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“Appreciate me and i will be your good soldier”. The exploration of antecedents to consumer citizenship

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Fig. 1

Model for the creation of a digital ecosystem in the field of constructionSource: elaborated by the authors based on (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004).
Model for the creation of a digital ecosystem in the field of constructionSource: elaborated by the authors based on (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004).

Fig. 2

Classification of customer roles in the value co-creation processSource: elaborated by the authors based on (Agrawal and Rahman, 2015).
Classification of customer roles in the value co-creation processSource: elaborated by the authors based on (Agrawal and Rahman, 2015).

Fig. 3

Estimated PLS structural modelSource: elaborated by the authors based on SmartPLS 3.0 software.
Estimated PLS structural modelSource: elaborated by the authors based on SmartPLS 3.0 software.

Bootstrapping results for PLS-MGA (female vs male)

Path Coefficients Mean (female)Path Coefficients Mean (male)p-Values (female)p-Values (male)
Appreciation -> Spontan_CoCreate0.330−0.1940.0030.107
stability_need_fulfil -> Spontan_CoCreate0.5500.0420.0040.515

Rotaded Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa
Providing information on customer satisfaction0.791
Providing feedback on the company’s products, services and market activity (online and offline)0.764−0.340
Participating in customer surveys0.4040.516
Competence development0.853
Always buys the latest models available in the market0.760
Willing to buy the latest technology0.685−0.556
Knows brand names and the latest products offered in the market0.904
Usually identifies the latest products faster than others0.863
Showing appreciation0.884
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Measurement validity

Cronbachs Alpharho_AComposite ReliabilityAverage Variance Extracted (AVE)

Profile of survey respondents

SpecificationSample [%]
1. Gender
  a. Female53.3
  b. Male46.7
2. Age
  a. 18 – 25 years40.0
  b. 26 – 35 years11.4
  c. 36 – 45 years13.38
  d. 46 – 55 years15.2
  e. 56 – 56 years10.5
  f. 66 years and more9.5
3. Education
  a. Primary and junior high school2.9
  b. Vocational14.3
  c. Secondary general33.3
  d. Secondary technical28.6
  e. Higher21.0