À propos de cet article


Figure 1

One-year survival based on clinical staging.
One-year survival based on clinical staging.

Figure 2

Two-year survival based on clinical staging.
Two-year survival based on clinical staging.

Figure 3

Disease-specific survival based on clinical staging.
Disease-specific survival based on clinical staging.

Figure 4

Two-year survival based on tumor size.
Two-year survival based on tumor size.

Figure 5

Two-year survival based on nodal status.
Two-year survival based on nodal status.

Two-year survival multivariate analysis.

Variable HR 95% CI p value R2
Tumor location 1.048 0.918–1.196 0.489 0.188
T stage 1.749 1.261–2.425 0.001
N stage 1.212 0.997–1.474 0.049
Clinical stage 1.749 1.261–2.425 0.001

Bivariate analysis of prognostic factors for one-year survival.

Prognostic factor Event (+) OS p value
- ≤50 years old 50 (66.6) 25 (33.4) 0.448
- >50 years old 64 (68) 30 (32)
- Male 61 (70.1) 26 (29.9) 0.396
- Female 53 (64.6) 29 (35.4)
Tumor location
- Tongue 81 (65.8) 42 (34.2)
- Buccal mucosa 16 (72.8) 6 (27.2) 0.121
- Mandible-maxilla 13 (81.2) 3 (18.8)
- Palate 4 (80) 1 (20)
- Gingiva 0 (0) 3 (100)
T stage
- T1 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7)
- T2 4 (28.5) 10 (71.5) 0.006
- T3 6 (46.1) 7 (53.9)
- T4 103 (74.2) 36 (25.8)
N stage
- N0 35 (61.5) 22 (38.5)
- N1 29 (60.4) 19 (39.6) 0.034
- N2 48 (78.7) 13 (21.3)
- N3 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3)
Distant metastasis
- M0 106 (67) 52 (33) 0.490
- M1 8 (72.7) 3 (27.3)
Clinical stage
- I 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7)
- II 4 (28.5) 10 (71.5) 0.006
- III 6 (46.1) 7 (53.9)
- IV 103 (74.2) 36 (25.8)
Tumor differentiation
- Well differentiated 66 (64.7) 36 (35.3) 0.810
- Moderately differentiated 30 (71.4) 12 (28.6)
- Poorly differentiated 18 (72) 7 (28)
Tumor invasion (Bryne 1992)
- Low grade (Bryne score8) 61 (67) 30 (33) 0.773
- High grade (Bryne score >8) 53 (67.9) 25 (32.1)
Surgical margin
- Clear 13 (33.3) 26 (66.7) 0.039
- Involved 3 (100) 0

Bivariate analysis of prognostic factors for two-year survival.

Prognostic factor Event (+) OS p value
- ≤50 years old 62 (82.6) 13 (17.4) 0.637
- >50 years old 76 (80.8) 18 (19.2)
- Male 73 (84) 14 (16)
- Female 65 (79.3) 17 (20.7) 0.298
Tumor location
- Tongue 100 (81.3) 23 (18.7)
- Buccal mucosa 19 (86.4) 3 (13.6) 0.069
- Mandible-maxilla 14 (87.5) 2 (12.5)
- Palate 5 (100) 0 (0)
- Gingiva 0 (0) 3 (100)
T stage
- T1 1 (33.4) 2 (66.6)
- T2 6 (42.9) 8 (57.1) 0.001
- T3 9 (69.3) 4 (30.7)
- T4 122 (87.7) 17 (12.3)
N stage
- N0 43 (75.5) 14 (24.5)
- N1 37 (78) 11 (22) 0.014
- N2 56 (91.9) 5 (8,1)
- N3 2 (66.6) 1 (33.4)
Distant metastasis
- M0 128 (81) 30 (19) 0.396
- M1 10 (91) 1 (9)
Clinical stage
- I 1 (33.4) 2 (66.6)
- II 6 (42.8) 8 (57.2) 0.001
- III 9 (69.3) 4 (30.7)
- IV 122 (87.8) 17 (12.2)
Tumor differentiation
- Well differentiated 83 (81.4) 19 (18.6) 0.833
- Moderately differentiated 36 (85.7) 6 (14.3)
- Poorly differentiated 19 (76) 6 (24)
Tumor invasion (Bryne 1992)
- Low grade (Bryne score8) 75 (82.4) 16 (17.6) 0.646
- High grade (Bryne score >8) 63 (80.8) 15 (19.2)
Surgical margin
- Clear 21 (53.8) 18 (46.2) 0.039
- Involved 3 (100) 0

Baseline characteristics of OSCC patients in Surgical Oncology Division, Department of Surgery from 2014 to 2018.

Characteristic N %
- ≤50 years old 75 44.4
- >50 years old 94 55.6
- Male 87 51.5
- Female 82 48.5
Tumor location
- Tongue 123 72.8
- Buccal mucosa 22 13.0
- Mandible-maxilla 16 9.4
- Palate 5 3.0
- Gingiva 3 1.8
T stage
- T1 3 1.8
- T2 14 8.3
- T3 13 7.7
- T4 139 82.2
N stage
- N0 57 33.7
- N1 48 28.4
- N2 61 36.1
- N3 3 1.8
Distant metastasis (M)
- 0 158 93.5
- 1 11 6.5
Clinical stage
- I 3 1.8
- II 14 8.3
- III 13 7.7
- IV 139 82.2
- Keratin 140 82.8
- Non keratin 29 17.2
Tumor differentiation
- Well differentiated 102 60.4
- Moderately differentiated 42 24.9
- Poorly differentiated 25 14.8
Tumor invasion (Bryne 1992)
- Low grade (Bryne score8) 91 53.8
- High grade (Bryne score >8) 78 46.2
Surgical margin
- Clear 39 92.9
- Involved 3 7.1

One-year survival multivariate analysis.

Variable HR 95% CI p value R2
Tumor location 1.077 0.93–1.24 0.294 0.137
T stage 1.730 1.17–2.54 0.005
N stage 1.231 0.99–1.52 0.055
Clinical stage 1.730 1.17–2.54 0.005
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Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology