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Types of actors involved in the Collaborative Development of Innovation in the case of a BVA

Type of actorDefinition
ProviderA Provider is the main developer responsible for the creation of a BVA. The Provider sells the agent to the Host
HostThe Host buys the agent from the Provider. Its employees use it to schedule meetings with other actors inside and outside of their organisation. The BVA learns the habits of the employees and has access to their calendars
GuestIts employees engage in the interaction with the BVA to schedule a meeting with the Host’s employees. They are facing a fait accompli

Virtual Assistants worldwide

Project nameBased inVirtual assistant image
Calendar.help (Cortana)RedmondArtificial
ClaraSan FranciscoHumanoid
Julie DeskParisHumanoid
Meet SallyNew YorkHumanoid
X.aiNew YorkHumanoid