir under a light microscope
Cells of the causative agent of bacterial wetwood disease of common silver fir under a light microscope

Figure 6

Characteristics of F5 isolate which were determined by using the NEFERMtest24 MikroLaTE test system
Characteristics of F5 isolate which were determined by using the NEFERMtest24 MikroLaTE test system

Figure 7

Growth of bacterial isolates on glucose medium (anaerobic) using the NEFERMtest24 MikroLaTEST®, ErbaLachema test system
Growth of bacterial isolates on glucose medium (anaerobic) using the NEFERMtest24 MikroLaTEST®, ErbaLachema test system

Figure 8

Characteristics of isolate 11 using API 20E test system
Characteristics of isolate 11 using API 20E test system

Physiological and biochemical properties of isolates fromwooden samples of fir (affection of type a) by using the TNEFERMtest24 MikroLaTEST®, ErbaLachema test system

Symbol Test Isolates from fir (4)
OXI Oxidase +
URE Urease +
ARG Arginine +
ORN Ornithine +
LYS Lysine
AAM Acetamide +
βGL β-Glucosidase +
NAG N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamididase
SCI Simpson citrate +
LAC Lactose
MAN Mannitol +
TRE Trehalose +
XYL Xylose +
ARA Arabinose +
αGA α-Galactosidase
βGA β-Galactosidase
MAL Malonate +
GAL Galactose +
MLT Maltose
CEL Cellobiose +
SUC Saccharose +
INO Inositol
γGT γ-Glutamyl transferase +
PHS Phosphatase +
ESL Esculin +
Glucose (anaerobic)

Morphological and biochemical properties of isolates from fir

Tests Bacterial isolates Erwinia nimipressuralis 8791
1 2 3
Gram's staining
Yellow pigment
Reduction of nitrates + +
Formation of H2S
Formation of indole
β-Galactosidase + +
Arginine dehydrolase
Lysine decarboxylase
Ornithine decarboxylase + +
The use of citrate + +
Tryptophan deaminase + +
Voges–Proskauer reaction + +
Pectinase activity
The use of: Glucose (anaerobic) + +
Mannitol + +
Rhamnose + +
Melibiose + +
Amygdalin + +
Arabinose + +

Physiological and biochemical properties of fir isolates (affection of type a, Fig. 2) (test system API 20 E)

Tests Bacterial isolates
Yellow pigment
Reduction of nitrates +
Formation of H2S
Formation of indole
Arginine dehydrolase +
Lysine decarboxylase +
Ornithine decarboxylase +
The use of citrate +
Tryptophan deaminase +
Voges–Proskauer reaction +
Gelatinase +
The use of glucose (anaerobic)
Mannitol, inositol, sorbitol, rhamnose, saccharose
Melibiose, amygdalin, arabinose
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine